short story:)
Since when I was seven years old, I always get what I want, what I asked for is always served for me immediately. But when my parents died from car accident everything changed, everything came opposite. It's like I lost everything. Since now I'm already seventeen years old, and I live with my expectations and dreams that I hopefully want to became true.
"All want for my birthday is to have my own library"
"I want to have a small library for my Christmas gift"
"I want some new stuff for my graduation gift"
"I want some new shoes for new years eve"
That's the wish list for this year that is recorded to my cell phone every time I wish from my window and looking at the stars...
I always tell my wishes by looking at the window and looking up in the sky hoping that they'll became true someday...
Since I was 10 years old until now I'm 17 years old I didn't stop wishing and never stop hoping for all my wishes to become true...
I am working student because my parents died when I was 7 years old and I live with my grandparents now, but they can't work anymore for my education so I decide to have my work after I go to school..
And now, there still days before my birthday to come...
And I'm thinking what I will go to wish...
It's like my routine every holiday or there's an important event to me... I always have my wishes and wish it by looking at the stars...
"Dianne! Come on down now!" My grandmother shouted
"Yes grandma! I'm coming!" I replied back.
I leave my room fast, because I know that my grandmother always want an urgent.
"I want to have my old life back...." That's the last word I spill out through my recorder before going out...
I went down stairs, then I saw my grandmother wearing her usual floral dress, I wonder how my grandmother looks when she was young, I bet she have many suitors then...
"I'll be going to church today, so you'll be the only one here, lock all the doors ok?"She said
"Yes grand ma," I said immediately
She leaves the house with her cute bag and her umbrella...
Actually, my grandmother is very lovely and nice to me, since the two of us is the only family now.
Now that I don't have anything to do, I will just call Ashley to go here to our house. Ashley is my best friend and only friend, she's been my ultimate best friend/sister since when we were 5 and yes she known's all about me.
After I've called Ashley, she said that she will be here in 30 minutes because she has something to do with. When I decided to go upstairs to clean up my things, my eyes just found the old album that my mother gave to me before they died. But I was distracted by my vibrating phone, and there it was, it's Ashley called me.
-On the phone-
"Hey Dianne, I'm sorry but I can't go over your house, my mother said that we are going to our farm today. I'm really sorry; I'll just go there when there is time." She said over the phone
"Ohm, it's alright. Take care then." I said sadly
"Same to you Dianne, I have to go, bye." And she turns of the call"
-End of the phone call-
And now, I absolutely don't have anything to do. I really don't want to open or search or that album again, but it's like my eyes are stacked on it when I found it, the next thing I know is I was looking and viewing the pictures inside it, and there I saw the happy memories when they're still alive, and I can see the good life we had back then. My seeing is getting blurred, and there I saw some tear drops falling to the album, I really missed them so much, as my past life to. I was wondering my life if they we're still alive, I guess I don't have this poor situation, that is craving for the love of parents and wealth. Since I was so stress and I missed my parents that much I decided that I will go to their grave at the cemetery, it's been a long time since I visited their grave. I fold the album back and put it on its place back.
I go upstairs to my bed room, and changed my clothes. I get my recorder from my bag and put it into my wallet, I immediately leave out house and closed the gate, and I will just walk by from the house to the cemetery since its walking distance from our house.
When I got into the front of the grave of my parents my tears are running to fall down and I feel lost like I want to be with them again, I sit down on the grass and let my tears fall down. If only I have the chance to be with them again as my 18th birthday gift, yes I'm turning 18 this June, and it feels very unfortunate and sad like I felt 10 years ago when my birthday is coming, I remember when I was 7 years old, my last birthday with them, we gone to a trip with my parents and that's the best birthday gift ever because they buy me things I want and trip to places I want, and I think it's the best thing ever, but for now, all I ask for is to be with them again, I was feeling lost ever since they're gone, my happiness turned to sadness, and my paradise turned to a sad forest. "All I want for my birthday is to be with them again, and to feel the love of my parents again, just this gift, I promised to be happy and contented again with my life." I said hulking with tears, I was so lonely and sad since they died, and that's the opposite attitude of mine 10 years back then. I hope my wish will become true, even it's kind of hard to believe that it will become true.
When I feel comforted, and relieved, I decided to go home instead of staying there for a long time, but before I walk one step away from my parents grave I felt something cool on my shoulders, and the wind starts to whip hard, I felt scarred so I walk faster as I could and went outside of the cemetery fast and safe, when I'm on my way to our house I was thinking what's that wind is all about, because it's not just wind I feel something unexplainable when I felt cool and the sky is like widening or brightening, it's kind of creepy but I feel powerful now.
When I got to our house, grand ma isn't there, I guess she was having her work on church, I came back to my room and look for the calendar, and I see that it's 4 days from know and it's my birthday, but I don't feel my birthday is near from now, but I was hoping for something fortunate to my birthday this year.
The days becomes fast, and I can't think that tomorrow will be my birthday, every time that the time pass by specifically the exact time I feel the weird crappy thing at cemetery when I visited my parent's grave, I feel the same way all over again, it's sort of scary thing but I feel relieved every time I feel it, it's like giving me hope to rise up my life again into happiness. When I go down stairs I saw my grand am sitting in the living room and writing something.
"Grand ma, what's that?" referring to the thing she was writing.
"I'm planning foods for your 18th birthday sweetie, I guess that's the least I could do for your birthday.
I feel happy when she said that, I know that grand ma wants me to be a happy child like I was before. I go near her and hug her very gently and whispered "thanks grand ma, I love you". And that's how the day before my birthday was. Before I go to sleep, I reviewed my recordings first trying to wish it all over again to the stars, yeah it was like I was still a child to believe that stars could do magic? But I do believe, and the last thing I say before going to sleep is, "I want to be with my parents again and to have my life back."
When I woke up in the morning, I stretched my arms up while my eyes closed, and feeling the warm air, when I open my eyes I was surprised from what I saw, I never thought it will true, but I have to sure everything, I just saw my stuffs back then and so many gifts at my room, it's on my recording list, I leave my room with a shocked on my face, and I wasn't dreaming, it's true my wishes became true, almost all of my wishes that I've recorded is here, and I can see that this house is the house we have before, I hear someone laughing down stairs, so I go their searching who were they, yes I hear that they're sort of 4 persons I guess, and then boom! I saw my parents and my grandfather there with grand ma, I can't believe it! My wishes became true! I'm so happy that the next thing I know is I hugged them all and showered with kisses like there's no tomorrow, and this was the best gift I could consider now, I never regret wishing so very long time at the stars.
But before the month of my birthday went down, the things that I was happy about are gone little by little, and when the last day of June came, my parents did say good bye to me, and the last words I heard from them is "Everything has it's ending sweetie, we love you so much, good bye" and then viola! Their gone... I guess I have to accept that fact. But I was thankful for the wonderful experience for The Month of June.
yeah, my first english one-shot:) hope ya like it:)
(actually this is my short story project)
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