Dark Revenge
Mario: Luigi we need to find Mosetta. I just want her safe.
Luigi: I know how you feel. She couldn't gotten far. Maybe our necklaces can tell us where she's at.
Mario: Oh Luigi guess what
Luigi: What?
Mario: I just figured out that Mosetta's name is related to Rosalina's Japanese name Rosetta. Do you think that they are related
Luigi: Mario 1. I been knew that. You were just to slow to figure it out, and 2 they might be but mostly we need to focus on finding Mosetta
Mario: Your right. Red flames please show us the way of where Mosetta is located
The flames came out of Mario's necklace and started going at a certain direction of where Mosetta was located
Mario: The flames said to go right
Luigi: Let's roll
Where Mosetta was located: Fountain of the Mystical Flames
Mosetta: I thought the princess a kind hearted person. I don't know what happened to her. Hmmm thunk , keyword future boyfriend. Couldn't she look at the necklaces at least. ( starts crying again )i
???: Oooh poor Mosetta. Looks like someone hurt your feelings is that correct.
Mosetta: Y-Yea she did. She mistaken me as his girlfriend. Who are you anyway
???: Oh you'll see after we make a deal
Mosetta: (Stands up) What deal
???: Do you want revenge from that pitiful princess that hurt your feelings
Mosetta: Not really, it was probably only an accident
???: She probably done that on purpose so she could have Mario for herself
Mosetta: T-Thats not true.
???: Wrong again now If you excuse your body is mine since I will be taking control of it so I can have revenge on that princess
Mosetta: N-no go away AHHHHHH HELP MEEEE
Mario: that was Mosetta
(Runs Faster and follows the flames)
Ms.M: Mwhahaha I have risen and I'm known ad MS.M, THW WHITE THINDER HAHAHAHAHAHA( uses her white thunder power and strikes at the sky to make a white thunder swirl cloud
Ms.M had a white and black short dress just like the picture with gray eyes and white thunder powers.
Luigi: Their she is by the... Fountain..... Of ...... Mystical.... Flames. No
Mario: Mosetta?
Ms.M: Hmm? Oh Mario and Luigi how are my favorite brothers doing
Luigi: Your not Mosetta. ( In his head ) Those gray eyes that black outfit. No non it can't be. MARIO THAT IS NOT MOSETTA. THAT'S MS.M
Ms.M: Luigi or should I sad the green thunder is right
Mario: What have you done to Mosetta ( saying it in anger)
Ms.M: I just tookbover her body that's all for revenge for what that stupid princess done
Mario: As much as I can't forgive her you can't.
Ms.M: Well Mario you can't make me. I need to do what's done
Mario: Not unless I stop you first
Mario used his red fire flames to try to stop Ms.M but she deflected all of his attacks, until she took one of his fire balls and turned it into a white electric fire ball and threw it at Mario. Mario tried to hold it of before it hurt him and some of the land. Mario was holding on as much as he could. As he was holding it white electric shockwaves started to appear. With all of his might he used his power and blasted it off in space
Mario: (breathing hard) who knew you were that strong
Ms.M: Well it was fun but I got something that needs to be dine. Hahahahha( Flys away )
At Count Blecks Castle
Mr.L: Did you guys feel that power
Mimi: I sure did. Its way more power full then yours Hahahahha
Mr.L: Shut up Mimi. I will get to the bottom of this.
Mr.L flew out of Count Blecks castle in flew into the air to figure out where that power came from.
Mr.L: Who the heck is that flying. I better keep a an eye on ..... Her?
Ms.M: Hmmm I feel a presents here. Time to take the ground. (flies to the ground)
Mr.L: (Flies to the ground) Where did she go
Ms.M: Gotcha ( Pins Mr.L to the ground )
Mr.L: Hey how...... Dare you?. Who are you
Ms.M: I'm Ms.M, known as The White Thunder, and who might you be
Mr.L: I'm Mr.L known as The Green Thunder. You actually look kind of cute.
Ms.M: *chuckles* Thanks but I'm your older sister.
Mr.L: Wow I never knew that but I really don't want to hear the story. So who's body did you take over
Ms.M: I took over a girls body named Mosetta. Her powers seem quite strong since my brother tried to stop me
Mr.L: So that was the power that I felt. So who you going after?
Mr.M: Princess Peach because she hurt poor Mosetta's feelings so I'm going to give Peach of what she deserves
Mr.L: You are so evil sis
Ms.M: I know I am. Now let's head to the Mushroom Kingdom. I need to do of what's done.
Somewhere Else
Mario: We need to get to the castle fast.
Luigi: Let's use the warp pipe
Warp pipe noise
Mario: Peach you need to go hide because----
Ms.M: To Late. Now you will get of what you deserve for hurting my feelings.
Peach: No wait before you destroy me I just want to say that I'm sorry for mistaken you as Mario's Girlfriend. I didn't really know that you were his older sister. I should of listened before I done that. Can you forgive me
Ms.M: I never knew that you thought of that. Of course I can forgive you. NOT. Hahahahhaha now prepare to perish your doom
Mario: Noooooooo
Luigi: STAR SOUL ( strikes at Ms.M's heart )
Luigi: I can't forgive peach yet, but taking someone's body and life is the wronfpg answer
Ms.M: NOOOOOOOO( turns back to Mosetta )
Mario: Mosetta
Mr.L: (Catches Mosetta as she was knocked out unconscious.) So this is our older sister
Mario: Yes she is. She is a sweetheart, but she needs to rest. Even though you are evil still you can visit her tomorrow.
Mr.L: Okay see you later
Peach: Oh Mario thank you----
Mario: (holding Mosetta) Save it Peach. This all your fault again for making her transform like this. Your lucky that I saved you. Good bye
Peach: (whispers in tears) Mario don't go please.
Hope you liked that chapter. More will be coming on the way tomorrow and the other days. See you later. Oh and to let you know that Mosetta has 4 brothers which are Mario, Luigi, Mr.M, and Mr.L, but she is still the oldest in her family. So Vote, Comment, or Inbox me for any questions!
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