Chapter 10: The Plan
*Chase's POV*
"But like, liver flavored dog treats taste and built different though." Lucas explained.
After that deep talk, somehow we got to the topic of pup treats.
"Really? Never tasted one before so i don't know." i replied.
"Oh i see."
We then laughed it off. Before getting cut offed by our leader.
"Hey Chase!" Ryder suddenly said on my pup tag.
"Yes Ryder?" i asked.
"We got a plan! Tell the others to come here at the elevator now!" he explained.
"On it Ryder sir!" i replied.
*One Roll Call later*
After gathering everyone at the main lobby, we waited for a little bit for Tracker to come. After that we then got on the elevator, everyone in line and in position. When i suddenly get this feeling of missingness.
"Hey... Why do i feel like something's missing?" Skye says.
"Yea...." Rubble says agreeing to the comment.
"It's the first time that we are actually in our spots before going to the top." Rocky realizes.
"What do you mean by that?" Lucas asked.
Oh that's right, they never knew about Marshall's clumsiness.
"I'll explain later." i said as the door closes and goes up to the top.
As we rode on the elevator we made it to the part where the badge was.
"Hey, what are those?" Lucas asks as he discovers the weird equipment on the back of the badge.
"Well, these are things that help us get into uniform, speaking of which you two should just watch" i said as all the pups went in the lockers except Lucas and Addison, also me cause i was already in uniform.
Lucas and Addison stand there in awe as they watched them get dressed and ready with the help of the lockers. In just 5 seconds the pups are already in gear and went out of the lockers.
"Wow... SO COOL!" Addison said in awe as they walk out of the lockers.
"You can thank Rocky for that!" Rubble said pointing to Rocky.
"I didn't know you we're also an Construction Pup!" Addison said to Rocky.
"Well actually, i'm not. I'm an Recycle pup, but yea i kinda make stuff aswell." Rocky answered.
"Cool..." Lucas said with shining eyes
We then all went back to our usual spots before the elevator lifting off to the control room. As we got there we saw Vlad, Ryder and Professor Williams turning they're backs on us. I also saw Marshall and Everest there. Oh there he is, no wonder it felt weird and awkward back there. As we got off i said.
"Paw Patrol ready for action Ryder sir!" i said while all of the pups we're already lined up except for Lucas, Addison and Arrby.
"Hey Pups! Thanks for arriving here as fast as you can" Ryder said.
"So Ryder, have we got anything?" Asked Rocky.
"Yes my boy, an interesting one in fact!" Prof. Williams said.
"Yup, we looked through what you found and we decided to come up with a plan. We noticed some of the places that the fenrir has already have been, Vlad feels like that there is a small chance that it will come back to the spots where it has been.." Ryder said.
"So that's why Me, Tracker, Rubble, Arrby and Marshall will be setting up traps all around Adventure bay, to the ones that the fenrir has already been through and some other areas where the fenrir could possibly go." Vlad added.
"While they're doing that Me, Chase, Lucas, Zuma and Skye will search for any hints or clues all around adventure bay." Ryder also said.
"While Me, Addison, Rocky and Everest will be doing some research here at the lab under the lookout" Prof. Williams added.
"That's a lot of work." Lucas commented.
"Yea, but remember we are dealing with a monster, literally" Prof Williams answered.
"That's why we gotta try our best to protect our town, Adventure Bay!" Ryder said
"I'm ready Ryder sir." i said.
"Me too!" Skye said Backflipping.
"Count me in!" Lucas said.
"Count us in!" Marshall and Everest said at the same time.
"Hagamoslo." Tracker remarked.
"Let's get to work!" Addison said as she stretched her back and paws clearly ready for action.
"Don't forget about me" Rocky and Rubble also said at the same time
"Hey! Me too!" Zuma said
"Same here matey's!" Arrby said
"Well what are we waiting for, Paw Patrol and Company is on a roll!" Ryder said as he raises his arm and hand pointing to the elevator.
We all howled and Cheered after that and went on our separate ways with Prof. Williams, Rocky, Everest and Addison staying in the lookout while the rest of us went to our vechiles. Lucas had to ride with me while Vlad had ride with Ryder. Once we arrived in town we found like 5 dozen policemen and cars all over Adventure bay. Once we saw this we knew we weren't able to do this plan smoothly. So we parked behind Katie's place and talked about what to do.
"Goodness me, i didn't thinked that there will be police's and detectives all over the place." Vlad said amazed by the obstacles.
"Yea.... this isn't going to be easy though...." Ryder added.
We we're all dumbfounded. How are we supposed to get clues and set up traps while there are polices and detectives all over the place.
"Wait a minute..." Marshall said as he scratches his chin.
"What is it Marshall?" i asked.
"I think i know who can help" Marshall suggested.
"Really?! Who?" Lucas asked curiously
"Sí, ¿quién es esta persona que puede ayudarnos?" Tracker said
"Who is it Marshall?" Ryder also asked
*A few minutes later*
"Are you really sure this is okay Ryder sir? I mean Alex is just a kid you know." I said not sure if this was a good idea.
"Well he is sour only hope, we have no choice." Vlad said.
"And i did promise that i would help the Paw Patrol, no matter the cost." someone said.
As we look back to see who it was, we found Alex walking towards us with Marshall by his side, seems like Marshall went to grab him.
"Great Alex, i know this is a lot to ask but..." Ryder said before getting cut off by Alex
"Don't worry Ryder, like i said i wanna help the Paw Patrol as much as i can as to how the Paw Patrol helped me so much in the past."
"Thanks a lot Alex, we can really use the help" Marshall said.
"Okay, so what do i have to do" Alex said.
"Well, you are going to act my friend." Vlad said.
"Act?" asked Alex.
"Yea, you're going to have to scream as loud as you can and make it sound like you're scared." Ryder said.
"You have to make it look like you saw the fenrir and make all of the polices and detectives to get them out of the area, so that we can carry with our plan." Vlad added.
"Well, i'm gonna try my best!" Alex said.
"Thanks a lot Alex, we really owe you one." Rubble added.
"No problem guys, i will now go as far away as i can, then when i scream, that's the cue!" Alex said to us making sure of what he has to do.
"Okay we got it!" i said.
"See ya guys later then" Alex said as he goes out of town to go and do what he was planned to do.
As he left we get ready while Ryder says this to us.
"You guys, we might not have enough time to go and set traps around here, plus the police may find them destroying our plan. So all we can do for now is search the perimeter for any clues and hints... Okay?"
"Okay Ryde- GAH!" i said as i grab my head.
"You okay Chase?" Marshall asks as he walks towards me worriedly.
"Yea yea i'm good, it's just a headache that's all" i said back.
Clearly overwhelmed by the sudden shock in my head i pleaded:
"Can i go somewhere else for now Ryder?"
"Okay, but where though?" Ryder asked back.
"Well, just going back to the lookout and rest again, if it's okay with you."
"Well that's totally okay with me, so sure."
"Just be careful on your way back okay?" Skye said.
"Don't worry Skye, i'll be fine... I hope." i whispered that last part.
And so i started my vehicle and went on my way back to the lookout as discreetly as possible. As i go back, i suddenly started to wonder what that headache was about. It wasn't the first time i've experienced it before... But the last headache was not that recent either, in fact, it was a very long time ago...
What is this that i'm feeling....
Why now?!
*Switch to Skye's POV*
After Chase left, i got worried. You know that feeling off a storm that's brewing inside of you, yea that feeling. It's probably nothing serious, Chase just got a bad headache that's all...
But why do i feel like that something bad is about to happen to him? Not only that, but i feel like something is also to happen in the future? To be honest i don't know what's going on with me, i must've eaten to much kibble today.
"I wonder when will Alex start to scream..." Rubble said.
"He's still probably running awa-" Vlad then got cut off by a certain scream.
Wait... That voice...
"That's Alex!" Zuma said
All of the police officers and detectives then left the scene and went to the source of the scream as fast like lightning. For some reason it looked just like that one police drama i was watching.
"Alright pups, now's the time! Everyone, find anything you can as fast as possible. Skye, fly high up to the sky and lookout for the police." Ryder said.
"Okay Ryder!" i said as i went to my copter to patrol around the sky.
As i went up i already saw some of the pups go to different places. Rubble and Marshall going to city hall, Arrby and Zuma going to the places where the fenrir has been the most, Lucas and Vlad entering the police's tents that was placed all around city hall, possibly to find some proof or any kind of clues. While me and Ryder are looking out for the polices.
Gosh i hope we find something, just something crucial or helpful would be enough.....
But then something unexpected happened....
We heard it.... But more like....
I heard it....
The fenrir's scream...
As i heard it i standed there frozen and didn't even notice Ryder calling me.
"Hey Skye? You there?" Ryder asked.
"H-huh? O-oh yea Ryder, i'm here" i said still in shock.
"Well we found everything we need, come down here now before..."
Before Ryder could have even finish his sentence, we heard sirens..
Oh god it's the police! I didn't think that they would be back so fast. And i also see Alex with them in one of the cars. I guess the police has caught on.
"Skye!" Ryder said.
"Yes Ryder?" i said back.
"Just meet us back at the lookout okay?"
"Okay" i replied
And so i went back to the lookout as quiet as i can so that the polices won't notice. Luckily, i didn't got caught and so i made it back safely. When i landed i saw Prof. Williams with Addison, Everest and Rocky waiting for me at the entrance of the lookout.
"So, have you got anything?" Prof. Williams asked as i got out of my copter.
"I'm not sure, when we got what we needed, the police was already going back. I'm not sure if the others made it out alive." i answered.
The pups faces was a total mix of disappointment and worry. We aren't sure if the others have come back yet. But then after a few minutes later, our questions we're answered. We heard a vehicle coming towards to the lookout.
On it we saw.....
Marshall and Lucas?
'Where are the others' was the first thing i thought.
When they parked we can see in they're faces we're full of sorrow, but they wouldn't make it obvious.
"Marshall! Lucas!" Prof. Williams said as we come to they're presence.
"W... where are the o-others?" Rocky asked with caution.
"It's... no good.." Lucas whispered.
"Lucas, what do you mean by that?" Addison asked.
"Well, when we we're about to regroup, the police saw us and caught Vlad, Zuma, Tracker and Arrby....." Marshall started.
"Then i tried to escape but multiple police forces we're chasing after me. But then Rubble was able to save me by barking off the policemen. But he got shot by a sleep dart and they we're able to catch him" Lucas Added.
"And so it was just me and Lucas, Ryder then told us to get out as fast as we can and so we did. We don't know happened to him but i'm pretty sure he also got captured." Marshall finished.
We we're all devastated. Two of our leaders and half of our team was captured by the police and who knows what they will be doing to them...
"I hope they will be okay..." Everest said with a worried tone.
"Okay everyone, i think it's best if we go inside now before the polices catches us here." Prof. Williams suggested to which we ultimately agree.
Now that we got inside on the first floor of the lookout Lucas brought something out of his pup pack. It was clues!
"Lucas how did you get that?!" Addison exclaimed.
"Before we got caught Vlad handed me all of the info we found at the tents and decided i should just put them i my pup pack." Lucas explained.
"Good thing you did that." Rocky complemented the clever pup.
"Yea, this is what we got. A piece of hair but it seems more like fur though, some info papers and blood in flasks." Lucas explained
"But unlike him, me and Rubble never found anything in city hall other than some schedule" Marshall said as he brings out papers.
"Sorry this is all we can do.." Lucas said.
"No no, you've done enough. We can scan the hair sample and the blood, it may give us some clues." Prof. Williams reassured them.
"And me and Addison can review the papers of info you guys have, we may find a lead." Rocky added.
"Yea!" Addison said in reassurance.
"I'm glad that you two we're okay." i said.
"Yea, but what will happen to the others?" Everest asked.
"With Ryder, Vlad and Chase there, i'm pretty sure that they will be safe." Rocky said.
Now that Rocky says it.... i did forgot about something...
"Hey Rocky, has Chase come back here yet." i asked him kinda nervous.
"No.... Why?" Rocky said.
Me, Marshall and Lucas gasped in shock... For me this was the most devastating news ever... Chase gone and so is half of our team.... How would we be able to continue this mission with only 1/4 of us?!
"Chase told us that he was getting some headache and he told us that he would be here!" Marshall said.
"WHAT?!" Rocky exclaimed.
Yea what indeed. If Chase didn't come back in the lookout, then where is he?!
"How are we supposed to continue the mission now?!" Everest exclaimed starting to lose hope.
To be honest that goes for me to. Knowing that they're only like 7 of us left, i don't know if we could even make it.
"Don't worry everyone, will get through this i promise. We need to focus and continue on this mission for they're sake!" Prof. Williams encouraged us.
"Yea Prof. Williams is right, we have to continue on. I'm sure they will be safe." Rocky added.
"You're right Rocky. Come on to the lab we go!" Marshall said as he goes for the elevator to the lab downstairs to start on solving the mystery with these clues.
We also join him...
They're right, we can get through this. Everyone's sacrifice won't be wasted i swear!
But there are things i'm wondering about.
Like where are they taking the others, where is Chase and most importantly...
If what i heard earlier... Was really...
The fenrir
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