Information that you should know before reading
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot and my ocs that I will list soon.
Fandoms involved: game of thrones/a song of fire and ice] Voltron Legendary Defender] Harry Potter] Danny Phantom] Devil May Cry] DCau (Timmverse)] MCU + comics + X-men + The Gifted] Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir] Encanto] Mystreet + Minecraft Diaries mashup au]TLWv2] Chronicles of Narnia
There may be more later on, I have no clue.
⚠️Warning ⚠️
This is Mature setting for a reason and plus it has a lot of aus to it. Plus I know that there is some blank places and I will fix those eventually.
(It is game of thrones people)
Pairings are either tbd or only I know and you can find out later cause I am feeling a little bit chaotic at the moment.
Main things to know and consider while reading this book:
• The Black Family is like Dorne's Ruling Paramount Family but the heads of the house has High Prince or Princess as their main title.
•The World Magical Community teleported to Westeros some time ago like around the Doom. (I'll explain later on how)
• Genosha is a country that is separated by three different states.
• Long ago with some help with time and reality manipulation; mutants or any super-powered person and any normal ally came to this plane to have a somewhat better life after a few events that I will explain later on in this book.
The Western Genosha Empire is ruled by Magneto aka Erik Magnus and his family which includes his children and their families, by a monarchy system. The Royal Succession of the Magnus family is as it follows:
Emperor Erik Magnus ( Current ruler)
+ The Late EmpressMagda Maximoff (the deceased wife,mother,grandmother and Empress; died from giving birth to Pietro and Wanda)
1. The Late First Princess and Former Heir Anya Magnus-Maximoff (the deceased older sister to Pietro,Wanda and Lorna; was assassinated when she was 9 years old)
2.The First Prince Pietro Maximoff, also known as Quicksilver, (current heir for right now) is married to the Princess Crystalia Amaquelin of the Inhumans alongside her other husband, Prince Ronan the Accuser.
3. The Second Princess Wanda Maximoff (see next page), also known as The Scarlet Witch.
3. The Third Princess Lorna Dane, also known as Polaris (third in line for the throne; the most trusted adviser to her father;is the half younger sister to Anya(✝️), Pietro and Wanda) is married to Lord
~ then are there are the children of the Heirs to be included as well, such as:
Princess Luna Maximoff, daughter of Prince Pietro and Princess Crystalia Amaquelin.
Prince Thomas Shepherd-Maximoff, son to Princess Wanda and the late viscount Vision Thestark.
Prince Consort William Kaplan-Maximoff, son to Princess Wanda and the late viscount Vision Thestark and husband to Emperor Theodore Altman of the
Prince Markius Maximoff-Black-Sparda-Èl Gaderñia, son to Princess Wanda and [redacted] also the older twin brother of Princess Clara.
Princess Clarana Maximoff-Sparda-Black, daughter of Princess Wanda and [redacted] also the younger twin sister of Prince Markius.
(Wanda has stepchildren as well but they aren't listed here)
There is reports of alleged children of King Magneto:
Zaladane, a priestess from Savage Land's Sun People, for an example.
• The United Regions of Eastern Genosha is ruled Charles Xavier and his wife, Moira by a democratic monarchy system. There is the Famous academy where gifted youngsters go and hone their skills (powers). Here is where a groups of remarkable people that is in charge of keeping all of Genosha safe from those who mean it harm ,whether from the outside or from the inside, are trained in the art of combat and such skills needed, some of the names of the two most infamous groups are known as the X-men and the Avengers.
• Central Genosha is ruled by its people in the middle and it is where both of Eastern and Western go to meet for diplomatic reasons peacefully...... somewhat.
There are more than Westeros,Essos and Genosha out there. There are the countries of Narnia, Encanto, Altea, Daibazaal, Ru'aun, Tu'la and Gal'ruk along with many uncharted territories that will be explored later on.
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