Chapter 6: An Unexpected Guest
*Zuma's POV*
"AWWBY!" I scweamed
I wan to the injuwed pup as fast as i could...
"Z-zu-zuma?" the pup asked
"Awwby what awe you doing hewe?"
"I'll explain later mate, please help me for now" he asked
"Okay" i replied
I then proceeded to cawwy Awwby in my back wunning slowly.
"Hey Zuma what's- Arrby?" he asked
"Wocky he is hurt please get Mawshall" i said
"Ok!" he replied
He then went to the lookout wunning to find Mawshall. I was panicking. 'Why is Awwby hewe?' I thought to myself.
~A few minutes latew~
"You doing ok Arrby?" Mawshall asked
"Yea, thanks mate!" Awwby replied
"Hey Awwby, what awe you doing hewe?" i asked
"Alright, you deserve to know, it was just yesterday afternoon when it happened...."
*Arrby's POV*
I was sitting in the lower deck admiring the fresh sea air, the lovely waves of the sea and the nice smell of the pirates ship.
"Hey Arrby, come inside and let's have breakfast!" My owner said, his name is Sid by the way
"Coming Captain boss Mr. Sid sir!" i replied
"Uhm.... Can you just call me Sid Arrby? The nickname is just too long..."
"Oh ok Sid"
I then went in the cabin with Sid to grab some Breakfast. Eggs with Bacon, Yum!
I grabbed the food and began to munch my food gone.
"You're a fast eater today Arrby, pretty hungry?" he asked me
"Well not that much *nom* but yea!" i replied
We then talked about our plans for today, which is nothing out of the ordinary just sail around the sea and look for treasure. My favorite thing in the world.
After breakfast we set off for treasure! The wind blowing in the sail's direction, the sea breeze going through my fur and the calm waves banging on the ship's body.
It was the perfect life for me.... until.... it.... happened....
Something.... came out.... from the...... sea....
It was..... big..... and...... let's say....
Colossal looking.....
The sky starts to turn black as the waves become more aggresive and the wind was blowing from all directions.
"Is that what i think it is....?" Sid asked to himself.....
And the thing we feared.....
Is here.....
Something big and strong emerges from the depths of the ocean sea.....
It was....
A colossal squid....
We never saw one like it in our entire lives, that thing was massive and its tentacles was as big as our ship's length.....
"Sid... What now?" i asked.
"Well.... i guess..... this is.... goodbye" he replied
"But Captain Mr. Sid sir.... I can't..... Losing you..."
"Arrby, we will meet each other again.... but until then... i will miss you..."
"First mate....."
'This was it' i thought
Didn't think i would die this way but it had to.....
Me and Sid hugged each other as we prepare oursleves for the squid's attack.....
And.... it lunged it's long tentacles.... and....
Destroyed the ship....
Me and Sid immediately sunk from the ship.....
I then looked at my Captain.... One last time.... Before my vision went dark....
My mind went blurry.... and went numb....
~A few hours later~
I then feel something.... somethin-no...
someone is pecking my numb paws...
I opened my eyes to find seagulls all around me like i was some dead meat or somethin'
"Hey! Get off me you pesky birds!" i said waving my paws to shoo them away.
As all of them fly away.... I start to stand on all fours processing where was i...
"Where am i?" i asked to myself
As i look around i'm starting to realize where exactly i am....
I was at the beach of....
Adventure bay....
"So this is Adventure bay huh? Well this looks.... rather peaceful..."
Without grabbing anyone's attention i start to walk my way to an hill....
A hill that has a quite long tower with an red roof and a slide.....
"Wait... this... this... this is.."
I walked to see more for myself and sure enough...
It was the PAW Patrol's hideout
"So this is what they're hideout looks like..." i said to myself
I then saw an peculiar shape....
It's color being the same as mine...
Those facial features....
That pup tag.....
It screamed as it saw me....
~End of Flashback~
*3rd Person*
All the pups we're in shock.... Hearing Arrby's story makes they're jaw drop and making them cover they're mouths with they're paws
"Arrby... I'm sorry to hear that..." Marshall said
"It's ok mate..." Arrby replied
"But what about Sid? did you pewhaps saw him?" Zuma asked
"Sadly matey, no.... i couldn't find a trace of Captain Sid anywhere...." he replied with a sad tone
"Well, since you are in bad shape, why don't you stay here with us for awhile?" Skye suggested
"I would love to m'lady but i don't wanna be an disturbance to your things." he said
"Come on Arrby! You wouldn't be an disturbance! We would love to have you here!" Rubble said
"Of couwse mate!" Zuma said.
He then looked down and thinked for a little bit.
"Thanks ya'll, i will never forget this!" He said as he looks at us with those amber-hazel eyes of his
"So wanna watch some Apollo the super pup?" Rubble asked
"What's that?" Arrby asked
"You don't know that show?! How?!" Rubble said in disbelief
"Well... he was born through a pirate background i'm sure there weren't any sorce of technology for him to watch it." Rocky said
"Oh.. Well you gotta see it!" Rubble excitedly said as he turns on the tv and puts it on the Apollo the super pup channel
"I promise you are gonna love this!" Rubble reassured Arrby as everyone began to sit around the tv laughing
"Hahahahahaha" Arrby said happily.
He then thought to himself
'It looks like i'm not going anywhere for now.... I hope you are safe somewhere Captain boss Sid....'
*Zuma's POV*
"Time to sleep pups!" Mawshall said as he gets up fwom his seat to exit the lookout...
"Will you be ok here Arrby?" Mawshall asked
"Of course Mate..." he weplied
We then pwoceed to exit but befowe we could even fully get out...
"Wait!" Awwby said
"What is it Arrby?" Skye asked
"Thank you... for taking me in your home"
"No pwob Awwby! Just tell us if you need anything" i said
"Will do" he weplied
We then went to ouw pup houses, telling each other goodnight.
As i went to my pup house i was thinking to just go to sleep alweady, but maybe that wasn't what mothew natuwe had plans fow me...
~A few minutes later~
I was sleeping away when i suddenly get tapped on my shouldew by someone.
I opened my eyes to find Awwby poking me.
"Hey Awwby, you need something?" i asked him
"Sorry for waking you up mate but... Can i perhaps sleep with you tonight?" he asked me back
"Huh? Why?"
"Well.... It's just that i feel lonely sleeping by myself you know.... and hate to admit but.... i get nightmares when i'm alone...." he explained bashfully i can see him blushing in embarassment
"Of couwse Awwby you can sleep with me, no need to be embawassed we all get nightmawes" i said
"O-oh... o-o-okay..." he said stutewwing
He then positioned himself to be laying next to me, leaning on my shouldew cutely.
"Goodnight Mate"
"Goodnight Awwby"
He then pwoceeded to lean on my shouldew as he closes his eyes.
I find it cute and adowable just by looking at him that it makes me smile and blush....
'But there's no way..' i thought
Awwby is just a fwiend nothing else....
Well i will ask that about myself latew as something comes in my mind befowe i doze off....
'I wonder how Wydew, Evewest and Chase awe doing back at Wussia?'
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