Cap.VI: ''Mayday''
At the flower shop:
Youngjae grabbed his phone for checking his just received message. As he thought, it was a message from his boyfriend Jaebum, in which he wanted to take him out to a date in the park.
It has been almost 4 months since Youngjae accepted Jaebum into his life.
Jaebum was very responsable and took good care of his precious Youngjae. He always brought him food, coffee, he was always keeping him company whenever he had to work at the flower shop and made him cute surprises. Jaebum was really kind and loving...but lately Youngjae's state was getting bad suddenly.
With trembling hands, he dialed his brother's number. While he waited for Jinyoung to reply, he was breathing heavily, looking pale and rather worried, it was obvious that Youngjae was sick.
''Jinyoung...'' Youngjae said with a extinguished voice, it's not like him to be out of stamina and give into fatigue.
''Are you alright? You don't sound like you're feeling good.'' Jinyoung replied worried. ''Did you take your medication today?!'' he continued.
''Yes...I did...'' he whimpered.
''Your health is getting worse, I'm coming to you right now!''
''No, don't worry! I'm just...a bit tired. Look, I called you to ask if I should go on a date today with Jaebum...I really want to see him but after all...I don't want to burden him by letting him find out what's happening with me...'' Youngjae murmured.
''ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?! YOU'RE COMING HOME RIGHT NOW!'' Jinyoung raised the tone.
''But I love him...I'll be able to hide it.'' Youngjae tried to defend his point.
''I don't want you to fail and end up in a hospital's room again...please listen to me just once and make up an excuse that you can't see him today and just come home and rest okay?''
During a moment of silence between the two, Youngjae went at the shop's window, leaned on the window's sill and looked with teary and desperate eyes out of the window.
'' understood?'' Jinyoung said after a couple of minutes.
''Yes...'' Youngjae answered on a low tone before ending the call.
I have to see him, I'm already feeling better! He's the only hope I have left...Jaebum...
In the central park:
''It's nice that you made some time for me.'' Jaebum said slightly blushing, softly holding Youngjae's hand.
Youngjae told Jaebum that he wouldn't be able to see him today, but his heart said otherwise and even his bad health condition he still went to see Jaebum. Youngjae faked a wide smile and looked at Jaebum saying:
''I will always have time for you.'' after saying that they continued walking hand in hand, until Youngjae suddenly squeezed his boyfriend's hand.
''Oh, is something wrong?'' Jaebum noticed the tight grip between their hands.
''N-no, no!...I was thinking, would you like to go to a cafe later?'' he tried to dodge Jaebum's question and delay the subject.
''Sure, I'd love to! By the way, how was your day? You look pretty tired, I'm sure you had plenty of customers today.''
''Yea...Indeed...'' Youngjae suddenly stopped, feeling dizzy and very pale. Despite his cold hands, he was sweating and could barely keep himself on his feet.
''Youngjae! What's happening with you?'' Jaebum pulled him close and held him into his arms, slowly helping him to walk to the nearest bench.
With a hand placed on his hear and one tightly holding his boyfriend's hand, Youngjae tried to get over it and avoid revealing anything to Jaebum. After a few minutes of unclearly hearing Jaebum's desperate voice calling his name, Youngjae managed to stand up by his self and assure Jaebum that he suddenly felt exhausted and nearly fainted.
''Are you sure you wanna go to the cafe don't seem to feel alright Youngjae...'' Jaebum asked worried.
''Don't worry about me! I guess it's because I haven't eatten anything all day, better let's head for a restaurant!'' Youngjae tried to reply on his usual happy tone while he was wiping his sweat of his forehead.
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