(Hi everyone! I just wanted to say a quick thank you for all the support. This story just broke 500 reads! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter.)
I sit up quickly, my breathing becoming faster. Why was it becoming faster?
I watch my parents next to me who are heaving for air.
But somehow I wasn't. I could breathe perfectly fine. Why was I breathing perfectly fine?
I meet my mother's eyes who scream fear. She mouths something to me I can't make out.
Then with a hoarse voice, using what energy she has left in her, she screams. "Go!"
I rapidly shake my head. "No. No, I'm not leaving you here! I'm not leaving any of you here!"
She hands me a paper with an x marked on it. Her voice whispers. "Save yourself."
"I can't, I can't! You can't just accept death like this."
"Skylar, it's okay. Go."
She suddenly stands up and walks to the door. I follow behind her, intrigued about what she is doing.
She looks back at me quickly and hugs me. She whispers into my ear. "I'm doing this because I love you."
Before I can question what she means, she opens the door and it slams behind me. I hear the door lock.
I suddenly find myself staring the flames destroying in my house right in the face. I scream and pound on the door.
"Please, Please!"
There is no time to figure out a plan. My house is going to crumble at any moment.
I run into my room, somehow still almost completely untouched by the flames.
I shut the door and rush to the balcony doors in my room.
The smoke is immense and the sky is dark. Houses have entirely fallen to the ground, with a few still remaining. Several bodies liter the streets.
I feel sick to my stomach.
A silent sob escapes my lips.
There is no way I can get out of here. I don't want to either. It doesn't feel right.
I take out the paper my mom gave me. On it are the words, "for the day we die," with a tiny x marked near the edge of the community.
Puzzled, I look out to see where it is. I locate the spot quickly, but don't see anything out of the ordinary there.
I look to the right of me and suddenly notice the flames are touching my arms. I let out a gasp. But they are not burning me. No, if anything they are miraculously soothing.
I hear the voice of someone so I immediately sit down. When I don't hear it anymore, I slowly look above the railing and see several guys walking toward the bodies on the street.
They wear oxygen masks and their jackets have the seal of the government on the back of them.
My stomach churns warningly. Something is so, very wrong.
I quickly realize that I'm going to have to jump. I stand up carefully on to the ledge and jump on to the grass.
The fire there, again, doesn't not bother me at all. I still can't understand this.
I cautiously weave my way through the community that is now cluttered with debris.
I notice my body is trembling. My legs almost give out, but I force myself to keep going as carefully as I can.
I'm about to reach the mark on the paper, when suddenly five government cars suddenly storm in as the protective barrier lifts.
I hide behind a bush, my body still trembling with the feeling of totally giving out at any minute.
When all the vehicles are gone, I run to the spot.
One of the men catches my gaze, but my own begins to darken and suddenly my body can't support my weight any longer.
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