The Return of Christmas 3
...and we have already reached the last section! This is where it gets really intense and deep again. If you're reading this section while standing, I advise you to hold on to something.
Mithras, one of the 15 pre-Christian gods with exactly the same history as Jesus, was undeniably a mushroom god. Just as Christians take communion, initiates of the Mithras cult ate mushroom sacraments as part of their worship. Just as Christians lined up in church to receive the body and blood of Christ, initiates lined up in the atrium to receive the body and blood of Mithra. This is why the ancient mushroom figure of Mithras is depicted rising from a stone, entwined with snakes.
(above: Mithras - as himself)
(below: Aion - one of the Mithraic deities)
James Arthur: "Mithra initiates used to participate in a sacred meal in their ceremonies, during which they would induce an out-of-body experience. A ritualized, sacred, shamanistic and communal insight.
The Mithraic temples of worship, known as mithraeums, are designed like few other temples in the world. Typically, within the place of worship are rows of bathtubs along the two side walls or in two parallel rows from the back wall to the front of the main room. They provide space for many initiates to lie there during ceremonies.
The purpose is to unite the participants present with the world-embracing spirit. In the next section, they leave the earth, the physical realm, through a spiritual flight to the sky - to the stars. Filled with salt water, these tubs used to become immediate, sensory deprivation containers, similar to those shown in the movie "The Trip to Hell". The religion of Mithra revolves around the initiate's ability to travel to the stars together. Of course, the out-of-body experience was facilitated by eating the sacred meal. After ingestion, the initiates could traverse galaxies, experiencing firsthand, as the ancient Egyptians did, the reality that the human spirit is not confined to the physical universe, or in this case, to its body. This is the true revelation of the immortality of the soul, or at least the realization of it. This concept is so similar to the Egyptian initiation rites that it is real evidence of the adoption of some of the hidden traditions of ancient man into later incarnations of various religions.
The Bible tells us about the holy manna that the Israelites ate in the desert. Many clues are given as to what exactly manna is. The Bible says that manna is a small, round, edible object that appears on the ground after the dew has fallen. If manna was left in the sun for too long, it used to get worms and stink. In Exodus chapter 16 verse 14 it says "when the layer of dew had lifted, something fine and crunchy, as fine as ripe, lay on the ground on the highest ground" Exodus chapter 16 verse 20 continues "some left some until morning, but it became wormy and stank". The small, round edible objects that rot, get worms, and stink when left in the sun are nothing more than mushrooms." End quote.
James Arthur again: "Manna was thought to have been miraculously produced. That is, birth without seed. This is a perfect botanical description of a fungus. Birth without seed because spores are microscopic and invisible to the human eye. Jesus describes the manna in detail in the book of John. In this story, Jesus tries to make it clear that there are two different types of manna. He describes the manna that he gives to his disciples at the Last Supper as the manna that brings immortality. His saying "unless they have eaten of his flesh / body (soma / manna) and drunk of his blood (soma juice), you have no life in you" takes on a whole new meaning in view of this discovery. The manna is directly linked to the fruit of the tree of life in the second chapter of the Book of Revelation. It is the reward for those who have mastered the lies of the world. The fruit of the tree, the hidden manna and the small white stone are mentioned separately, but in the same context. All these are symbols of the amanita muscaria". End quote.
John chapter 6 verses 31 to 41 reads: "Our fathers ate manna in the wilderness, as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat. Then Jesus said to them: Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not the bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. For this is the bread of God which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. Then they said to him, 'Lord, give us this bread always. But Jesus said to them: 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst. But I have told you that you have seen me, and yet you do not believe. All that my Father gives me will come to me, and I will not cast out anyone who comes to me.
For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of the Father who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but that I should raise it up at the last day. For this is the will of him who sent me, that he who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. Then the Jews grumbled because he said, "I am the bread that came down from heaven".
Priests and pastors vehemently deny that the true bread from heaven is a mushroom, but have a hard time explaining it as actual bread. Bread is not a small round thing that you find covered in dew in the wilderness. Nor does it contain the mystical properties. This is undeniably a reference to the magic mushroom.
James Arthur comments: "The concept of literally eating the body of God is greatly downplayed by today's religious scholars. A fleshy mushroom as a body, soma, is much more palatable than trying to digest cannibalism or the transformation of common substances. Many questions should be asked about this global notion of sacramental substance. Unfortunately, religious pundits eschew this notion, insisting that the entire matter is nothing more than symbolism. A symbol indicates something else, usually not another symbolism.
Search term: "Mozzetta"
In the early years of the eleventh century, the Catholic Church decided to have the last word on the matter by introducing the doctrine of transubstantiation under the Emperor Pope Innocent III. This means that priests, through their alleged holy power, claim to be able to transform ordinary bread into the true body of God by uttering a few magical words. This event is one of the greatest deceptions of all time, is an undermining of the essential, esoteric components of religion and is arguably the worst and most devastating event that has ever befallen Christianity and therefore humanity itself.
Jesus clearly describes the manna that he calls his body. Repeated in the book of John, he describes manna as a substance hidden from the world but revealed to his disciples. Understanding the story of the Last Supper becomes very easy if you know how to decipher this event. Jesus says decisively: "Take and eat. This is my body."
In John chapter 6 verses 53 to 56 it says, "Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him". End quote.
Jesus says "This is my body. Unless you eat and drink of it, you have no life in you". These are clear words, so it is important to briefly realize that these substances Jesus is referring to are not wafers and wine. The amanita muscaria was known as the flesh of God and the blood of the gods long before Christianity and this is what is meant.
James Arthur: "This says quite clearly that the eating and drinking is physical. My flesh is the true food and my blood is the true drink and the addition that "when you eat, it is in you" leaves little room for discussion that it is a substance and not just an imaginary symbol. For those who choose to discuss it, please show me your substance, because according to Jesus you have no life in you unless you have eaten or drunk of it. By the way, I really need to mention that this is not some weird reference to cannibalism. I hope not. If you still think it is, then read on. Somewhere, something has to convince you that he didn't say "you may take a bite of his arm or some other part of his actual body". In my opinion, the magical act of transubstantiation does not apply. Jesus' statement "unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood; you have no life in you" was probably meant to discard the replacement of whatever this real thing is with a placebo, i.e. a substitute." End quote.
James Arthur again: "That the mushrooms must be dried before consumption is another euphemism for the god who must die or sacrifice himself to save mankind through atonement. It is uncertain whether one can find the origin of all gods by researching the history. This origin is in the myths of the gods themselves, as this remains the same. Quote "take and eat from me. This is my body". End of quote.
Jesus died for our sins. The origin of the word sin is a term from archery, which means "missing the target". The mushroom dies so that we can eat it and the self-reflective experiences it gives us wash us clean of sin. You now understand how you have missed the mark in life. This is the original meaning, but the church has turned this concept into a cult of guilt, intimidating people with hell and luring them into confessionals to repent of their sins. On the cross, Jesus was stabbed in the ribs, his blood leaked out and was collected in a holy grail. The concept of a savior wounded at the side was a common theme among pre-Christian gods. The Vatican and the Templars have promoted the idea that the Shroud of Turin, the Holy Lance of Longinus and the Holy Grail are actual artifacts, when in reality they are all occult symbolism of ancient mushroom mythologies.
[now comes the part where you have to hold on]
Proverbs chapter 5 verse 15 says, "Drink water from your own cistern and streams from your own well!" John chapter 7 verses 37 to 38 says: [...] Jesus stood up and cried out, saying, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink! He who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, from his body will flow rivers of living water".
Jesus is said to have turned water into wine and speaks of drinking water from him and from your own well... from your own well... your own... What does all this mean?
Dana Larsen from "The Psychedelic Secrets of Santa Claus" comments:
"The active components of theamanita muscaria are not metabolized by the body and so they remain active in the urine. In fact, it is safer to drink the urine of someone who has consumed the mushroom than to eat the mushroom directly, as many of the toxic compounds are processed and eliminated during the first pass through the body.
It was customary for ancient people to recycle the powerful effects of the mushroom by drinking someone else's urine. The components of the amanita muscaria can remain effective even after the sixth passage through the body. Some scholars claim that this is the origin of the phrase "to be pissed off", as this custom of drinking urine predates the consumption of alcohol by thousands of years.
People often used to drink the urine of freaked out reindeer for its psychological effects. The effect also works the other way around, as reindeer also like to drink the urine of a human, especially one who has eaten the mushrooms. In fact, the reindeer seek out human urine to drink and some Siberian tribesmen carry seal-skin containers of their own urine, which they use to lure stray reindeer back into the herd". End quote.
Is this why you often see stone fountains with little boys peeing into upturned sculptures that look like mushrooms?
Oxford graduate and leading linguist John Allegro was commissioned to translate the Dead Sea Scrolls. However, after his book "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" was published and he died at the age of 65 on his birthday ("the cause of death was not revealed" - Wikipedia), the Catholic Church quickly bought the rights to it and made it disappear. A Vatican insider was quoted as saying that it will never be seen again. It is currently hardly available in an e-book format or has not been published for years. Only second-hand books can sometimes still be found overpriced. Author Dan Brown, however, shakes the Pope's hand and works such as his "Da Vinci Code" and other pseudo-conspiracy entertainment are bestsellers and hit movies.
According to James Arthur: "John Allegro linguistically linked the soma (Greek for body) the manna (Sumerian for mushroom - there are two kinds) the names Jesus, James and John, the fruit of the tree of knowledge and the symbol of the cross to the toadstool by claiming that all these names and terms (and others) are synonyms and puns for the hidden identity of the mushroom. Needless to say, the religious scholars were beside themselves. The defenders of the Bible immediately set about refuting everything he said. Although he broadened the horizons of some established researchers, most of his associations are not recognized." End quote.
David Icke wrote in "The Greatest Mystery": "The Dead Sea Scrolls, found in 1947 in a ruined site near Qumran, offered greater insight into the Essene way of life and ideas, despite suppression by the authorities who wish to maintain the official version of history. The scrolls were hidden from the Romans during the ill-fated revolt around 70 AD. Around 500 Hebrew and Aramaic scrolls were found containing texts from the Old Testament, including a complete draft of the Book of Isaiah, 100 years older than the one in the Bible.
There were many documents relating to the customs and social structure of the Essene people. The scrolls confirm that the Essēners were fanatics who followed the Levitical regulations in the Old Testament to the letter. Anyone who did not was their enemy and they were staunch opponents of the Roman occupation. The Essēners had a keen understanding of drugs, including the full range of hallucinogenic substances used in the initiation rituals of secret societies and to enter other states of consciousness. The properties of the sacred mushrooms or plants were part of life in the secret societies to the extent that the Jewish high priest wore a mushroom cap to recognize their value.
They had special rituals for their preparation and use. The mushroom was also given a connotation of the Son of God and was associated with the cycle of the sun. Mushrooms were gathered with great reverence before sunrise and many symbols of this ritual can be found in the Bible and much older writings. The use of the modern mushroom and other substances and the secret knowledge of their properties can be traced back to the earliest days of the Sumerians". End quote.
John Allegro shows how the Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the origins of various Mesopotamian languages all have wordplay and concepts of mushrooms and sexuality in them. This is due to the prominence of mushroom and fertility cults in the pre-Christian world. The languages of the Bible: Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic are all ultimately derived from ancient Sumerian, where many original meanings have long since been lost. For example, the gods of the Greeks and Hebrews, Zeus and Yahweh, have names derived from Sumerian words meaning "seed of life" and "juice of fertility". The name Herod as in King Herod, Ardeola in Latin, is a pun on the Semitic Ardilia, meaning mushroom. The name Jesus, Hebrew Yehoschija, comes from the Sumerian "Ja U Shij A" which means "seed that saves / restores / heals". This is comparable to the fertility god Dionysus, whose cult symbol was an erect penis and whose Sumerian name "Ja U Nu Shush" also means "seed that saves".
John Allegro: "Here again is the essential concept of the mushroom cult. Here one is correct about the mysterious philosophy of fertility. For example, to express their parables of the kingdom of heaven, the writers make comparisons with objects and activities which, when considered superficially, often seem absurd, moreover contradictory as to the nature and form of the coming kingdom of heaven. The passage that compares the kingdom of heaven to a mustard seed and then speaks of nesting birds in the branches of a large plant (like Matthew chapter 13 verse 31 and so on) has distracted the biblical naturalists into looking for a mustard tree that seems suitable for a roosting place for birds. They could have saved themselves the trouble, as the reference is simply a pun of the Semitic "khardelä" (mustard) and ardilã (mushroom).
If it seems strange to us that the writers of these stories resorted so extensively to such banal literary devices as wordplay, it is worth remembering that they were heirs to a very long tradition of this kind of wordplay. The Old Testament is full of them, especially where proper names are concerned, and many more examples almost certainly lie hidden beneath the surface, where the writers played with dialects of words that have been lost over the centuries. Moreover, it is now becoming clear that many of the usages of the Old Testament show themselves to us in a Semitic dialect which was not the one in which they were written, so that the original play on words which they expressed has been lost." End quote.
Nowadays the mushroom is called "Sam Irukh" in Iran, which can be traced back to the Sumerian "Sh U Mar Ugu/Aga" or "crown of the womb-giver / the acorn / top of the mushroom". The Sumerian "Bar la U Na", meaning husk of fertility / womb, is linked to several names that relate the mushroom to the tiny womb from which the style emerges. Another Arabic example is "rejoicing of the Jews" which comes from the Sumerian mushroom name "Mash Tab Ba Ri", or "he who rejoices the Hebrews / Jews". The Hebrew "Kotereih", from the Sumerian "Gu Tar", means "tip of the head: penis" and is the most common Semitic word for mushroom. In Arabic it is "Phutr", in Aramaic it is "Pitra" and in the English New Testament it is "Peter". Allegro's examples continue in this way for over 100 pages.
John Allegro writes: "We can have no doubt about the effect on our understanding of the origin and nature of Christianity that the addition of a new mushroom concept to the New Testament picture has. For the pseudo-translation shows an intention to mislead. And since mushrooms do not appear in the superficial narrative of Jesus, it follows that the secret reference to the cult must be the true meaning of the whole thing.
If the writers took the trouble here, and as we have seen in other places also, to conceal by ingenious literary means secret designations of the mushroom, its worship must not only have been essential to the religion, but the exigencies must have demanded that it should be communicated among the initiates and their followers in such a way as would not bring their enemies upon them. It follows that the superficial details of history, names, places, and possibly dogmatic doctrines must be as false as the pseudo-representation of the secret names." End quote.
Acharya S. wrote in "The Christ Conspiracy": "For centuries the image of a moral man has been given by the religious fanatics, who must not only renounce sexuality but also despise it; regard it as a curse of the devil rather than a gift of God. The same can be said of drugs, at least the range that has anything to do with altering consciousness; even if such drugs are in the form of God-given plants. Therefore, the image of a religious or upright person is essentially someone who must have heterosexual intercourse only with a person in an approved marriage, be in a constant mode of procreation if at all, and be completely sober.
To those who think that life should be enjoyed rather than just endured, this image presents itself as boring and robotic. The truth is that there have been times when cultures have recognized sacred sexual practices and sacred plants as not only gifts from God, but as pathways to God or world-embracing consciousness. In fact, sex and drugs have always been seen as a means of establishing a union with the divine, which is a major reason behind the negative connotation they receive from religious fanatics who insist that only they, Jesus or some other being can be the path to the divine. In reality, the priest's job is to create an artificial separation between humans and the omnipresent God." End quote.
Through the long process of gradual change, the Christian churches have completely changed what it means to be religious. The ancient world consisted of mushroom and fertility cults, worship of nature and a theology based on astrology and astronomy. Nowadays, the three things of ancient worship on which modern religions are built ~ sex, drugs and astrology ~ are condemned and considered sinful.
Acharya S. again: "If an all-powerful, dictatorial state religion wants to succeed, it would have to erase this concept of sacred sex and sacramental drugs from human consciousness and replace it with fear and guilt, for example, so that those who have sex would have to cleanse themselves of their supposed sins through confession or other priestly acts.
Exploiting human weakness, especially with regard to sex, worked brilliantly for priestly conspirators as they could rail against it, knowing full well that people would continue to have it, so that the guilty would then be forced to return to the church again and again for absolution from the alleged sin.
Despite their best efforts, however, the religious fanatics could not eliminate the widespread spiritual practices of sex and drugs; not even under penalty of death. In fact, they practice them themselves while hypocritically preaching their evil character to the masses and exhorting them to abstain. As mentioned, the use of sex and drugs along with the knowledge of astrology has formed part of the esoteric religion or mysteries hidden from the masses by the secret societies that created outward-looking and superficial religions for the masses. In fact, these sacraments constitute a sizable part of the mysteries, as many secret societies and cults used sex and drugs in their initiation speeches." End quote.
And finally James Arthur: "I have personally spoken to high priests and bishops, initiates of the secret societies, who simply told me that they could not discuss anything with me because of their vow of secrecy. It really blew their minds that I had this knowledge. It totally scared them. Entheogens and the fly agaric in particular are a huge secret. The initiation rites with this particular area are hidden so deep down the rabbit hole of secret societies and religions that when you find those who know, they are completely stunned that anyone else knows because it strikes at their deepest spirituality and touches the core of their most secret experiences of indoctrination bestowed by God or society. They have this certain look in their eyes and unless you are seen as a threat to them, they always feel the need to tell you that they know what you are talking about, which is actually a violation of their vows, but they can't discuss it any further." End quote.
Who would have thought that Christmas and the way, the foundation on which something as inconspicuous as mythology and religion is built, comes from the offering and worship of a mushroom! With this new knowledge about you and the world, I hope that I have been able to give you a very special Christmas in these very strange times! Which - for some reason - is somehow simply worth living with in times like these.
...And it all makes sense!
If I know anything, it's definitely this. Christmas is part of a miracle that is bigger than anything you can imagine; which is worth discovering! Amazing... despite the fact that 2020 has been such a tough year, I honestly don't think Christmas has ever felt so "real".
Therefore, in this spirit, and with all my heart
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