Benedict and Xavier smiled happily once the realtor signed the title deed and handed it to them.
"Please sign at the bottom left"
Xavier signed first and Benedict second. The realtor takes the form back and types into her computer and gave them a smile.
"Congratulations, you are now home owners" she says as she handed them the house keys.
Benedict felt like giving the sun a high five. They grab the keys and their documents and walk out of the office. Xavier smiled and waved the envelope.
"Home owners"
Benedict giggled.
"Can we move in? We can have a home warming party after we decorate it"
"Of course. We'll hire some movers to help us. By evening we'll be having dinner in....our home"
"I can't wait!"
They get in the car and Benedict sighed happily, he rubs his stomach gently. Life was looking up.
As they drive away a figure watched from a distance, eyes glaring with fury.
"Yes honey?"
Skye quickly grabbed the toddler and rushed up the stairs. He reaches Sam's bathroom and set the toddler down on the potty seat attached to the toilet bowl.
"Ready to go?" He asked and Sam grinned at him. Skye sighed in relief, potty training was hard!
"Good job honey. We should call daddy after this" Skye says as he cleaned the toddler up.
"Dada why....why is your hair so big?"
Skye glances at the mirror and almost laughed, it was too humid so his hair was frizzy.
"Because I'm a big person" he responds and Sam nodded.
They go down the stairs and they find Liam patiently waiting.
"Mr Liam, anything the matter?"
"No your Highness. The Prime minister called, requesting an audience with you"
Skye frowned. Why would Lady Portia want to meet him? Is it because of the hospital incident? He sighed.
"Call my mother to babysit, I'll go get ready."
Liam nods and walked away. Skye kneeled down to face his son.
"Honey I have to do some work. Grandma Sarah will be here to play with you"
"Nooo I come with you"
He sighed. He was too tired to even argue with the toddler.
"Alright, let's go get ready"
Since Sam was a crowned Prince, the toddler had already been gifted a coronet and a sash by the state. Skye dressed Sam up in a green velour dior baby suit. He laughed when Sam tucked his shirt. He then places the sash over the toddler's shoulder and secured it with bobby pins.
"You look so cute"
"I cute!"
"Yes you are!"
He takes down the two pigtails and brushed up the curly hair before placing a simple gold fleur-de-lis coronet. It wasn't heavy as the normal crown so Skye was relieved about that.
"How do you feel?"
"Good! I good!"
"Alright, I have to get ready too. Don't take your crown off okay?"
Reaching his bedroom, Skye sets Sam down on the bed and made a barricade with the pillows.
"Stay here, I'll be right back" he says, turning the tv on.
Once in the closet, he grabs a phone and calls a few maids to come help him out. In a matter of minutes, two maids were in the closet with him, going through the racks.
"Too formal"
"Too colourful"
One of them took out a dress and Skye almost choked on his breath. A dress? That could work.
"Look for a dress" he says.
One of them takes out a white tulle, pink flower sleeveless gown. Skye smiled.
"That's the one. In the meantime, can one of you bring me the pink topaz parure tiara?"
"Yes your Highness"
The remaining maid helps Skye into the dress, Skye was surprised that the clothes he bad picked two years ago could fit him. He stands by the mirror and looked at himself. Wasn't bad.
"Do you know how to do an updo?" He asked.
"Yes. Does his Highness want me to style his hair?"
"If you don't mind"
While his hair was getting down, he slipped into a pair of rose gold Sophia webster sandals, the butterfly detailing at the heel made him smile.
Skye chuckled.
"I'm almost done"
He adjusts his engagement ring around his finger, the fact that he gotten used to this crazy large ring was insane!
"Here your Highness"
He smiles and opens the tiara box and gently places it on his head, securing it with the comb like clips around the frame.
"Be honest....do I look crazy?"
"Of course not! His Highness can wear anything and look elegant. That's a good quality to have"
Skye nods and stands up, he heads to the room and finds Sam watching tv.
"Come on, let's go"
Sam looked at him and smiled.
"Wow dada you have a big big big big big big head"
Skye looked at the toddler in shock before he laughed.
"Thanks....I guess"
The two royals make their way to the throne room downstairs. The throne room was the only room in the palace with it's original decor. The walls were of the rococo design, the furniture were antiques from centuries ago and the whole floor was of white marble.
The room was like a small hall, there was a red carpet that led from the door to the thrones that were on the left end of the hall, on the right were seven seats that were behind a long desk.
A guard opens the doors and Skye looked around the empty room. He sets Sam down on his father's throne chair and he quickly took a picture of the toddler.
There was a knock and Skye quickly sat down. there were three thrones, one for the king which was biggest of three, it had a gold frame with red cushions and P.E.Q.I initials embroidered on the backrest, the second one was for the Queen, which was a normal sized throne, gold frame and red cushions with the initials S.Q. and the third one was a small one for a child, with initials S.Q.I
The doors opened and Lady Portia entered the room with Mr Liam. They respectively gave the two royals a curtsey and a bow.
"Your Majesties"
Skye sat up straight and cleared his throat.
"Lady Portia, may I ask what brings you here?"
"Your Highness, I have news to tell you. The minister of health has decided to investigate the issues at the hospital you visited days ago. It seems that the hospital director was corrupt and used the hospital funds to source his own needs"
Skye sighed.
"What has the minister of health decided to do with the director"
"That's the thing your Highness. The minister came to me looking for a solution but I thought you'd help me come to a decision, since you're now in charge until his Majesty the king returns"
Skye took a deep breath. Two decisions were in his mind and he didn't know which to choose. What shall he do now?
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