Chapter 2 misterious
Tom's Pov
I sat on my checkerd bed and took susan and play my favorite song.
While i was playing on my bass i see something on my hand its like a dot but purple. Wait....Purple?!? No no... not again. I keep repeating what just i said then someone knock the door. I completely stand up and took susan away... "who is it?"i said "uh... its me edd... is everything alright? " Edd said with a worried voice. "Uh y-yea i am fine hehe..." i said in a nervious voice." Ok if you want to tell something call me downstairs ok" edd said. I nooded
What i am gonna do with this thing?!? I sigh atleast its not that bad i lay on my soft bed then i close my eye's then everything went black...
Tom's still Pov
I woke up with a pain on my head
Then i got up and then unlock the door and lead to the hallway/living room...
I see they all sitting in the sofa/couch
Edd holding a can of cola
Tord holding a magazine of hentai
And Matt holding a mirror admiring himself i sigh then go to the kitchen i heard edd called me.
"Hey tom..."
"Hm... hey edd"
"You look like you didn't sleep in a days"
"I am fine edd just... whatever"
Then i open the fridge and took my smirnoff
"Uh ok... oh yea whats with the costume? Its not even halloween" Edd with a confused look.
"Uh... what do you mean" with a confused look on my face
"The horns and the tail? And the big purple claws?" Edd ask
"Wait what are you talking about?" I rush on the mirror then there i was.The horns and the tail with a purple claws in my hands... atleast edd didn't releazed that i was in my half form...
"Uh tom? You ok?"edd ask
"Uh y-yea i am ok. I have to go to my room... uh BYE" i rush to my room with a smirnoff on my hand and lock the door again...
Edd's pov
Tom look rush and nervious?
I sigh and took a sip on my cola then ask tord and matt whats with tom.
"Tord have you seen tom you.... know strange happening on him? And whats with the costume its not even halloween"edd ask
"What do you mean?" Tord ask
"Yea... what do you mean?" Matt ask with a confused look
"Tom just acting strange lately then he wear costumes..."
"What costume?"tord ask
"The horns,the tail and the purple claw's like cat claws but bigger"
"I don't know ask him again whats wrong and tell him its not halloween..."tord said
"Wait tim is wearing costume?" Matt ask
"Matt its tom and i don't know why he is wearing costume" i said
He nooded then going back that he's doing
I ran upstairs then knock on door's tom... then i heard something growling and scartching?
I knock again a fue times then the growling is fading away soon sa growl replace with a whimpered? How tom get a dog on his room? Then i call tord and matt to ran upstairs as soon as they can
"What's up edd something' wrong?" Tord said
"Yea edd what's up" matt said will holding his mirror
" I think i heard a scratching and growling then replace with a whimpered on tom's room while i was knocking on his door..."
"Since where do we have a dog"tord said
"Yea and i am allergic on dogs and explode"matt said
"Yea i know"
Then i knock again and again
"Ok thats it come on jehovah open the freaking door!!!" Tord said with a angry voice
Then i heard a growl again
Tord just trying to open the door then i forgot matt has a pin on his overcoat...
"Yea?" Matt said
"Can i barrow one of pin pls" i ask
"Sure thing here" matt said
"Thx" i said with a smile on my face"
"Ok tord stand back i'll try open this door with this clip"
" good idea"tord said
After a few minutes i finally unlock the door then i slowly open the door...
Then i see a scratch on the floor and the walls... purple saliva? Then i see a purple creature on the floor passing out.
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