Chapter 9: Let's have a chat shall we?
*Narrator's POV*
So as seen from the last chapter, the pups have finally made it back to the lookout. Wondering what they're next move is Ryder, Vlad and Professor Williams decided to talk about it in Ryder's room. While they are planning they're next move the pups have gone they're seperate ways for now to have a chat or discuss some matters.
Let's see what they are up to now.
*3rd Person View (Limited)*
Chase and Lucas
As everyone exited the lookout Chase was about to go back to his pup house, feeling exhausted he limped his way outside.
But before he could somepup stopped him halfway
"Hey Chase, can we talk for a bit?" Someone said
Chase looked behind to find Lucas looking at him with his hazel eyes.
"Sure Lucas." Chase said nonchantly
Although he was really tired he didn't mind having company, he was always free to chat to someone.
Lucas then led him outside of the Lookout, on the edge of the cliff.
When they've reached a good spot they both sat down, looking at the beautiful scenery of mother nature, letting the nice cool breeze through they're furs.
Chase sniffs the nice clean air, making his lungs breathe in peace, feeling that nice offering mother nature gave. Lucas also went for a sniff of the majestic air, and it went butterflies on his stomache and flowers in his lungs.
"The air really his nice here, not like the one in our country, Russia.." Lucas started
"Really?" Chase asked
"Yea, i wish we get to live here someday..." Lucas added
"Well, it's always not that nice living here, you just haven't seen it" Chase said
"I'll keep that in mind" Lucas said
"So what did you want to talk about?" Chase raised the question
"Well... it's about your position here in the PAW Patrol Chase..." Lucas answered.
That left Chase speechless... Like he was just an Police/Spy pup. What does he mean? he thought
"What do you mean by that Lucas?" Chase asked
"Well... It's not just about you being an Police/Spy pup Chase, what i meant was about being a second leader to the PAW Patrol. Like how come you could be so calm and collected in tough situations.. How you lead the PAW Patrol when Ryder is gone like it's nothing... I need help, i don't know what to do to help the team, i wanna help to the best version of myself...... How? How do you do it?" Lucas asked kinda curious and serious
"Wait a minute Lucas...." Chase said
"Ok..." Lucas said kinda sad
Chase didn't know how to feel, it was actually his first time that that question was asked to him. To him, leading the Paw Patrol sometimes without Ryder was kindof natural for him. He was kinda used to it, and he also did his very best whenever a situation like that came up.
"Well... i guess that's just me, everyone has different ways on how to help they're team Lucas, so i can't say how i do it i just, do it i guess. All i can say is just do what you have to do, i do this because i want to protect everyone and safe, and thinking that everything will be alright once the problem is over, that always keeps me calm. Well that's just for me i guess... Lucas, to be able to find the answers your seeking, you have to first experience it. Everything i said is just useless until you try them, you have to find your voice per say, find what's best for you and stick with it, only then you can say for sure that you have become the best version of yourself" Chase explained
Lucas noticed that Chase's answer was a little vague. It was like he didn't knew how to answer the question, but he was right. To be able to find the answers he needs, he needs to experience it and handle the situation for himself, for him doing this would help him understand all of his unsolved questions...
"Thanks Chase." Lucas replied.
"No problem Lucas." Chase also replied.
As they we're enjoying the moment, something with great wind pressure hit them in the back of they're heads making them tilt they're heads a little.
"What was that?!" Both of them said in unison
As they lifted they're heads up they saw that the jet is flying out and about doing all sorts of tricks.
"Why is the jet flying? I thought that it was in sleep mode" Lucas asked in disbelief
"I think i know who is doing that..." Chase said
"Skye and Addison"
Skye and Addison
Addison was just cleaning up her jet, fixing if they we're any problems which was just some minor problems, and was just about to finish when..
"*phew* Finally just a few more tweeks and then i'm done.." she exhausted.
"Hey Addison, can i talk to you?" someone said.
As she checked behind her to find out who it was, it was Skye!
She was ecstatic about the idea of talking to one of her idols so she accepted the offer with big arms.
"Of course!" she said.
"Great!" Skye exclaimed.
Skye then went inside of the jet she was in. She was excited! Seeing these very high-tech equipment amazes her. The interior was very homey and comfy, she glanced at the controls in the control room and she was in awe. So many complicated switches and buttons that makes the flying even more grand-like.
"Wow Addison, you built all of this? By yourself?" Skye asked.
"Yea i worked atleast 3 months to be able to finish it, what do you think ma'am?" Addison asked.
"First off Addison please don't address me as your senior, we're the same age for pup's sake. And second you're amazing Addison! I wish the world would've known your talent!"
"Of course!"
Hearing this made Addison's day brighter than her future. She was super happy that Skye appreciated her work.
"Thank you ^^" Addison said.
Addison then offered Skye to have a chat in the main room. So they went there and sat on one of the comfy seats.
"Hey Addison" Skye said
"Yea Skye?" Addison replied
"How did you become and Construction pup?" Skye asked
"Oh that's a long story. But in short i was still in the orphanage just walking outside...."
Addison was just a few months old back then. She was just playing around the outside of the Orphanage when suddenly.
"Lalalalala, oooooooo sure is a beautiful day today! I wonder what i can do today." Addison said to herself.
Just then she discovered some pieces of old scrap on the other side of the road. She thought that it was just a waste of useful materials and so she decided to go to the spot with the materials. After crossing the road she was amazed by how clean they we're and how the materials are still fresh looking, she was in awe.
"Wow who would've waste and trash these amazing scrap?! Imma make something out of them" She said to herself
She then proceeded to grab all of it and went back to the orphanage to grab her tools.
She had quite a fascination for constructing and crafting so she decided to make something out of all of those scrap.
"Let's see here.... what could i make...."
Looking at all of the materials she has she brainstormed and thinked a lot. After a lot of hours brainstorming she finally...
"YES! That's perfect!" she said to herself
After a lot of more hours she finally finished this project of hers.
"YES! Finally it's finished!!!" she screamed
Grabbing it by her paws she finally it....
it was.... an.....
"So you're telling me, you made an ROBO-DOG?!" Skye screamed
"Yea it was my first accomplishment ever and so that's how i got my interest in construction and crafting" Addison added
"Wow Addison, you remind me a lot of Rocky!" Skye remarked
"Thanks Skye hehehe" She said
"So how 'bout you Skye? How did you became an arial pup?" Addison asked
"OH well, i was just a new member to the PAW Patrol. I was doing some stunts here and there when Ryder gave me something. It was a jetpack! I was excited and so i tried it and i knew i was great at it! And so Ryder decided to make me the pup in the skies" Skye said
"Wow that sounds amazing!"
"Thanks! I really appreciate you talking to me"
"Hey i should be the one greatful! You we're the one who approached me"
"Well yea i guess you're right hehehe"
Right then and there Addison really wanted to check the flying conditions of the jet, and so she'd thought of a great idea
"Hey Skye, can i ask you a favor?" Addison asked
"Huh? What is it?" Skye asked
*A few minutes later*
"WEEEEEE This is fun!" Skye said
"You bet!" Addison said
"Thanks for letting me test drive the jet Addison" Skye added
"No Problem Skye, Well i did need to test if there we're any problems with the controls and engine but so far there's none!" Addison explained
"Alright Addison, i'm gonna slow this down a little since i wanna show you the scenery" Skye suggested
"Of course!" Addison accepted
Skye the clicked auto-pilot and they we're now flying above Adventure Bay. Both Addison and Skye we're in awe.
The amazing scenery of the skies and clouds, the blueish green color of the ocean and the beauty of the city itself.
"Wow..." Addison said amazed
"You know i haven't actually seen Adventure bay like this, Thanks again Addison" Skye thanked with big gratitude.
"And thanks for showing me this amazing view" Addison said
They both giggled.
They we're about to go back to the lookout and land when something caught they're attention...
In Addison's mind she thought it was just some things... And so did Skye...
But with closer inspection they found out that it was two pups and not some things!
"Hey isn't that Zuma and Arrby?" Skye asked
"Huh? Who's Arrby?" Addison asled
"Oh he's a friend of Zuma's and has currently lost his owner" Skye answered
"Oh... i hope that they find his owner soon.." Addison wished
"Yea but... what i'm more curious about is the fact that they're in the ocean holding paws.." Skye said
"Hmmm yea that does seem to make me more curious to" Addison added
Then Addison and Skye looked at the two brown pups at the side window in the jet.
"I wonder what they're doing down there..."
Zuma and Arrby
Both the Dachshund and the Labrador decided to go to the beach and refresh themselves for the upcoming plan.
But while they we're going there they decided to have a little chat.
"Hey Awwby.." Zuma started
"Yes mate?" The Dachshund Asked
"How does it feel like being a piwate?" Zuma asked back
"Huh? Whaddya mean by that 'mate?" Arrby said confused...
"Well i meant.... How come youw always so bwave?"
"Me Brave? Hah! Think again my friend... ya see..... i'm not all brave..."
"Huh? But you'we a piwate awen't you supposed..."
"Now 'matey, just because imma pirate that doesn't mean i'm always brave... Us pirates have fears like yer you know!" Arrby argued
"Hey! i didn't mean to mock you, i'm just cuwious that's all"
"Ah okay. Well yer right about us being brave and courageful but.... wait.."
"Why are you askin' me this?"
"Well.... i'm not stwong now bwave like the othews...."
Then there we're just silence. Arrby hearing Zuma that he isn't brave makes his heart crack but not shattered. Zuma was one of his role models besides Sid. Seeing Zuma like that didn't sit with Arrby. He isn't gonna just let this slide oh no.
So while they we're walking Arrby thought of a plan to help make Zuma a little courageous.
He saw that there weren't that many people on the roads so Arrby suggested.
"'ey Zuma, i dare you to go in the middle and yell one of your most embarassing things about yourself." Arrby suggested
"WHAT?! NO!!! I DON'T WANNA!" Zuma argued.
"Come on Zuma you said you wanna be brave right?"
"Well... yea i have to..."
"Well you have to do this. Us pirates aren't scared of being embarassed at things, you said how we become tough and brave, well this is one of them... Come on 'mate, for your sake."
As much as Zuma hates the thought of confessing in the middle of the streets.... he's right.
Also Zuma wanted to get something out of his chest for a while now, now is his chance.
So Zuma plucked up the courage he has and went to the middle of the road and stood on all fours.
He breathes in.
He breathes out.
Silence filled the air....
Zuma was panting from screaming but he looked at Arrby... And he was.... Clapping?
"Wow 'mate you did it!" Arrby applauded
"Heh... Thanks Awwby..." Zuma thanked
"So... did it helped?" Arrby asked'
"A little" Zuma responded
"See? it's not noticeable but one by one you will become brave i believe in you.." Arrby said with sincerity
Zuma was shocked, usually Arrby would laugh at things like this but no..... He wasn't, infact, he was happy, it was like he...
He didn't know what gay means...
But nonetheless he was happy that someone like Arrby, his bestfriend, was able to help him get brave. He knew it was gonna take awhile but he knows there will always be there to help him...
"Anyways we'we hewe!" Zuma said pointing at something
Arrby was in awe, it was beautiful, and it was also his first time seeing something more valuable then treasure...
Natural Beauty.
The blueish green ocean slapping the shining sand lightly, the seagulls wondering about around the sand, and just nature itself.
"Wow this looks majestic!" Arrby said in awe
"Yea it is! Evewytime i was down i would always come hewe and enjoy the beautiful scenewy. It makes me welaxed and happy listening to the ocean's sounds." Zuma added
"Oh i see" Arrby said
The two the walked in the middle of the beach and sat in the soft sand to enjoy the view.
Just then something pops up in Zuma's mind that might make the situation better.
"Hey Awwby, wanna swim?" Zuma asked
Suprisingly Arrby seemed flustered and scared all of a sudden...... But Why?
"Uhm.... M-maybe n-ext t-time 'mate..... eheheh" Arrby said
"Why not? Don't you love the..."
That's when it clicked in Zuma's head....
"Us pirates have fears like yer you know....."
This is what Arrby meant, he also has aquaphobia... Which doesn't make sense for him, he loves the ocean. Heck he practically lives in it.
Zuma still doesn't know why but for now all he can do is help Arrby with his fear
Zuma then grabbed Arrby in the front paw and dragged him to the shore.
But then Zuma shushed him by putting his paw in Arrby's mouth.
"Shhhh, don't wowwy Awwby, let me help you. Like how you helped me" Zuma said calming Arrby down
And that did the trick, but.... Arrby... He is blushing.... He doesn't know why Zuma would do this, it's not like he doesn't like Zuma's company, it's just... he was .... flustered..
He was wondering why he's acting like this, he was never this flustered before. And this feeling of heat from his face, what is this? He wished he knew what was wrong with him so that he would be able to understand it better.
Anyways feelings aside Arrby needs to control his fear of the water...
With Zuma's help....
Zuma then slowly but surely pulled Arrby into the water. Doing this, Zuma can feel Arrby's shaking, like really shivering. He then pulled Arrby into a hug which made the Dachshund suprised
"How 'bout this?" Zuma asked
"A little better" Arrby responded
"Good" Zuma said in relief
Zuma started around the high part of the water, where you can still touch the ground
"How 'bout we stawt with this?" Zuma asked
"Ok 'matey" Arrby said
And so there they we're, hugging softly while in the waters. They can feel the cold breeze and the light splashing of the waves. Arrby felt so good because first of all he was able to face his fears and second it's with the closest person on his book in the PAW Patrol.
He then looked into Zuma's eyes. Those greenish yellow eyes was shining from the sun's rays, they stare at each other silently but intently.
Zuma also did the same, looking into the Dachshund's amber-hazel like eyes makes his heart race and fill his stomache with butterflies.
For some reason Arrby wasn't scared or didn't even got scared... cause he knows as long as there was Zuma, he was comfortable.
"Hey Awwby...." Zuma suddenly started.
"Yes mate?" he said.
"Huh? What do you mean by that mate?" he curiously asked.
"Fiwst, you helped me become a little bwavew. Also, you we'we weally open to me with stuff like these, which makes me feel weally happy to know that you trust me." Zuma explained.
"Oh i see, it's nothing mate."
"No really, thank you."
"Hehe, no problem. I guess. You are a person that i can trust afterall, second to Sid." he asked.
"Well then, can i ask you something?"
"How come your afwaid of the watew? Aftewall you litewally live in it." he asked.
Arrby looked at him with nervousness in his eyes. Although he doesn't want to admit it, he knows that he eventually has to. Knowing Zuma, they will continue this water thing a lot more after the situation has ended. And to be able to do it with ease, he has to tell the truth.
"Well.... Long ago mate i had gotten into an accident in the oceans, which almost led me to my death. But then i was rescued by Captain Sid. Then and there he helped me overcome this fear and even become partners in crime. But... Truth be told... i never got over it. I was still scared and i endured that fear every time we had an adventure in the waters. Plus after the Giant Collossal Squid incident i had recently, it just came back...." Arrby explained.
"Awwby...." was the only word that Zuma can form.
The struggles Arrby went through, his fear, plus the loss of a loved one. It must've been a lot for Arrby. But what amazes him the most about him is how he handles it. He never shows it or makes it obvious cause he doesn't want to worry others. He knows.... cause...
He's been there before...
"Thanks for telling me Awwby...." Zuma thanked the Dachshund.
"No problem mate, just promise me that you would help me 'kay?" he questioned.
"Of course!" he said before giving his big smile.
Both of them felt really happy at the moment to the point that they even forgot about the dreading situation they had to face. They wanted to cherish this moment and be in this moment for as long as they could. Suddenly Arrby spots something.
"Hey Zuma..." Arrby suddenly said.
"Yes Awwby??"
"Who are those?" Arrby points to the lookout's balcony.
"Huh?" Zuma said as he looks to where Arrby was pointing too.
At the balcony, they spot two pups talking to each other. Although it was kind off a blur thanks to the water, it was still clear that they we're pups.
"Oh, that's Everest and Marshall." Zuma answered.
"Who's Everest?" he asked.
"Everest is our snow pup, a new addition to the team alongside Tracker."
"Oh okay..... wonder what they're doing over there..."
"Me too Awwby....'
"Me too"
Marshall and Everest
"Ahhh finally, i can take a break from all of this stress." Marshall said as he takes the elevator to the top floor.
As the elevator elevates to the top floor, he wonders how things will playout. How will they be able to solve this mystery? What are we gonna do to handle this situation ourselves, especially with thw authorities around??? These thoughts with new questions keeps popping in and out of his mind. The poor Dalmatian is getting stressed and bombarded with all of these difficult mysteries that even him can't for sure what to say.
As the elevator reached the top floor, he notices just how beautiful the sunset was. He never got to really take in the wonders of the sky and nature itself from all of this mess. So he decided to cool off for a bit. Afterall, it was his reason for coming here in the first place.
As he walks into the balcony he sees a very peculiar Syberian Husky enjoying the view.
*Your my best view -insert lenny face-*
"Everest?" he called out.
"Yes?" she said as she turns around with her blue eyes looking into his.
"What are you doing here?" he asks, afterall she was just in the main lobby sleeping.
"Well, after i woke up, i kinda decided to just enjoy the moment here at the balcony." she explained.
"I suppose you're here to do the same?" she asked.
"Yea..." he replied as he walked into he direction and sat beside her.
They then admired the orange sunset that was infront of them. The birds chirping for the last time, the trees giving their breeze, and the athmosphere feeling heavy yet somewhat light-hearted.
"So..." Everest tried to break the silence. But to be honest, they didn't knew how, what o where to start off.
"Well this is akward." Marshall remarked.
"Couldn't agree more." Everest agreed.
Then they both laughed to attempt to get rid of the akwardness. Then it stopped.
And it became akward again....
Then the silence....
"Whay are we doing??" Everest said.
"I don't know either, just enjoying the sunset." Marshall replied.
"I guess the situation right now has really taken a toll on you huh?" Everest asked.
"I guess.... I just can't.... seem to think about it nonstop..."
"Oh i see...."
Everest quickly thinked on what to do to ease the tension. She suddenly thinked about what she did with Chase back at the jet, and she set the plan in motion.
She went closer to him clearly creating confusion to the dalmatian.
She then rests her head on Marshall's shoulder. Giving him comfort and warmth.
"I can feel you've been really stressed about this Marshall..." Everest said, trying to find the words she needed to help the stressed Dalmatian.
"Really now?"
"Mhm... from miles away..."
"It's okay Marsh. All of us are in the edge right now, and that we're doing our best to solve the situation...."
"Is it enough though?" Marshall suddenly cuts in.
"What do you mean by that?" Everest said looking at him in disbelief.
"I just feel like, i haven't done enough for the team. Yes i'm the firefighter and the EMT of the Paw Patrol, but i just don't know what to do to help...." Marshall explained.
"Marsh...." Everest said.
Somehow, she feels the exact same. During some missions that she wasn't needed, it felt like she wasn't doing her best and that she wasn't good enough for the team. But that didn't stop her to do what it takes to help the team to the best of her abilities.
"You know Marsh, it's okay. You're already doing you're best in everything, it showed when you temporarily led the team while we we're gone, and for me..." she said before laying her head in his chest.
"That's more than enough, and i'm sure that's what the others are thinking right now." she said.
"Thanks Eve." Marshall said blushing in the process.
"You're welcome Marsh." she replied.
Marshall, thinking about it a bit more. Why we're they calling each other in nicknames? They we're friends afterall, maybe it was natural to call your friends nicknames.
Anyways that aside he just decided to sit there and enjoy the view with Everest in his chest resting. They do need all of their energy, strength and will power especially with their current situation, so might aswell rest and relax here and there.
But they never knew that it would be cut short. They never knew what was coming for them.
What was about to happen to them...
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