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Darcy's POV
"Oh yeah? you've waited forever
for this?" I quirk a brow at my mom.
"Sweetie, your tone says that you don't believe me. I've waited like thousand years to teach my daughter how to be a badass and most importantly to drive cars." A side of mum's lips lift upward, her eyes never leaving the road.
I don't know how mum does it, being so chill and relaxed all the time. She handles all problems like dust on her hands. I don't know what made her hold on in this world where she had nobody to call her own.
She says it's me.
Of course I don't believe her. In a world with no one but a daughter, trying to live every day by day without someone to support you is harder than anything.
I lost my father before I was even born.
She never broke down, yes there were moments when she missed him like ever, cried her heart out beside the window when she thought I wasn't looking but she would never ever let me feel like that.
Long story short, I love my mum more than anything in this world.
We were laughing, throwing snarky comments each other, that how she managed to get 10 DVDs from the store we just visited earlier when the highest amount was about five and how I checked out that brown haired boy at the last aisle.
"He was cute." She snickered. Maybe she saw me staring jaw slacked at that boy.
"Mum, don't." I whined as I threw my head backwards and let out a sigh. Easy to say, we both were exhausted after a day stalking in a DVD store.
I put my hands on my eyes as she softly spoke,
"Selene left this morning, didn't she?"
"Yeah. She'll come back in a month I guess." Selene is one of the constants I have in my life. Recently, she had been very off and I couldn't blame her for being like that.
How do you deal with the pain of losing your father?
I've never seen her this distressed, as if just as the life left her father's eyes, the life in her was sucked away too. She looked hollow.
She has gone to new york as a school representative for a national competition and she'd be staying there for a month.
At first, she would completely stay silent, would try not to talk too much. But she figured out life doesn't work that way.
So she started coping up with the world.
She moved on with her life within a month and it's miraculous actually. Yes, the pain was there but she would not show it or neither let it affect her daily life.
Mr. Silvester raised a strong daughter.
"You miss her?"
"It's not even twelve hours since she left." I narrowed my eyes at mum. Seeing the amusement on her face, I knew she was joking with me.
I pulled the jacket closer to me as the cold wind started slapping against the car windows. It was undeniably cold and what was more worse was that,
It was snowing.
Snowing is good of course. I love snow but driving in a road covered in snow is a risky thing to attempt.
We couldn't stop then since we already were quite near our house. Mum was shivering so I decided to lean backwards to the backseat and grabbed the extra scarf that I brought with me.
I draped it across mum's neck as she muttered a quiet thank you under her breath and it was obvious that the scarf helped very little.
As I started leaning back to my seat, exhaustion clouded my vision and I closed my eyes, hoping to reach home soon.
But we didn't.
"So, you were walking down the hallway. You saw Ian and immediately wished his painful dramatic fall?" Selene raised her brows.
All of them gathered at Darcy's house after school, sitting at the stairs of her front porch. Since her house was full empty, there was no one there to overhear their conversation which included very unusual things.
Darcy set a glare on her,"I didn't wish for it." She gritted her teeth as she picked on her nails, looking down.
Anger was the mask Darcy wore to hide how scared she was. Looking back to the unfortunate event in the hallway, the tinge of the familiar rush of something powerful in her veins poked in her flesh again as she tried to remember it again.
She shook her head, trying to keep herself at bay. She couldn't explain whatever it was. It was almost losing herself to a void that she never knew existed.
"Whatever. You just looked at that guy and the next thing we knew blood was gushing out of a huge wound on his forehead. I mean just—" Selene stared at Darcy with fake admiration in her eyes.
"All hail Darcy, the Meness witch." Selene bowed as Adira smacked the back of Selene's head, hearing a pained groan after.
"Ouch. What was that for?" Selene narrowed her eyes on the redhead.
"Cut her some slack, Selene. You've been blabbering about that incident from past two hours. It's getting us nowhere to the actual reason why it happened." Adira pointed out.
"If that's what happens everytime I look at someone and feel something, then half of the town would probably be hanging dead." Darcy shook her head again, massaging her scalp with her small fingers.
"Half of the town? Why do you despise these miserable townies this much?" Adira questioned curiously.
"Well, they didn't make mine or my single mom's life any easier. So why not?"
Adira fell quiet on Darcy's words.
"Not that I mind but I can't just kill the whole town now, can I?" Darcy's set her lips into a thin line, looking around to avoid the cursed memories filling her vision.
Years and years of her mother escaping from the people who tried to illegally claim their property, declining immoral proposals. Never ever Darcy felt safe in this town except for the home of Silvester's.
Rowan Silvester, Selene's father, was always helpful towards Darcy's family and that's one of the reasons why Darcy and Selene were friends for so long and became inseparable.
"But imagine Darcy standing at the entrance of Verlaten falls with dried up blood all over her body after killing the whole town mercilessly and it's evening and gonna rain??" Selene goofily stated.
Leave it to Selene to make every grief fly away out of embarrassment.
"My God Selene, you're really weird." Adira stared at her.
"Says the girl who comes into town, declaring that she's a fairy huntress." Selene responded wittily.
"Vampire huntress." Adira corrects her.
"So what are we gonna do about Darcy's almost magnificent power?" Selene inquired.
Darcy faintly scoffed, coming back to the conversation, "Almost?"
She realized that she was disorienting from time to time, losing herself between the words. She mentally noted that whatever it is that living within her, needs to tamed and controlled as soon as possible.
Right today, she felt that familiar rush that she felt at the forest days ago and felt the power being sucked into a box deep within her again when it was over.
She didn't wanna know what would happen when all of it will be unsealed.
"We need to find a witch, who can teach her how to control her magic," Adira started, glancing at both of them,"—or it can get pretty nasty when your whole potential is unleashed and you don't know how to put a reign on it."
"Well, we can't find a witch with a snap, you know. Plus why are we talking about this? We're not even sure!" Selene objected.
"Look Selene, you have a point but what I felt today was beyond reasonable. I think what Adira is saying might be true." Darcy sighed.
"Good luck to you two finding a witch then."
"Why do you always have to appear so lazy, Silvester?" A mocking voice spoke from the side of Darcy's house as three heads immediately were turned to their rights.
Deep maroon lipstick and winged eyeliner was the one of the first things they all noticed of the girl approaching them.
She looked around their age, about as tall Darcy and highly out of context. Adira narrowed at her eyes at the unfamiliar girl, strutting towards them.
Adira glanced sideways only to see Darcy and Selene's eyes lit with recognition and surprise, which only confused Adira furthermore.
Both Selene and Darcy shot up from their seats and climbed down the stairs, only for their faces to get more screwed up with what they were seeing.
"Sallow face?" Selene whispered, surprise prominent in her voice.
The girl rolled her eyes, finally gave them a sly grin,"Hey, dumbasses."
Selene almost tackled the unknown girl with a fierce hug as sallow-face let out a surprised Yelp but soon hugged back, grinning.
"Yuck you're sweaty, bitch." The girl complained all while having a huge grin on her face.
"Ouch! Hell, you got strong, Selene." The girl pulled back, patting her back where Selene hit her.
"I can't believe it. Cerys, You finally came back!" Selene exclaimed with the same wide grin on her face.
"Of course, you can't. I'm just a figment of your wild fantasy." Selene again proceeded to smack her but stopped when Cerys put her hands up in surrender.
Cerys looked at Darcy, deciphering her reaction but she only looked surprised and...annoyed?
"What are you waiting for, knucklehead? I'm real."
"Oh I don't know. Maybe a proper introduction including the reason why you ran away." Darcy crossed her arms in front of her chest, looking intently at Cerys.
"Look, I had to go. I didn't had any choice. Besides, it's not like I could have stay hidden from her forever." Cerys sighed,"Though my too much egoistic ass will say otherwise but I really missed you two."
"Come here, you pathetic excuse of a friend." Darcy brought Cerys into a comforting hug, both of them smiling to their heart's content.
After all, seeing your best friend after two years was a pretty good reason for them to be happy.
When Cerys pulled back from the hug, her gaze landed on Adira who was watching this friend reunion from a distance with a confused face.
"I didn't know you two could make new friends." Cerys said in mock surprise voice. In return, she got a shove in the head from Darcy.
"That's Adira. She's new at out school. Adira, meet Cerys, the runaway." Darcy introduced as Adira came closer, giving Cerys a small smile.
Cerys' lips tightened into a thin line as it always did while meeting new people. But she tried her best to return the smile.
"I'm Adira Owen. Pleasure meeting you." Adira politely offered her hand to shake, causing Cerys to flinch at first but soon she covered up her uneasiness by shaking hands.
"Cerys Sallow. Call me Cerys, please." Cerys gave her a small smile.
"Oh no no, it's always gonna be Sallow face. Adira, she is only to be called Sallow-face." Selene declared, putting her hand around cerys' shoulders.
Cerys rolled her eyes, soon continuing the conversation, "So tell me Adira, how did you get mixed up with this two weirdos?"
"Don't ask. Getting accidentally involved with Darcy's boyfriend was enough to get this two's attention."
Cerys raised her eyebrows so high as she turned to Darcy, "You—", pointing at her, "had a boyfriend??"
"As she said, don't ask."
"Oh my God, when did this miracle happen?" Cerys asked selene in particular, turning towards her.
"They broke up." Selene mouthed soundlessly.
"Oh." Cerys fiddled with her fingers, staring at Darcy who immediately changed the subject.
"Did you hear our whole conversation?" Darcy questioned, wondering even Cerys heard what they said why she wasn't reacting to it.
"Oh yes, I did." Cerys nodded.
"And you're not surprised?"
"Why would I be surprised if I'm exactly what you are looking for?" Cerys smirked, looking down at her black boots and then looking up again.
Adira was the first one to understand immediately, given the fact she had been dealing with all of these for over a year.
Cerys could possibly be what she was implying cause Adira's skin was tingling from the moment she stepped into the scene, giving her an uneasy vibe. Adira didn't knew what to make of it but she hoped it was for good.
And it looked like Cerys was also feeling it too but maybe in a higher level because she couldn't just stay still for a moment. She was tapping her wrists, shifting her weight on one foot to another, biting inside of her cheek.
"Oh no no no. Two of my friends are magical being and I get to know it now?" Selene grunted, "Not fair, I could've pranked my fourth grade class teacher with your help and she couldn't even catch me!"
"You would've done that with my help?" Cerys sounded heavily disgraced.
"Why? You can move buildings? Or shake the earth?"
"God knows why I am friends with you." Cerys put a hand over her face, dragging it slowly over her eyes.
"So you're really a witch?" Darcy finally spoke and it was obvious that she wanted a full honest answer and Cerys knew better to be annoyed.
Adira shifted on her feet,"Um.. I heard a witch can make mental connection with another witch by mere touch."
Cerys squinted her eyes,"Yes, we can. How do you know this?"
Adira glanced at Selene and Darcy, mentally asking if she should tell Cerys. Selene and Darcy took another look at Cerys and nodded back to Adira.
"I'm a vampire hunter." Adira spoke.
"Huntress. Use your gender properly, lady." Selene corrected.
"How long have you known about all this?" Cerys once again questioned which started to make Adira uncomfortable. It seemed like Cerys was interrogating her for any useful information.
"No pressure though. Just wanted to know." Cerys added after.
"Um, for over a year. After my seventeenth birthday." Adira answered truthfully. Since Cerys was Darcy and Selene's friend for a long time, she didn't suspect her that much.
"So since you have brought up our heilige band, let's do that. Darcy, give me your hand."
Darcy stared at Cerys.
"I'm not gonna infect you with some deadly virus, girl. See, my hands are clear." Cerys held her palms up.
Darcy still hesitated and finally touched the fingertips of cerys' ones, shutting out all the voices screeching about her insecurities.
Cerys mouthed two words soundlessly. Closing her eyes, she relaxed as if lifting all the worries out of her mind.
Almost immediately, Darcy also felt her shoulders loose, felt her eyes drooping close on their own. She felt a graced power wave entering through her fingertips.
The power was so relaxing and it's background so powerful. Any kind of reality was drowned from Darcy's mind but fortunately she didn't forget anything.
Cerys laced her fingers through Darcy's fingers and gave her palms a strong press, causing Darcy to flinch a little but it only felt more amazing.
Finally Cerys broke the contact, both of their eyes shot open as if waking up from a dream where reality was inconvenient and power was timeless.
"Uhh...your faces looked like the face I make after devouring chocolate muffin. Was it that good?" Selene asked.
Selene and Adira have been watching these two witches perform their some kind of band or bond and it was really awkward, including the fact they kept breathing heavily.
"That was amazing." Darcy voiced her thoughts. She could memorize that moment forevermore.
"Welcome to the witch club."
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