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Blasting up the heater to the highest, Selene rubbed her chilly hands together in order to keep them warm and grabbed a rag from the lower cabinet, wiping down the bar in front of her while her eyes swarmed across the almost empty grill.
A pretty good reason to leave early
Seeing as it was almost closing time, there was not a lot of people, just some passed out drunkards who would be kicked out by the owner in the near future and some delusional dudes who was overthinking their previous life decisions.
Selene shook her head at the regular depressed scenery of Maxie's grill and tap room which always started at this time of night and turned around to put the rag at it's previous place and leave as soon as possible.
Closing the down cabinet, her hands flew behind her head as she tightened her ponytail and stood up from the bent down position in process.
Before she could turn around, she heard a loud thud on the bar as she jumped around in surprise just to find a familiar posterior, her brown hair all over the place, supporting herself on the bar and an packeted bottle clutched in her hand.
Selene's eyes went wide as she took in her best friend's appearance, sighing warily to herself after the moment of shock.
"Oh I'll be damned." Selene muttered to herself as she stared at the person who she thought was a drunk ghost and also who scared the hell out of Selene earlier, looked up.
Her dark brown curls were covering the sides of her face and her lips were in the shade of drunken red, showing off the slight cut on her lips.
"I...I broke up with Ian." Her voice came out a little slurred but strong as she situated herself on the stool in front of the bar as she looked up, staring straight into Selene's eyes.
"He cheated on me."
She gripped the package in her hands tightly as if imagining the bottle as her ex's throat as she stared at it and Selene followed her suit for seconds.
The cut through tension which held answers of many questions would've lasted longer if it wasn't for Darcy's impatience to ruin the unwanted suspension.
"I'M GONNA KILL THAT BASTARD!" Her stormy outburst put Selene off guard and as if on cue, Selene hurriedly took off her coat from the coat rack and put it on in a quick speed, walking around the bar to reach her best friend before she murdered anyone just to practice.
"Your request is in order, Miss. But right now, we need to get out of here before you break every thing in here and my boss kicks me out." Selene stated hurriedly as she grabbed Darcy's arm, hoisting her up from the stool and putting Darcy's arm around her neck so she didn't fall.
Though Darcy tried to fight off Selene for taking her home too early while she wanted to stay here all night, Selene still managed to get themselves out before everyone in the grill started to think that the two teenagers were providing them free teen drama.
Both of them walked out of the parking lot of the grill and started marching on the sidewalk, two best friends attached with each other much to their dismay.
"I don't want to go home yet, you miserable excuse of a best friend!" Darcy snapped strongly but stumbled on her steps the very moment.
"You were saying....?" Selene raised an eyebrow, looking down at Darcy who just scoffed gaining her balance and tightened her grip on Selene.
"Shut up." Darcy rolled her eyes as she took a gulp of the substance in the bottle she was holding.
Selene swiftly took the bottle out of her sweaty hands as she yelped.
"Hey! Give that back you hoe!"
Selene threw the bottle away which landed with a shattering thud in someone's garden by which Selene flinches a little in guilt but that was the least of her worries.
"So what happened?" Selene asked lowly as her best friend and her current companion went mute, shutting her mouth when she needed to speak the most.
"I went to see him today." Darcy bit on her lips as she continued, her voice low.
"After hearing that he kissed another girl at school today. The new girl."
Selene's forehead creased and eyes went wide at the very statement but her expression really didn't matter much then since it was her best friend who was cheated on.
Seeing Selene didn't reply, Darcy continued, "When I asked why he did that in a perfectly calm voice, he said she was pretty and he wanted to kiss her."
She gulped down the bile rising in her throat.
"Alright. Where's the dead body?"
Selene asked calmly, the uncontrollable rage building up in her body and determined to kill Darcy's ex boyfriend brutally if she didn't kill him yet.
"I don't understand why he said that. Did I, did I do something wrong?" Darcy asked lowly which was very unusual as Selene glanced at her face just to see a lone tear escaping her eyes.
Darcy immediately wiped it, glancing back at Selene and then again on the road.
"No, you didn't."
Darcy's body was ready to go out due to the amount of alcohol she took in. Everything was wavering and even the road was wiggling under her feet or as she thought.
Darcy again stumbled on her steps as Selene again held her back from falling right on her face.They got off from the sidewalk and stepped in the deep snow covering the road to Darcy's house which was quite near the woods.
They made their way through the stuffed snow but soon Darcy tripped over a brick laying on the way and fell down right on the snow, taking Selene with her into the fall as she lost her consciousness.
Selene groaned in agony beside her best friend's unconscious state and shook her vigorously.
"Oh no, don't you dare pass out on me, Darcy. Wake up!"
Selene sighed heavily as she got up before the snow freezes her up and looked around for help but no one was in sight.
With a lot of effort and struggle, Selene managed to get Darcy's back off the snow and dusted off the snow covering the back of her coat.
She sat there for seconds, not knowing what to do, specially when the snow was deep and the wind strong. It wasn't possible for a girl like her to carry another girl from her age though Darcy was smaller than Selene in height but that didn't matter that time.
Selene's eyes snapped forward as soon as she heard footsteps approaching her. A dark figure walked towards them but soon the streetlights fell upon her as Selene came upon an unfamiliar face.
"Hey, do you need help?" The girl with her hood up offered as she stood right beside Darcy's side, not letting the streetlight fall into her face.
Selene tried to see her face though the lighting wasn't helping at all but as soon as the girl knelt down on the snow, the light fell on her and her striking crimson hair, laid gracefully on her shoulders.
Her crimson waves of hair jumped a little as she knelt down on the other side of Darcy and stared at Selene for an answer.
The girl was staring at selene with her menacing green eyes as she took out her hands out her pockets and rubbing them to avoid cold and blew a breath out which looked like a puff of smoke.
Selene snapped back from her trance and hurriedly said,
"Um..Yeah. My friend just passed out here and I need to get her home. Will you give me a hand?"
"Sure Why not?" The girl grabbed Darcy's another arm as Selene gripped the other, hoisting the unconscious up to her feet and slipped her arms around both of their necks.
They started walking carefully with Darcy so that they don't fall, resulting into a low walking speed.
Selene looked at the girl properly now that the light from the streetlights were directly on her.
Her cheeks were rosy from the excessive cold and the flowing shivering breeze. Her curls were shifting place to place from the movements, making them look more bouncy.
As if the girl could feel Selene's gaze on her, she looked at Selene's way and gave her a small smile.
Selene looked away, biting down on her lips as she was caught staring and in her defense it was not her fault that Verlaten falls was only filled with crinkled adults and boring teens. So seeing a pretty and helpful face was a quite a surprise for her.
"God, why did she get so wasted? I can smell the horrible scent from here though her head is hung down." The girl shook her head in irritation and she glanced at the passed out Darcy.
"Her boyfriend cheated on her." Selene truthfully spoke, seeing that this girl was helping her at this time of night and lying to her wouldn't be a nice thing to do, though it was not her truth to speak.
"What?" The girl dryly chuckled, thinking Selene was probably joking but seeing that Selene's long face didn't change its expression, she surprisingly stated,
"I just saw one glance of this girl and I think she looks like a goddess. Who would ever want to leave this gorgeous face?"
"Guess men don't know how to appreciate what's in front of them." Selene bitterly said as her clenched jaw literally spoke she was planning someone's cruel death.
"True." The girl nodded at Selene's words, three of them dragging themselves through the snow.
Selene again glanced at her, saying,"Hey, I don't mean to be rude but I never actually saw you in this town. Who are you?"
"I'm Adira. Adira Owen." She introduced herself as they came into a view of a large wooden house, almost near the woods and walked towards it.
"I'm Selene. You new here?" Selene curiously asked, part of her mind was foretelling maybe this could be her but then again she shouldn't think that about a person who was helping her.
"Yeah. I'm the new girl I guess. Everyone's calling me that." As soon as the words came out Adira's mouth, Selene nearly tripped over her own feet but saved herself at the last second, cursing herself internally.
"What?" She exclaimed as she again gripped Darcy, putting some of her best friend's weight on her.
Adira's eyebrows knotted together as Selene shook her head vigorously, blurting out,"You're lucky that Darcy is unconscious or you would've been six feet under."
"What?" Adira exclaimed calmly, confusion clearly written on her face.
"Don't play stupid. You kissed Ian, her ex boyfriend." Selene intensely stared at her as Adira shook her head, recalling the incident that took place at school today.
Selene's mind was full of irritation because of her despite Adira was literally helping her in this crucial time.
"Eww! I didn't mean to kiss that jerk! He came up to me and kissed me out of nowhere on a dare. I even slapped him after that. Did you not hear?" Adira angrily pursed her lips together at the fact that it didn't even take a week before her name was already defamed because of the enemies she had.
At that sudden thought that popped in Adira's head, she looked around cautiously, inspecting any movement that suspected her.
The breeze was bone shivering and taking the current time in account, there was almost no one around in the streets.
But then again her enemies didn't mind the night at all
"ON A DARE!?" Selene's voice rang like a siren in the silent empty neighbourhood. One would call that sound population but she could care less than what she just heard.
"How can he-what the actual fuck dude? With the way he acted, he could get away with an Oscar and nobody will even notice that he cheated! Mothertrucking asshole!"
Selene exhaled out in a breath, almost throwing Darcy on the porch that they reached in no time but then realized she just had a break up and maybe she could do with some soft activity.
Three of them sat down on the wooden porch, their feet resting on the stairs. Selene was complementing all the times she saw Darcy and Ian together and nothing of it seemed artificial.
Then why all on a sudden would Ian want to break the heart that he loved?
And what was the thing that made him want to breakup with her in a cruel way?
Selene suddenly glanced at Adira, whose gaze was fixated on Selene's chest which made Selene's eyes widen as she drew her coat covering her chest tightly.
Watching Selene, Adira realized how her actions had gave Selene the wrong impression as she slapped her forehead lightly and tiredly said,"I was looking at your locket, stupid."
"Oh, this." Selene's mouth formed in an 'o' shape as she freed her hands from her coat and placed her locket on her palm, looking down at it.
It was a silver chained round shaped locket. It was grey in colour but the particular thing that stood out was the white slashes on the grey background which looked like a paw scratch but more brutal.
"It's beautiful. Where'd get it?" Adira asked casually though her mind was telling her she had seen something like this somewhere before.
"Hey! You don't get to call my locket beautiful after being the reason of Darcy's pain." Selene glared at Adira as she sighed saying,
"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean any of those things to happen and I truly apologize for that."
Hearing those, Selene's grey sharp eyes seemed to soften. It was the one of the things that Selene hated about herself, she couldn't stay mad at anyone for too long.
"My dad gave it to me on my sixteenth birthday. Said it was the last one I would get for birthdays since I would be getting something bigger on my seventeenth." After that, Selene shut her mouth and inhaled deeply through her nose as tears were brimming in the corner of her grey eyes.
"He is right though." Selene looked away as she whispered, too low for a person to hear.
"When's your birthday?" Adira asked curiosly as Selene returned her gaze back at the redhead and her question.
"Two weeks later." Selene spoke.
"What is two weeks later?" Darcy jerked up from her half laying position as she shot a look at Adira, the person she was lying on.
"And Who are you?" Her voice wavered because of the alcohol in her system as her eyes were in narrowed slits. She definitely didn't like resting her head on someone she didn't know and she was gonna make sure Selene gets a nice slap for it.
"I'm Adira." Adira calmly said, getting ready for the storm she was about to face when Darcy realizes that she was partially the reason of this state of her.
"I heard that name somewhere." She slurred slightly as she looked like she tried to remember it but couldn't get a hold of it.
Adira sighed silently and tried to to reconsider her decision about unclosing the truth but she knew it'll just make things worse.
Finally she bit down on her lips as she opened her mouth for her doom,"I'm the new girl."
The words took a little while to sink in Darcy's brain but when it did, every part of Darcy's face hardened.
"Indeed?" She snarled, her voice laced with venom.
"Look, he did it on a dare. And I didn't even know he had a girlfriend! I'm new here and trust me I came here to avoid troubles, not to create more." Adira explained, glancing at Darcy's closing and opening fist at her side.
Darcy's brows scrunched together at Adira's word as she replayed her words,"On a dare?" She strongly whispered, unable to believe.
"That's bullshit! Ian Moore knows better than doing something on a fucking dare." Darcy exclaimed strongly as she glared at Adira who massaged her forehead tiredly, unable to put up with all of this drama her old acquaintance was putting her through.
A slash of cold breeze hit them as if somebody passed them in a flashing speed. Everyone pulled their coats closer as someone spoke up.
"Bullshit is when things don't make sense, kid. But when it comes to Adira Owen's charm, everything makes sense." A male voice spoke in front of them as three heads snapped towards that direction and came into a view of a young man, probably in his twenties.
"You!" Adira shot a glare towards that person as her fists were clenching at her sides, itching to connect with his face in a flashing speed.
"Glad you remember." The guy smirked which was abnormally creepy to Selene and Darcy who were standing afar.
Adira and the unknown guy were glaring at each other with so much compassion that Selene had to clear her throat to break the tensed atmosphere.
"Erm..I don't want to interrupt your creepy get together"- Selene spoke Adira and the man's glaring contest as the guy's gaze focused on Selene,"-But Who are you?"
"Why I'm an old friend of Adira's. We have some unfinished business but she left town before we could seal the deal." The guy smirked again, not realizing how his words meant something inappropriate.
Selene's eyes widened like saucers as she quickly glanced at Adira who was too busy glaring then understanding what he just said.
Darcy's mouth dropped open for a millisecond but then shut again before anyone could see. Selene cleared her throat as she spoke lowly.
"Oh, didn't think of you as her that kind of friend." Selene let out a little nervous chuckle, glancing at Adira and raked her up and down.
Yes, she looked a little bit old for sixteen but she couldn't be more than eighteen, could she?
"Yeah. Me too." Darcy seemed to calm down but it was obvious she won't be for too long.
"What kind of friend?"- Adira questioned as she looked at Darcy and Selene's face, realizing what they thought about her and the guy as her face contorted in disgust.
"Hell no! I despise him with every bone in my body!"
Selene and Darcy let out a relieved sigh as Selene dramatically put her hand on her chest.
"I return the feeling with sincerity, Owen or do you want me to show it? These two young ladies can be nice recruits." His lips lifted upwards as he intensely stared at Adira.
"This is between you and me, Lloyd. Keep this that way." Adira silently threatened as she again glanced at her company cautiously.
"I thought you knew that I don't make promises." Lloyd snarled was Adira's hand slowly reached her back pocket.
"You don't wanna risk it, Owen. And besides, I'll go now since I have more important things to do than scaring a teen girl with no purpose in life." Lloyd spat as he walked away and vanished in a distance in a matter of seconds.
"What the heck just happened?" Selene asked, her eyes focused on the redhead.
"I need you two to stay in this house for this night. Please don't come out at any cost until it's morning again." Adira requested as Darcy proceeded to protest.
"Who are you to-" Before Darcy could finish her sentence, Adira grabbed both of their arms and almost shoved them into Darcy's house and locked the door from outside in an instant.
None of them was prepared for this sudden physical contact as they stumbled inside the house, realizing that they had been locked in.
Both of them stared at the door, confusion masking their faces as Darcy spoke,"Wasn't a breakup enough for tonight's drama?"
"I guess not." Selene replied, staring at the door which probably opened a story to uncover, a myth based history which she wasn't ever ready for.
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A/N: goddamn, I'm so excited for TMS that I'm almost shaking t-t. Hope you like the first chapter and keep reading till the end cause things are about to be WiLd ✨
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