Chapter 16: A new friend.
As the sun rises, people start to wake up, and start anew with another day...
The cold breeze in the air and the warmth rays of the sun is such an odd combination indeed, but people start to accept this bizarre climate.
As the townsfolk in an island start to go about their day, in the south-west coast, a pup is there, unconscious and unaware of his surroundings...
His grey and white spotted fur all damp and wet from the tremendous disasters he had to go through...
It's amazing how he is still alive and well despite being unconscious for so long in his underwater adventure, but no time to be amazed now.
As the waves of the ocean hit the snowy cold land, the pup starts to wake up from his slumber.
I wonder what events will unfold after the pup awakens.
I guess we'll just have to watch and see...
*Rocky's POV*
"Ugh..." I exclaimed as I open my eyes wide after a few attempts to do so.
As I do, I take in my surroundings. The white snow that's enveloped in the ground, the cold waters hitting my hind paws, the vast ocean ahead of me, and the cliff above me.
"So I'm probably somewhere near the northern hemisphere. I can't be that far from where I was, or else I wouldn't have been able to survive that long..." I noted to myself...
You know, speaking of surviving...
"How did I survive??? It's clear that Adventure Bay and wherever I am has a pretty far distance between themselves... Just how??" I talked to myself...
Well, no time to wonder about that, to be honest, I should probably be glad I am alive to see another day...
With all of the thinking I've done, I've almost forgot about my physical state. I'm still sitting here on my belly...
And so I decided to stand up, and I immediately felt this sharp numb pain ran across my whole body. I shiver as I plop back down to the ground instantly.
Is this what coma patients waking up from their deep slumber feel like? But with the current situation, I don't think I have time for therapy, and so I said frick it and decided to stand on all fours again, this time with less pain but it was still there, but bearable. I then decided to walk over to the cliff that's above me by going through the sides and making my way up from there.
As I do so, every step on the way was agonizing, it felt like I was walking on needles. And with the cold snow under my paws, it's just getting worse and worse.
But I was finally able to climb up to the cliff. I plopped down, AGAIN, and sighed.
After relaxing for a bit, I finally go back into detective mode. As I look into what's in front of me, I just see this big and vast ocean. There are some icicles here and there, and the clouds seem just fine in my eyes, blue with a hint of yellow. And somehow I can feel the cold breeze of air, and the warm rays of the sun. And now I'm confused... Normally in snowy places like these, the sun isn't even supposed to be visible, nor you should feel the sun's rays...
Just where in the world am I? Look I'm not the smartest pup out there, and I'm probably not that knowledgeable, so I'm not sure...
But I do know one thing...
"I need to get back in Adventure Bay..." I muttered as I try to figure out a way to get back to them.
As I look behind me, I noticed a road up ahead, maybe I can get a free ride? I'm kinda used to doing it when I was a street pup, so why not right?
It may sound harsh and selfish, but when you're life and the life of the ones you loved are in the line, you have to do everything for them.
And so I set my plan into motion. I stand up again, despite the sharp feeling of pain, and started to walk to the road to wait for a ride.
A few minutes later, a pull-up truck with nothing in it drives by. PERFECT!
I prepare to jump in the trunk...
Phew, looks like I made it. As I look into the driver's seat, it seems that no one noticed me, Nice!
I then position myself near the lower front bedside and the rear panel on the truck bed floor so that no one would notice me. Usually with this kind of truck, it has a high bedside, making it impossible for me to have a clear view of my surroundings, but with this one however, there are some windows in the lower front bedside, no idea why but I'm kind off glad that that window was there.
And so I looked into that window patiently while trying to process what was happening...
How and why did I even got here in the first place??? I tried to recollect my memories...
I jumped from a cliff... I landed in the water... Then I fainted...
Wait... why did I jump???
Because... I was running away from the police...
And that's when it clicked...
Their probably still in jail after the arrest... And I escaped...
I need to rescue them... Whatever it takes... I must help them...
As I finished that thought I suddenly see a port in the distance.
I could probably try to find a ship headed to Adventure bay, or even somewhere close... It's a longshot that I'm willing to take.
"For my friends..."
I hoped into the bench extension of the trunk and jumped into the snowy grass...
I still don't know where I am, but then I noticed a flag on the building right next to the port.
It has two equal horizontal bands of white and red with a large disk slightly to the hoist side of centre. The top half of the disk is red, the bottom half is white.
Wait, I recognize that flag... I'm in...
Welp, no time to think, I have to get into an ship.
As I run to the port, I get an even clear view of the ships in the port. There are some ships going to asian continents, and some going to southern hemisphere areas, but I see one that's seems very peculiar to me...
As I approach the sign board full of the department schedules, I saw this particular shipment that will be delivered in an hour...
"Greenland to... Foggy Bottom...???"
Wait... What?! Out of all the places did it really have to be Foggy Bottom? Ugh....
No time to complain now, must do everything to save my friends...
Since the ship will depart in an hour, I decided to get aboard and wait it out...
And that's exactly what I did... Well... not exactly...
First I had to maneuver my way to the ship, SPY STYLE. And since there's a big wide platform with nothing to hide on between the building and the port itself, it's basically a game of green light, red light. Thankfully with the help of Chase's spy tips and tricks, I made it without people noticing me, but with my numb body and the continuous pain I've felt in my paws, it wasn't easy... But I made it... Barely...
After that, there's the struggle of finding an hiding spot, there are so many cargo here, LIKE SERIOUSLY HOW MUCH STUFF HAS MAYOR HUMDINGER ORDERED? It may seem a good thing, but once in a while, a person would come here and check the packages, and so making it hard for me to stay still...
A few minutes go by after that, and the ship started to sail, FINALY! It felt like hours waiting for this ship to move...
After all of the maneuvering and hiding I had to do, I decided to rest and conserve my energy.
I then see this decent blind spot under the stairs, and so I quietly walked my way to the spot, and finally landed on my belly.
"Phew, finally I can rest..." I sighed.
But then...
*Low Growl*
Oof, I guess I really wasn't able to eat anything in the last few hours. I was so focused on getting out of here that I completely forgot I was in a bad shape. I probably looked as skinny as ever, just as Marshall said, I'm such a skinny legend...
Also now that I got a closer look at myself, There are scratch marks in my paws and my hind legs. It's probably because of the rocks and other weird things I encountered during my unconscious water adventure... Wait... Now that I realize it, as someone like me who has aquaphobia...
I had some balls to jump in the water from a very high place, and go on a vehicle that travels in the ocean, that mainly consists of water...
I guess that training with Zuma really came in handy...
Anyways, I'm tired as frick... And so I decided to sleep...
*A few hours later*
"Uhm... Hello???" someone asks...
I immediately prepared myself mentally as soon as my brain started to function... I had and still was going through a good sleep, but this person really had to disturb me huh?
"Hello??? Mister???" it asked again.
The voice seemed like a very young woman who seems to be politely waking me up...
Oh god, did they find me in my spot??? But wait, why would it call me mister? Heck I'm even not that old for goodness sake...
Since this person would probably not stop to annoy me, I decided to hold back the "Running away" plan since she sounded like someone with no intentions to hurt me... I open my eyes to see...
A... Siberian Husky...
She looks similar to Everest but she has light brown fur instead. She has bright blue eyes, and a purple collar, she seems like she has an owner, so why is she by herself?
"Oh, you're awake..." she whispers.
"Well I mean, you we're trying to wake me up right? It's only natural I would wake up." I sassed back.
I clearly don't have the time for this, I just want to go back to sleep, and mind you I'm still exhausted from the things I had to do...
"O-oh.. sorry.." she continued.
There was this heavy and awkward silence between us, until she spoke again...
"U-uhm... That's my spot..." she says.
Her spot?
"Well, it's clear to me that there are no signs here that say this is you're spot, plus I'm only trying to sleep here? Can't you just go and let me sleep?" I said in a very sassy tone...
"O-oh... I'm so-sorry... I-I'll go n-now..." she said stuttering before leaving to go back into the front deck.
She definitely has some nerve to wake me up like that. After that whole ordeal, I tried to go back to sleep but before I could, I feel this sudden stop from the ship...
Have we already landed? And that fast?
Before I knew it, the ship signals the crew that they have arrived at their destination. I also look into the distance, and I see that the sun is already going down.
Is it dusk already? Last time I checked, the sun was still an hour up after dawn. Time sure does fly fast...
I wait for a bit for all people to leave, and when they do, it's round 2.
This time there are some obstacles, big boxes and carts I can sneak, hide and wait in. So it wasn't that hard as the first round of red light green light. And so, I was finally out of the port in Foggy Bottom.
As I went out of the port, I immediately get hit with the smell of stenchy lake water...
Seriously Mayor Humdinger is not a good mayor...
I tried to figure out what to do next, when suddenly.
*Low but Big Growl*
Oh god, I forgot I was hungry...
Nonetheless, I could probably find some leftovers here and there so I started on the search. Like I said, I used to be a street pup, I'm used to this.
A few minutes of food hunting later, I happen to find some leftover Garlic Bread on the side of an restaurant.
'Gotta make sure it's safe to eat.' I thought to myself...
I then proceeded to sniff it and sure enough, it's good for consumption. And so I ate it like there's no tomorrow, it was gone in a few seconds...
'Even though it wasn't enough, atleast it's enough to last me a few more hours.'
And so I then sat there wondering what to do next...
'I can't just go back to the Tower, the police might find me again... I can't go to the place they're being kept because for starters, I don't even know where their being kept, and I can't just go there without a plan... Oh what to do...'
Before I can go back to my thoughts, I hear a familiar voice...
"N-no! Please! Let me g-go!" it screamed.
Wait... That voice...
I then decide to go check it out, just for curiosity's sake.
The voice was coming from this alleyway a few blocks from where I was... As I look into the alleyway, there she is! But from what I can see, she was trembling in front of a Poodle, that has brown eyes and a necklace made of gold, whose double the Husky's size and two Bulldogs beside the Poodle, acting like the Poodle's bodyguards...
"Oh come on little one, just give me some of you're food and we will be on our way." The Poodle said.
"I-I-I'm So-sorry but... The-ese fo-ods a-are for m-my brothers, sisters and cousins... I ca-"
Before she could even finish her sentence, one of the Bulldogs bashed her to the ground, making the food she was carrying fall to the ground, and then the other Bulldog grabbing all of it with it's mouth.
"Next time, listen to us and do what we say, or else..." Before the Poodle could finish it's sentence, it leans over the Husky's ears and whispers something to it...
I couldn't hear it because of how far I was listening from, but I can tell it wasn't anything good at all considering the look of horror in the Husky's face and the grim demeanor of the Poodle.
"Come on boys, let's go..." The Poodle calmly says as it calls it's bodyguards and exit the alleyway from where they come from, deep in the darkness...
After they left, the Husky starts just crying in the cold hard alleyway floor...
Now I feel bad for being sassy when we interacted... I atleast gotta help her...
So I approached her and start to make a conversation with her...
"Uhm... Hey..."
As soon as I said that, she turns around... And I saw her, crying out of her eyeballs... Those Bright Blue Eyes of hers...
"O-oh... It's.. You..." she sounded sad and really terrified.
"Yea... Uhm..."
Come on Rocky! Don't stutter!
"By the way, I saw what happened..."
"What?! Y-you saw?! O-oh no... Sorry you had to s-see that... I'm such a weakling..." she said.
Oof, I got on the wrong foot, let me try to cheer her up a bit.
"No you're not, to be honest, you're very strong! Seeing you scavenge food for you're brothers, sisters and cousins, is enough proof you're very strong and brave!" I said, making the last part more cheerful.
She seems a little enlightened by what I said as she cracks a smile...
"Th-thanks..." she said.
I then became curious... Was the Poodle and those Bulldogs we're always like this to her???
"Hey, do you happen to know who those guys we're?" I asked.
"N-no..." she answered.
So it was her first encounter with them... Interesting...
I then looked at her... She was soo skinny, just like me...
Heh, I guess we are both skinny legends... Anyways besides that, if she's like this, then what about her siblings and cousins... They must be starving...
Wait a minute Rocky... What are you doing? You should be focusing on rescuing the others? Focus about the mission with the fenrir!!!
But... looking at her again... I just can't let someone suffer like this... I just... can't...
And so I've thought of a very humble but interesting way to help her.
I'm sure Ryder wouldn't mind right???
"Hey, how many siblings and cousins do you have?" I asked.
"Hmmm, about 10..." she responded.
"Hey, I know this place where we can get lots of food, we can also get those scars and scratch mark of yours healed." I said.
"Yes Really, I can take you there if you would like..."
"Are y-you sure??? I wo-wouldn't want to be... su-such a bother to you..."
"No no, don't worry. Think of it as like an apology for how I treated you back at the ship... So... are you down?" I offered as I reach down my paw...
She grabs it and says...
"I'm super down!"
*A few minutes later*
We we're now walking and making our way to the tower, away from Foggy Bottom. It may seem dangerous since there is a possibility that the police has infiltrated the place, and with the advance technology it contains, I'm sure their forcing one of the pups to make them learn how to use it...
Those cruel people... And here I thought they we're supposed to be the good guys...
"Hey, are you okay?" the Husky asks me as she looks at me with concern.
"Huh? Yea I'm fine, just deep in thought..." I replied.
I could see from her face that she didn't believe me, and if I was in her shoes, I would have probably not believed it either...
And so I wanted to change the subject at hand, and break the awkward silence between us...
Now that I think about it... I looked at her again...
"Hey..." I started, looking at her deeply in her eyes.
"Yes?" she asked, turning around to face me.
"I never got to ask about you're name..." I said.
"Oh.. my.. name?" she stuttered, clearly quite flustered with that remark.
"Yes. Do you not have one?" I asked, juuuuuuuuuuuuust to be sure.
"Oh I do, it's just that I haven't been asked for my name before..."
"I see... Well, what's you're name..."
Tundra huh? What a nice name for a Siberian Husky.
"Tundra huh? Nice to finally meet you, I'm Rocky." I said as I introduced myself.
"Hehe, same here Rocky." she said as she smiles at me.
"Same here"
Hey Guys! I have finally updated the story! Sorry it took awhile, I have no excuse and I apologize ^^; .
Anyways, some people might recognize The Siberian Husky pup Tundra, No she is not an original character from the series and no she is not mine. She is owned by Tundrathesnowpup, who is also known as Musicalmutt2 on deviantart.
If you want to check out her bio (which is pretty interesting uwu) here's the link:
And you should also go see her stuff on DevianArt, her work is sooo cool and amazing! :
That's all folks, cya in the next chapter! Bai bai!
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