Chapter 24 - An Angel and a Demon Part 2
Kate let out a loud moan as she woke up. Her body ached all over and the cot she was sleeping on was hard and offered no comfort at all. She sat up on the cot and swung her legs over the side, the chain her ankle was cuffed to rattled on the floor as she did so.
"The hell?" she murmured to herself. She didn't recall falling asleep in a dimly lit cell made of old cement and iron bard. She was wearing only a white tank top and denim jeans, her leather jacket was no where to be seen. She then felt the cold metal of the cuff locked around her neck. Based on the etchings on the cuff, it was there to make her miserable by not allowing her to use any of her powers. Great.
"Good you're awake," Kate didn't bother looking at the demon who had captured her. Damian leaned against the wall on the other side of the cell bars.
"Do you always fight so dirty?" Kate questioned in a very pissed off tone. She examined the chain her ankle was cuffed to, carefully reading the wardings.
"Not always, I had to make an exception for you though."
"And why's that? Too scared you'll lose to a girl?" Damian laughed at Kate's comment. He shifted and leaned his elbows against the iron bars, getting a better view at the girl. "Would you mind telling me where I am exactly?" Kate then crawled onto the floor to look at the wall where the chain was connected.
"hell," Damian answered.
"No it's not," Kate shot back. "Hell smells a lot worse than this," She looked up at Damian. "and the men aren't as pretty as you,"
"Oh so you do think I'm pretty,"
"Sure thing honey," Kate stood and approached the bars, putting her hands over his and leaning into it. "so why don't you come in here and we can raise a little hell of our own," She batted her eyelashes seductively.
"Mm, that's gonna be a hard no sweetheart," Damian stated firmly. "See my boss told me to keep my hands to myself around you,"
"Do you always do what he says?" Kate played. She moved her arms down and through the bars until they wrapped around the demon's waist. He made no effort to avoid the gesture whatsoever. Kate rested her chin on one of the horizontal bars, letting their faces be a mere inch apart.
"Not always," Damian smirked coyly. "but when it comes to someone as dangerous as you, I'd rather keep my job and follow the rules,"
"Doesn't look like your'e following the rules right now," Kate smiled.
"That's because I know that you're trying to reach into my back pocket and grab the keys to your cell," Kate immediately stopped her hand that had just found it's way around the keys. Damian smirked and grabbed her hand firmly and yanked it out of his pocket. He plucked the keys out of Kate's hand and backed away from the bars. "Sorry sweetheart, but I can't let you escape on your first day. After all you still haven't figured out why you're here,"
"Oh, go to hell," Kate spat. Damian started walking down the hall away from Kate's cell, flipping her off on the way.
"See you at work sweetheart," He called.
"Screw you!" Kate yelled after him. Man she hated that guy. As soon as she got out of here, he would be the first to die.
- - - - - - - - -
A week had passed since Kate's kidnapping and literally nothing had happened. There was someone who came by and brought her food on a regular basis, but that was pretty much it. They had at least taken the ankle chain away. She had grown bored in her lonely cell and resorted to singing in an annoying impression of Elvis.
"Did you ever see a robin weep when the leaves began to die. That means he's lost the will to live. I'm so lonesome I could cry." Kate sang in her best Elvis voice
"Will someone shut her up!" Someone yelled down the hall.
"Number 47 said to number 3! You're the cutest jailbird I ever did see. I sure would be delighted with your company. Come on and sing the jailhouse rock with me! Let's rock! Everybody let's rock! Everybody in the whole cell block was dancin' to the jail house rock!" Kate sang louder, complete with air guitar sounds and movement.
The person down the hall who had originally yelled at her, shouted at her to "shut the hell up, before he killed her himself"
"I'd like to see you try buddy!" Kate shot back. She was still rocking her air guitar solo when Thug One showed up at her cell door. He had been the one who was bringing her food every day so Kate had grown quite acquainted to the demon despite the fact that he never actually said anything.
"Frederick!" Kate greeted, knowing well that that wasn't his actual name. "How've you been buddy, it's been hours since I last saw you," She looked down at his hands that held chains rather than a plate of food. "Where's my food? It's lunchtime isn't it?" Thug One said nothing as he unlocked the cell door and stepped inside.
"Oh are we going somewhere?" Kate asked like a child. Thug One latched one chain to her collar and slapped cuffs on her wrists that had connected to the chain to her collar. He tugged on the chain the way an owner would walk his dog. Kate stumbled at first but soon followed Thug One down the hall.
"Is this about the singing? Because I didn't think I was that bad," Kate joked. She may have been cracking jokes on the outside, but on the inside she was genuinely terrified. She had no idea where she was being taken and no idea where she actually was to begin with.
They rounded a corner in the hall and came face to face with two huge double doors. A couple of demons were standing on either side of the doors. One demon, a thin man with dark skin stepped inside and announced to whoever was in there, that we were waiting. In a minute, they opened the doors allowing Thug One and Kate inside.
The room was large and made of brick with shelves of weapons and stuff throughout the room. In the center of the back wall was a throne. Seated in said throne was an older man in a black suit and a receding hairline. He eyed Kate meticulously, sizing her up. He waved his hand, signaling for Thug One to leave. It was just him and Kate alone in the throne room.
"Do you know who I am?" The man asked in an accent. Kate shrugged.
"Willy Wonka?" She suggested. The man scoffed but smiled at her comment.
"My name is Crowley and I'm the king of Hell," he stated proudly. "And you belong to me,"
Kate swallowed hard, trying not to show that she was afraid. Inside, she was shaking and crying like the scared little girl she was. On the outside, she stood strong and confident in herself. She adjusted her feet and shifted her weight to a more steady stance. Crowley watched the girl trying to keep it together. She was good. He could tell that she was afraid, but any other person would see her as strong and defiant.
"Do you know why you're here?" Crowley questioned.
"I assume you want to use me for something, probably world domination or something," Kate spat.
"Ah she's a feisty one,"
"Yes sir, she put up quite the fight when we caught her," Damian stepped into the center of the room in front of Kate. "Hey sweetheart," He whispered.
If looks could kill, Damian would be six feet under while Kate stood on top... glaring him even further into the ground. She was beyond pissed off at Damian. First he kidnaps her, then he taunts her in the cell, then he leaves and doesn't bother to stop by for a week, and now he was here showing her off the way a deer hunter shows off his trophies.
"So tell me Damian," Crowley started. "What makes you so sure that she'll do as I say. After all, she's not exactly here of her own free will,"
"Right you are sir," Damian turned to Crowley as if he were presenting Kate as a product to be sold to the king of hell. "This collar not only negates her angel powers, but it also has a little setting for when she's not so willing," He turned to Kate and released her hands from the cuffs.
Kate rubbed her sore wrists and glared at Damian. Without warning, she swung her fist at Damian's face. Before she could make contact, a firing sense of pain rocked her body. Kate wanted to scream as she crumpled to the ground. Every nerve in her body felt like it was on fire as the collar tortured the half angel. It was a pain like no other that left her helpless on the floor with no way to stop the pain.
A solid minute passed before the pain stopped. Kate lie on the floor shaking from the pain. Damian stood over her, an evil grin on his face.
"As you can see sir, she's not a problem when she's put in her place," He beamed proudly. Crowley leaned forward on his throne as he debated to himself for a minute.
"Alright Damian," The king leaned back. "I'll take her, but I'll be leaving her in your care. You are in charge of handling her alone, if she escapes or turns on us, it's your head on the block,"
"So what," Kate groaned. "I'm hell's dog now?" Damian crouched down on the floor to look Kate in the eye.
"Pretty much sweetheart,"
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