Chapter 13
Venus continued traveling,Levi by her side.
"What was so funny in the cave?"she asked"it's a inside joke."Levi supplied"Aw,are you two getting along?"
"Shut up."Arthur grumbled from the other side of Inanna"so,are we almost to the village?"Willa nodded"just a bit longer.."
Just then Venus saw a group of cute little homes you'd see in little red riding hood"are we crashing there?"Inanna asked"a bed would be nice right now."
"Well,What about L-Blue?"Arthur asked"did you guys forget that monsters are a kill on sight?"Willa shrugged"he can stay out here,we just need a break."
Levi shrugged"seems fair,see you guys later."Venus and the two demons ran off without another word,Venus was so hungry she couldn't waste a goodbye.
Arthur sighed"that's not quite fair."Levi sat on a stump"nothing in the demon territory is fair to monsters,you weren't fair to me most the time."
Arthur groaned"I wasn't being unfair it's just that..your a monster and.."Levi sighed"and you have a history with monsters,yeah I know.we all have problems with them."Arthur crossed his arms"except you,they do as you command!"
"I don't mind control them Arthur,they have their own free one would listen to the runt prince Anyways."Arthur ignored him and got behind him to check his wings"they're doing a lot better,just a few days now."
Levi looked to the sky"finally."Arthur sat on the ground beside him"what's it like up there?"Levi smiled"it's indescribable,highly recommend."
Arthur looked to Levi's hand,they were almost human like the rest of him"strange.."
"What?"Arthur grabbed his wrist and examined Levi's hand"almost all monsters have claws,it's self defense 101,how come you don't?"Levi blushed"it's..hard to explain."
Arthur hummed"are they retractable like a cat?if so,can you demonstrate?"Levi chuckled nervously"sure thing."he then flexed his hand muscles,claw like nails coming from his hand.
Arthur gasped"that's so cool!"Levi retracted them back"really?i expected you to hate them,you already hate me because I'm a monster."
Arthur smiled"at least your more of a demon then you are monster."Levi smiled"thanks."Arthur nodded and stood up,checking on Levi's wings.
"Something wrong?"Arthur hummed"these bandages might be bad for your feathers now,I can take them off but they need a bit more healing before flight."
Levi smiled"fine by me."Arthur nodded and took the bandages off"nothing aches?"Levi shook his head"can I stretch?"
"Of course."Levi then stood up,his wings extending out enough to cast a shadow from the sunset"that feels so much better!"
Levi then ran into the forest oh great."Levi?Levi get back here!"he then ran after the monster,he sighed as he walked through the canopy.
"Where are you?"he grumbled,then something fell from a tree making him yelp.
Hanging like a bat from the tree was Levi"hey Doc!"Arthur sighed with relief and looked at Levi,he was so happy,he was kind of cute when he smiled.
Arthur cringed at the thought"did I scare ya?"Arthur blushed"shut up."Levi smirked"I did didn't I?"Arthur walked up to him"I say it again:shut up."
Levi froze as he looked into Arthur's dark blue eyes,the feathers on his wings puffing up"I..Uh..ok."
Arthur chuckled"wait you just agreed to me?your a prince,you make the orders!"Levi glanced away"you're better at it."Arthur smiled"are you coming down?"
"Nope."Levi informed with a smirk"you gotta come up here."Arthur sighed as he began to climb,Levi sat up and helped him.
Arthur smiled as he looked to the sunset"I miss waking up just in time for this,of course I was always in a rush to get outside."Levi nodded"you don't see stuff like this besides through a window for me."
Arthur tilted his head"how much do you know about out here?"Levi shrugged"enough to get by I guess."Arthur gasped"that's it,I'm showing you everything!"
Levi chuckled"I thought you didn't care,Sour Patch."Arthur scowled"1:I don't and 2:what's a sour patch?"Levi smiled"Venus told me it was this candy that was sweet then had a sour after taste."
Arthur gasped and punched his shoulder playfully"now c'mon,I need to show you everything about this place."Arthur then dropped to the ground"even if it takes hours?"
"Even is it takes all day."Arthur promised as Levi jumped down,he then grabbed his wrist and dragged him through the forest.
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