Chapter 15: Captured
*Rocky's POV*
It has been a few hours since Marshall and Lucas came back from the somewhat successful plan. It's probably about to turn into midnight now... Me and the professor have been doing our best to solve this hard and mysterious case...
Marshall, Addison, Lucas and Everest are already sleeping soundly at a space in the basement while Skye went outside to get some fresh air, i hope she comes back soon safe and sound.
"Hey Rocky, something bothering you?" The professor asked as he turns his attention to my blank stared state.
I gasped in shock, jumping a little before turning to the prof.
"Oh yes professor, i''m just fine." i replied in shock.
"You say that, but your body doesn't" he said.
"Wh-what do you mean by that professor?" I asked intrigued
"You're tail is lowered, not only that but your ears have been drooping a lot, tell me what's wrong young one." he said as he squats to get to my level of vision.
"Thanks for the concern prof. but i'm just okay, it's just..."
"It's the others... Chase is missing, half of our team is captured and Skye is in the woods getting some fresh air....... I'm worried for the prof." i replied.
"I see" he said as he sat across me.
"You know Rocky," i looked up at the wise scientist.
"Yes Professor?" i asked as i look up at the bearded man.
"Try not to be worried." he said as he patted my head.
"What do you mean by that Professor? I mean, everyone is in danger and you're telling me to not be worried?" i refuted.
"Yes. Although it seems hard, try not to. It would only cause you internal and mental damage. Besides, i'm pretty sure that everyone is doing their best to solve the situation while also being safe themselves." he added.
"I'm not to sure about that...."
Noticing how unconvinced i was, he then thinked of something.
"Okay, how about if you put it like this."
I raise my eyebrow.
"During the missions you take, did you worry for them?" he asked me.
"No..." i answered.
"And why is that?"
"Because.... i..... trust them?"
"Mhm. Now put that trust in this situation we're in. You guys are professionals, but you may have not encountered something like this before. I know that everyone is stressed but the least we could do is to have trust and faith in them." he ended.
I giggled.
"Why are you giggling?" he asked me curiously.
"I can tell you're not very good at things like this professor Williams." i blurted.
"Haha of course, I'm not used to it. But at least I'm trying."
Even though what the prof. said was common knowledge, it'd still helped me especially in a dire situation like this. Of course the feeling of worry is still there, but at least there's this new feeling. Feeling of hope, feeling of trust and of course the feeling of comfort swarming around me. It reassures me that they're alright, safe and sound. I guess i can thank the Prof. for that.
"Thanks Professor Williams." i said.
"You're welcome young boy." he said as he went back to his research, and I returned to mine as well....
"Hey, we've all went through the town right?"
"Yea we have why?"
"Well.... What about that tower over there?"
"You mean the one at the end of the bridge?"
"Yea... I feel like that place is where we get to find our answers..."
"Hey wait a minute..."
"Isn't that the place where the boys with the dogs live?!"
"Ohoho, this is gonna be interesting."
*The next Morning*
"Hey guys..." a very tired Skye said as she walked towards us rubbing her eyes.
"Morning Skye." I said as I take another sip of my coffee, safe for dogs of course.
Is this what Ryder keeps telling us, the best coffee ever?
"Sorry I wasn't able to come back sooner." Skye apologized.
"Nah it's okay." I said.
"Where we're you anyways Skye?" Everest asked.
"Well I just went outside of the lookout." she said.
I gotta say, as her bestfriend throughout her whole life, i could tell she's lying. But why though? I didn't wanna push it so i decided not to question it.
"Hey Rocky, why don't you sleep for now?" The Professor said as he also comes back from the main lobby.
"You sure Prof?"
"Of course I'm sure, I mean we've practically done all of the investigation we needed with the information we got. A nice rest doesn't sound that bad." he explained.
"Also Rocky, I can see your eyebags getting darker and darker by the minute." Marshall commented.
"Not to mention becoming heavier too." Everest attacked.
"Really guys?" I sassed sarcastically as I turn to them.
They just laughed it off.
"Come on Sir Rocky, just take some rest, we can handle this." Lucas said patting my shoulder.
"First, please don't call me sir, it makes me feel old. Second, yea I am gonna rest."
"Oh okay noted." Lucas replied.
As i find a spot to rest, somehow i got this weird feeling down my stomach. Like something really bad was about to happen. I was to shocked to even move or to even hear my teammates calling out to me. Like my gut was telling me to hide myself??? I wonder, what that means? Is this what it feels like to experience the trusting your gut feeling in those stories that i've read about?
"Hey Rocky, you good?" Marshall asked me as he went in front of me and basically shooked frozen state I'm in.
"Woah he don't look good." Everest said as she also went closer to me.
After hearing those words, i snap out of this weird trance that I'm having.
"Wha? Oh yea yea I'm good, just sleep deprived." i responded.
I then went to a small little space in the corner. I also brought a blanket with me to cover myself. If I trust my gut feeling just like those stories I've seen, something good may happen. So might as well do it.
As I get myself into position, i cover myself with the blanket i had a moment ago.
And with that, I close my eyes.....
"Please! No!" someone screamed.
From the scream itself, i woke up. I quickly opened my eyes and remembered i still had the blanket on my whole body. Now the only logical thing to do in this situation is to go and check what's going on. But then i heard something:
"I'm sorry Professor, but you're coming with us, these pups and those stolen information too." a very deep voiced man said.
No way... Are they...? No... It's too soon?!
As curiosity bit me, i lifted up the blanket by a little, i saw what i've been dreading at the start of our hiding...
Police Forces we're everywhere, searching every nook and cranny, here and there and basically everywhere. They've kept everypup hostage, all of them with fear and hatred in their eyes. The professor was being handcuffed while he was talking to what seems to be their leader and in command. I'm in sooo much anger right now! The nerve of some people!
As much as i want to go and protect them, there are just too many of them, i can't solo them on my own. And so with a little bit of anger inside me, i decided to plan out what to do as the police forces take everyone and leave the building. While i was eavesdropping, i can hear their conversations. So might as well eavesdrop a little bit.
I'm surprised on how I'm taking this well. The rest of the team is getting arrested, and how is no one noticing me?! JUST HOW?! To be honest, I'm quite glad that they aren't but these people are just... stupid.
"Hey wait a minute.... aren't you the professor who was involved in the experiment 32.2 incident?" a police officer said.
"You mean the incident that created the fenrir in the first place?" another one said.
"REALLY?!" the commander gasped in shock.
"Isn't that common knowledge though, i mean it was a very big incident." the same guy explained.
"Shattup willya!" The commander said as he slaps the back of the head of the poor guy.
"This is gonna be interesting." the commander said as he grabs the handcuffed professor and leaves the lookout.
The whole team also decided to grab the paw patrol...
"Don't worry guys, I'm gonna get help I promise!!!" I said to myself in whispers.
As they left, I slowly make it out of the makeshift hideout and make my way on the main lobby, of course being careful and trying not to alarm the police that I actually exist.
While going up the escalator to the main lobby, I noticed how the pups reacted to the situation, yet they didn't asked my help... Was it because so that I wouldn't get caught? Or is it just because they didn't notice or even saw me sleep there?
Either way I still have to get out of here...
As I go up the escalator, I saw the police force blocking the main road to town. Making my escape plan almost impossible to accomplish, but then i looked at the other side of the lookout...
The cliff going to the sea was clearly visible and with no one insight too...
I knew that i had to face my fears eventually, but i never knew it would've been this fast?!
Good thing Zuma has been teaching me the ways of the ocean since last month. Even though i still have aquaphobia, i was able to tolerate it.
But then I though to myself. I can't breathe underwater, and I can't swim...
Come on Rocky... think...
Aha! I got it!
Zuma's Scuba diving pack! He still left it here since it seemed like it was unnecessary at first. Phew boy thank the pup gods for leaving that thing...
As the elevator reaches the main lobby... I suddenly realize something...
The elevator is in the middle of the room...
And the police officers are just there...
"Hey! There's still someone there!" someone said as they pointed in my direction.
As a group of 5 approaches me, adrenaline starts to kick in. I knew that even if I did grabbed Zuma's scuba gear on the Paw Patrol Logo, I didn't had enough time to escape the lookout, and so I ran for it in at the edge of the island.
I never realized I ran so fast, not once in my life did I felt this urge to run before. It was both amazing and weird.
Anyways as I reach the end, I looked down...
It felt like it was around 50ft... even though it wasn't...
When reality hit me that I may die... I froze.
I don't know whether to jump nor to let myself get caught...
"Stop right there!"
"Don't you dare jump!"
"Come here!"
Those we're the last few word I heard before I subconsciously jump...
Wait... I...
"Wai-wai-wait!!!" I screamed as I flail my arms in the air.
As i near the water, I feel like my soul is about to get out of my body for some reason...
Is this what it feels like to die???
Well I guess this is it...
As i made contact with the water, i felt like my whole body numb and feelings of sharp pain ran across my entire body.
I'm starting to lose consciousness little by little...
My energy and strength to survive is getting weak...
"I'm sorry everyone..."
Was the last thing i said to myself before i closed my eyes...
Ready to accept my death...
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