Jonathan is awoken by the divine smell of a cheese omelette. He slides off the bed and makes his way to the kitchen where he finds Cameron plating up.
"Good morning"
"Morning" Cameron responds. He looks up at Jonathan and gasped. The man was topless and in his boxers.
"Is this the omelette you made days ago?" Jonathan asked as he sat down, grabbing a fork.
Cameron smiles.
"Yeah. We had a deal remember? I stay here and you get your omelette"
Jonathan takes a bite and moaned in delight, it was even better than the last one!
"This is so good"
Cameron blushes, his eyes dart down Jonathan's torso, checking the man out. He wonders how those abs would feel pressed against him and those hands, the veins standing out on the skin made the Cameron wonder how they'd look when he's being choked.
"So what should we do today?" Jonathan asked. Cameron blinked as he snapped back to reality.
"I don't know. Don't you have work?"
"Oh yeah....I forgot about that. Do you want to tag along?"
Cameron shrugged.
"Sure why not."
"Okay, do you need help bathing?"
He blushes and shook his head.
"I'll be fine, go get ready"
Jonathan nods and heads back to his room for a shower. He gasped when he realized something....Corey was going to be there.
"Oh shit"
Skye's car slowed down once inside the premises. Since his in laws didn't live far away, he decided to drive himself, with of course a security car following behind. He parks the Mercedes Gle coupe right beside Luke's Aston Martin convertible. He steps out and opens the trunk and unfolds the stroller. He then takes Sam out of his car seat and places him inside the stroller. Lastly, he grabs their furry friend and make their way towards his in-laws door.
The building was a traditional manor castle. There were two statues of Luke and Star at the start of the stairs that led to the front door. The fact that Skye was told this was a downgrade made him laugh a little. He presses the door bell and a butler opened the door within seconds, the man gave Skye a bow.
"Your Highness"
"Good morning. Where is the Queen mother?"
"In the garden, please follow me"
He sets Ziggy down and the puppy obediently followed beside Sam's stroller. The castle had a victorian theme, the fine furniture was similar to that of the palace but smaller and less....dramatic.
Skye smiled once he saw Star and Luke outside having breakfast.
"I hope we're not late"
Star stood up, wide smile on her face. She was wearing a lavender pencil dress with a purple satin bow on her head to secure her ponytail in place, on her feet was a pair of black Jimmy choo sandals.
"Of course not! Have a seat, come"
Skye noticed Luke didn't greet him, it saddened him a bit.
"So what are we having?" He asked.
"Crepes, but you can order whatever you want" Star replied, attention on the toddler as she took him out of the stroller. She cooed once she saw his hair.
"He is so Cute! Hi Sammy! Did you miss granny? Yes you did, yes you did did"
Skye chuckles once Sam held Star's hair. Now he sees why the kid liked coming here, Star always had talked with a baby voice. Seeing the butler standing right beside him, Skye goes ahead and orders their food.
"I'll have a baked egg cocotte and a Quattro Formaggi. Then Sam will have two pancakes with the syrup on the side, a bowl of berry blend and bring a jug of orange juice, just in case"
"Yes sir"
Star smiled at him.
"You've really gotten used to this, I'm happy"
Skye nodded his head.
"Thanks. It's still hard for me to tell someone older than me to do this and that"
"Well you'll get used to it too, don't worry. Have you heard from Prince?"
"Mhm, he's coming tomorrow"
"Good, what will you wear?"
Skye frowned.
"What do you mean?"
"Well we have to meet the king at the airport of course"
"Right.....I'll figure it out later"
"I'm surprised you didn't know you had to do that" Luke chimed in. Skye frowns while Star sighed.
"Not in front of the baby. I see you got a puppy Sammy, what's his name?" She asked.
Skye's smile returned to his face once he heard his son's voice.
"Sam why don't you show grandma the trick you taught Ziggy"
Star watched with a wide smile as Sam found a stick and threw it, which was not far. Star awed once Ziggy fetched and returned the stick to Sam.
"I do see. That's so cool"
Skye almost laughed.
Star shrugged.
"I'm trying to be easy to understand"
Luke stood up with a sigh and left them there. Skye almost rolled his eyes. The food arrives and Star washed Sam's hands and set him down on the chair Luke was sitting on. Skye held his head whislt the toddler ate.
"Did Prince say what time he will be arriving?"
"Around ten. Why?"
"We have to find people to play the anthem. Protocol remember?"
Skye nodded.
"May I use your phone? Mine is in the car"
"Mine's in the room but there's a landline you can use, in the living room next to bookshelf."
Skye nods and made his way inside. The castle had a slight echo as there was no tv playing in the background, he finds the phone and chuckles. It was a gold European rotary telephone. He dials the palace number and after a few rings, Liam picked up.
"Royal Palace, Mr. Liam speaking"
"Mr Liam, it's me."
"Your Highness, how may I help?"
"The king is arriving tomorrow and we need to find people to play the anthem"
"Already done"
"Last night. The royal event planner organised everything. they were to notify you after your visit to the Queen mother"
"Oh...very well then, thank her for me. Good day"
"Good day"
He hangs up and sighed. He almost jumped out of his skin when he saw Luke coming down the stairs.
"Skye, we need to have a talk"
Skye nodded.
"We really do"
"That's Cameron?"
They watched Jonathan and Cameron chat, Jonathan had went to give Cameron a chocolate milkshake but they ended up in a conversation.
Nora sighed.
"They make a cute couple though"
Corey nodded in agreement.
"And he looks happy, possibly something I couldn't give him"
Nora was about to speak when Corey excused himself as he phone rang. She frowns.
"Who the hell is Greg?"
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