Chapter 18 - Jedi Mind Trick
"Agents Shane, Guard, and Reynolds." Kate stated confidently to the woman at the front desk. The Winchesters flashed her their fake FBI badges. She stared wide eyed at the three siblings.
"Y-yes?" She stuttered. She had short black hair and narrow brown eyes. "How can I help you?"
"We need to speak to whoever's in charge." Kate hinted.
"Um yes, that would be Miss Wood. I'll let her know that you're here." She said picking up the phone. Kate nodded a thank you and turned her attention to her surroundings.
They were in a large office building, which was the front of Oregon Canopy. The place was very eco-friendly with lots of windows to provide natural light. Everything electronic seemed to run on solar power. There was a staircase to the left of the room that went to offices upstairs. In the center of the room was a fenced off indoor garden with a large tree in the middle. It had white bark and deep green leaves that absorbed sunshine from the skylight above.
Kate marveled at the tree. It wasn't as big as the Queen's tree, but it was average.
"Kate are you listening?" Dean questioned.
"What? No." Kate confessed. Dean pressed his eyebrows together in frustration.
"I said, when you need to speak to someone you need to use specific names. It sounds more professional, like you know what you're doing."
"You know the plan?"
"Zap her with my Jedi mind trick and get out." Kate confirmed. "Easy."
"Agents," Miss. Wood sneered. She stood at the top of the staircase with a tablet in one arm and a latte in the other. She had long black hair that was pulled into a neat ponytail and wore a black dress. Her grey eyes were like the oncoming storm that she undoubtedly was.
"Miss Wood," Dean acknowledged. The siblings flashed her their FBI badges. "We'd like to ask you a few questions about the incidents in the Brownsville forest."
"Yes, of course. Right this way." She motioned with her tablet. The Winchesters followed her up the stairs and into a large office at the end of the hallway.
The office was huge, it must have been at least twice the size of Kate's room at the bunker. The walls were white and sleek with a wall of windows on the far side. The room was decorated with all sorts of plants. They were on the desk and on the floor, one of them even snaked across the ceiling.
For the ceo of a deforestation company, this lady sure likes plants.
Miss Wood sat down at her desk and began to organize files. Sam and Dean took a seat in the two chairs in front of the desk while Kate stood off to the side.
"What can I do for you?" She asked.
"You're aware of the deaths occurring on your logging site?"
"Yes I am, it's very unfortunate. We're doing what we can to help the families of the deceased."
"Do you know anyone who would want to stop your project?" Miss Wood was silent for a moment. She stared at her computer screen, clacking on the keys.
"Miss Wood." Dean called.
"Yes? I'm sorry, what did you say?"
"Miss Wood, do you have any enemies?" Sam questioned.
"Please, call me Laurel," She remarked. " To answer your question, yes I have many enemies. Plenty of people are against tearing down this forest."
"Why's that?"
"The land is said to be sacred, it's a part of the people's history. A lot of urban legends have come from that forest, the town's practically famous for it."
"So why did you decide to tear this specific patch of forest down?"
"I don't understand." Laurel fumbled. She stopped what she was doing and sat on the edge of her seat.
"You could have torn down any forest in Oregon, why this one? I mean sure it's the biggest, but why go through all the trouble of getting the deed to this specific piece of land?" Sam interrogated.
"You had to jump through a lot of hoops to get permission to tear down a piece of the town's history. Why would you go through all that trouble for this specific forest?" Dean chided.
Laurel swallowed hard. She looked down at her hands in her lap.
"Call it revenge?" She scoffed.
"What kind of revenge means losing the lives of your workers?" Kate chimed in. Laurel was silent, she refused to make eye contact.
"I'm sorry agents, but I have a company to run. Now if you'll excuse me," She stood and turned to leave. Sam and Dean also stood and made their way to the door that Laurel was holding open. Just as Kate was about to exit, she gasped in front of Laurel.
"Are you okay? You look really hot, do you have a fever?" Kate took this opportunity to rest her palm against Laurel's forehead. Laurel was confused and slightly weirded out by Kate's gesture. Now was Kate's chance to do the job they came here to do. "You will stop tearing down Brownsville forest." She stated calmly, hoping that Laurel's brain would take the suggestion.
Laurel gave her a confused look, before swatting away Kate's hand and slamming the door behind her. Kate stared blankly at the slammed door.
"So did it work?" Dean asked. Kate slowly turned around to face her brothers. Her eyes were wide and her face was pale.
"I thought you said you've done this before. Why didn't it work?" Sam questioned.
"I have done this before, I don't know why it didn't work this time." The Winchesters brgan to make their way down the hallway.
"Well great," Dean threw his hands in the air. "looks like we're goin' with plan B."
"We have a plan B?" Kate inquired.
"Not yet, but we will." Dean answered as they walked down the stairs that led to the main lobby area. Kate took one last look at the lobby. She noticed that it was decorated a lot like Laurel Wood's office.
Maybe it's a company thing... or maybe it's her thing.
These thoughts and more raced through her head as the Winchesters left the building. Dean pulled out the keys to the Impala.
"Can I drive?"
"I just don't get it." Kate sighed. She played with the spoon in her chili. The Winchesters were at the local diner eating lunch. Dean was off flirting with the waitress somewhere and Sam was sitting across from Kate in the booth.
"It should have worked," she grumbled.
"I don't know what to tell ya sis." Sam picked at his salad, shoving a fork full of lettuce into his mouth.
"Urgh," Kate moaned. She slumped further into her seat until her head was almost at the table's level.
"Maybe you're just out of practice," Sam questioned.
"I don't think so," Kate sat up in her seat. Sam shrugged, he was clueless. Kate saw this as a challenge though and decided to prove that she wasn't 'out of practice'. She scanned the room until her eyes landed on her little brother.
Dean was leaning against the bar, flirting with the waitress. Kate smirked at Sam and made her way to her playboy brother. Dean saw her coming and started to get nervous, he tried to play it cool.
"Hey sissy," He smirked. The waitress smiled politely at Kate. She had dark brown hair and curves like nobody's business. Kate could see why her brother was flirting with her.
"Oh so this is your little sister," She chided. Dean nodded, which made Kate want to throw up in her mouth. She didn't like this 'little sister' business.
"Hi, I'm Kate," She shook the waitress' hand in a friendly manner.
"Teresa," The waitress greeted. Kate still hadn't let go of Teresa's hand, making her feel a bit uncomfortable.
"Honestly Teresa," Kate said soothingly. She tried to put more force into her words to make her next statement believable. "You are just too good for my brother here. I mean look at him, he's a slob. He has a car complex, a drinking problem and wears the same pair of jeans everyday. You're too good for him," Kate leaned in closer to whisper in Teresa's ear. "If I were you, I'd get away from him as soon as possible."
Letting go of the young waitress' hand, Kate took a few steps back to admire her work. Teresa looked over a shocked Dean, she was disgusted. She sneered at the middle aged man, before retreating to the back.
Dean slowly turned to Kate who smirked in delight.
"What the hell?" He snapped.
"My jedi mind trick works,"
_ _ _ _ _ _
Author's Note:
Hello all! I hope you all had a great summer. I just finished my first full week of school, so I'm pretty sure you all start soon too.
Anyway, it's been a while since my last update and I'm sorry that I don't update as quick as I used to. I'm trying to post at least one chapter a month to hold you guys over.
I'm pretty positive that once Supernatural comes back on in October, I'll update more often.
I hope you all liked the chapter! Don't worry there'll be some more action soon, I promise.
Remember to leave a vote and a comment. Tell me what you think I can do better and what you want to see.
Hope you all have a great school year! Love you!
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