Chapter 23 - An Angel and a Demon Part 1
Months had passed since the incident back at Oregon Canopy. Kate didn't bother to say goodbye to Aubrey, she was still pissed off at her. However, even if Aubrey no longer wanted anything to do with her, Kate still tried to keep close tabs on Rachel. She'd use her power as a seer to keep an eye on the young teen almost every day.
Kate stared at her bedroom wall, which was now covered in glyphs and wardings for meditation purposes. If she was going to find the person who was after Rachel, she needed some help from the supernatural.
She stretched her arms and yawned loudly. Sneaking out every night was having its effects on her sleep schedule. Not that the sneaking out every night was yielding much results anyway.
Of course Kate hadn't mentioned any of this to Sam and Dean. They knew that she was up to something, but every time they asked about it Kate managed to dodge the conversation. Whenever she wasn't trying to find her culprit, she went on jobs with her brothers. They had been all over the U.S. by now, saving people, hunting things, the family business.
Glancing at the calendar next to her bed she saw that it was March first. Only a month and a half left until Rachel's warding would wear off.
Just then there was a knock on the door. Kate closed the book she had been reading and shoved it under her bed. She ran to the door and opened it just enough to fit her head through. "Yes?" She said, trying to sound innocent.
"Alright Kate," Dean started. His tone was stern, the way a disapproving parent would talk to their kid. "We've given you your space and we've respected your privacy, but it's time to come clean."
"Come clean about what?" Kate asked, trying to play dumb.
"Don't play dumb with us," Sam chimed in.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Kate tried to close the door, but both Sam and Dean were pushing on it. Kate struggled to push against her gigantuous brothers, but in the end they over powered her and stumbled into the room.
They said nothing as they examined the wardings all over the walls and the different ritualistic circles on the floor. Books were stacked up to the edge of her bed and the room smelled awful.
"Kate," Dean stated. "What the hell is this?"
"Uh, just a little project I'm working on," she explained as she tried to hide a few of her things in various drawers .
"I wouldn't call this little," Sam added. "How long have you been working on all this?"
"A few months,"
"Since Oregon Canopy?" Sam questioned.
"Since Aubrey," Dean answered. There was a sad and stern look on his face. He stepped towards Kate until he was towering over her. "What happened?"
"Call it a conflict of interest," Kate spat.
"I'm serious,"
There was a long pause as Kate debated on whether or not she should tell the truth. Aubrey wanted the whole ordeal to stay between the two of them, but if she wanted results then they would need Sam and Dean. She finally decided on the truth, not the whole truth, but the truth.
"I'm looking for someone, someone who hurt Aubrey and I made a promise to find them,"
"Who is it?"
"An angel that goes by the name Evangeline. She's not one of the big shots up in heaven, but she forced Aubrey into a bad deal and she needs to be taken care of as soon as possible."
"What kind of deal?" Dean asked.
"The kind that saves a person from death but could ruin their life forever," before Dean or Sam could ask for more of an explanation, she continued. "I promised Aubrey that I would find Evangeline and make her pay for what she did to Ra-"
"Okay I got that surveillance Intel you wanted," A, new voice said. Everyone whirled around to see a boy about 22 years old standing in the corner looking over some papers. Sam and Dean instinctively pulled out their guns and pointed them at the boy who didn't seem to notice.
He was tall and had brown hair styled up. He wore a burgundy t-shirt with a leather jacket and black jeans.
"Shit," Kate thought to herself.
"Your angel friend hasn't been doing anything to draw attention, but there was... hello," He said finally looking up at the guns. "I didn't realize we had company,"
"Who the hell are you" Dean barked. "And how the hell did you get in here?"
"Call it a backstage pass if you will," he answered smugly.
"You have three seconds to explain yourself before I blow your brains out,"
"Ooh that'll be fun let's try it, but I don't think it'll work like you want it to," He blinked his eyes and they flashed black. Dean and Sam tensed at the sight of a demon in their home, wondering how he got past the warding. Dean was about to pull the trigger when Kate stepped in.
"Wait he's with me," Kate shouted. "I let him past the warding,"
"What?" Sam snapped.
"He's helping me find Evangeline. Plus... He's kind of... my boyfriend," there was a long pause of silence and disbelief as the brothers tried to comprehend the fact that their half angel sister was dating a demon.
"So I'm Damian, it's nice to finally meet you," The young demon held out his hand to be shook but was only met with cold looks of disgust and more guns. "I take it you don't trust me, that's cool,"
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"Do you mind loosening the restraints a little?" Damian genuinely asked. Dean said nothing. He crossed his arms and stared down at the demon shackled to the chair in the center of the devil's trap. "Is this the part where you give me the talk about dating your little sister?"
"Nope, this is the part where I tell you to leave her the hell alone before I throw your sorry ass back into the hell you came from."
"Ooh that's real scary Dean. This might surprise you, but I'm one of the good guys," Damian tried to argue. Dean stared coldly at the demon, obviously not buying it. "I've actually been helping Kate for longer than you have,"
"It's true," Damian shrugged. "Wanna hear the story?"
There was a long pause of silence before Damian began the tale of the angel and the demon.
The date was unimportant, it was just another day for Kate. Another day, another job, and another day for her to be free. If living in the Cage with Michael and Lucifer had taught her anything, it was that you should always be grateful for a day that was sunny.
Today was one of those days, it was sunny and beautiful. The kind of day where you can wear shorts not because it's hot, but it's not cold either.
Why was Kate in such a good mood? She couldn't really seem to put her finger directly on what had put her in such a good mood, but she wasn't about to complain.
She marched across the bustling streets of New York City with purpose and pride. Some people stared at the girl wearing the tight jeans and leather jacket, but Kate didn't care.
"Whatever, just get focused," she told herself.
She made her way to the busy section that marked the Chinatown district. Grabbing a basket from a nearby stand, she browsed through the produce. She occasionally made side glances at reflections of the crowd until she finally saw the pattern.
There were maybe 6 men on her tail. They actually blended into the crowd quite well, but Kate was one of the few people who could spot a tail a mile away.
She lured them farther away from the crowd, letting them think that they had her cornered. She debated whether or not she should just fly away or actually start a fight.
She stopped at the end of an alley that came to a rather abrupt stop. Her back toward the six pairs of feet behind her that had also stopped about ten feet away.
"You're all ours girlie," Thug one sneered.
"Let's see do I fight or flight?" She pondered aloud.
"You're going down," Thug two charged in like a bull. Kate got low and turned managing to stab the guy right in the chest with an angel blade. The man sparked like a light bulb going out and collapsed to the ground.
"Who's next?" Kate challenged. Thugs three and four charged next engaging in hand to hand combat. Despite the fact that it was two against one, Kate managed to gut them both with the angel blade.
Thugs five and six were the next contestants pulling guns instead of going head to head. Kate slid behind a nearby dumpster, avoiding the wave of bullets. Five and six drew closer to the dumpster until they were right next to it. Lucky for Kate, the dumpster had a rather large hole rusted through the side.
She crawled into the empty dumpster with ease, trying to ignore the smell of rotting fish. When Six was right next to the dumpster, Kate sprung out of it stabbing him in the head. Five was caught off guard and foolishly fired his gun at the dumpster making the bullet ricochet off into a nearby window.
Glass fell and Five tried to cover his head to protect himself, giving Kate the opportunity to stab him in the heart. Five crumpled to the ground like another dying lightbulb and died.
Kate looked back at Thug one who hadn't moved the entire time. He stared at her curiously as Kate hoisted herself out of the dumpster.
"So are you just gonna stand there or are we gonna fight?" Kate taunted. One grunted loudly, obviously pissed off that she had killed his friends.
"Easy Murphy," a new voice said soothingly. A guy with brown hair and a leather jacket rested his hand on one's shoulder. He was small compared to thug one, but he was still taller than Kate by a few inches. "I'll handle her,"
"Like the rest of your thugs did," I spat.
"Sweetheart you have no idea what I'm capable of,"
"Let's find out," Kate challenged.
Author's Note:
What did I tell you! Two updates in two days, yay! Well enjoy your summer everyone!
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