The car that Skye was in parked right in front of the hospital entrance, Luke's car was right behind his. This morning Skye had decided to take matters in his own hands. He was going to help some of the patients in the general area of the hospital.
Sam was with his grandmother, Star back at the palace. Skye gets out, reaveling his simple royal blue suit, he substituted his tiara for a royal brooch.
"This is the place?" Luke asks. He had to admit, when Skye told him that he was doing this made the king father a little nervous, but seeing Skye's determination he decided to help him nonetheless.
"Yeah. Let's head to the director's office and we'll see from there"
Luke nodded and follows the Queen, the guards of course walking alongside them. Skye finds the hospital director talking with a doctor.
"Mr Director"
The director gasped and bowed.
"Your Majesty. What...what brings you here?"
"To see if you made progress. If you haven't then I will do it myself."
"But...I'm still waiting for approval from the minister"
"Then the minister wouldn't mind if I helped out since you sent a letter of suggestion to their office, no?"
Luke watched the director's face morph into different emotions. He chuckled, this was just sad.
"Show us the patients" Skye said and in defeat the director leads the way.
Along their walk, Skye noticed that this side of the hospital was unkempt, the paint was peeling off the walls and the doors were practically old and damaged. When the director opened the door, he couldn't believe the scene before him.
"This cannot be happening"
"You don't have to say anything, just enjoy the moment" Jonathan says as he stood next to Cameron's painting.
"Do you mind taking a picture?" He asks. Cameron took his phone and snapped three pictures. Jonathan swiped through them and smiled. He squats down and takes a picture with Cameron. He looks back at it and smiles
"This is your best angle"
"Let me see"
Jonathan handed Cameron the phone and the man almost cried. The way they looked like a couple in this picture was so...
Jonathan frowns when Cameron suddenly leaves. He stuffs his phone into his pocket and runs after him.
"Cam! Wait.....I'm sorry"
Cameron shook his head.
"I don't want to lead you on....I don't want to be....in that position again"
Jonathan ruffled his curly hair and sighed.
"Cameron....you're not leading me on. This is just going out as friends remember? And if we eventually....feel more for each other, I'm hopeful that we'll cross that bridge amicably"
Cameron nodded and took a deep breath. He looks up at Jonathan and finds Peter and Cameron standing besides him.
"He feels bad for you. You're in a wheelchair and you're heartbroken, he's only doing the good thing"
"Yeah, look at you, who'd want someone as lame like you"
Jonathan frowned again when he sees tears forming in Cameron's eyes.
"Hey hey, what's wrong?"
Cameron sniffled and shook his head.
"Nothing....can we...go back to your apartment, I don't want to be here anymore"
"Of course, the car is not far from here"
Jonathan was a little disappointed but he now knows something else was going on with Cameron and he hopes he gets to the bottom of it soon.
"Why is there only one nurse here?"
"Well you see....the staff doesn't not want to work here when they could be making more money in the other side"
Skye could feel the rage just bubble up inside him. Patients left to practically die just because they had no insurance. The staff was also greedy, they were overlooking their job for more money.
"Get me the minister on the line"
"But your Majesty....the minister is-"
Luke stepped forward.
"It was not up for debate. Get the minister on the line, Now!"
"Of course of course"
Skye grabbed a stethoscope and a white coat. Luke gasped and stopped him.
"You can't"
"I can and I will. OUR people are suffering when we could help them, they've suffered enough and I'm here to see that their suffering ends now"
Luke sighed and watches him leave the room. He takes his phone and calls the palace.
"Royal Palace, Mr Liam speaking"
"Mr Liam, I'm going to need the media here at the hospital, the Queen is going to need all the help he needs"
"Cue lights and wind machine!"
The camera flicks a few times as Xavier changes his pose. He smiles once the photographer lets everyone know they got the shot.
He makes his way to his dressing room and finds a bouquet of white roses on his vanity table. He sits down and reads the note attached on the brown paper wrap.
Missing you already, see you tonight. Your Bunny xoxo
He takes a picture of the flowers with his phone and sends it to Benny.
Xavier- Thanks Bunny 😍
Benny- No worries! I bought the rope👀
He laughs, throwing his head back before he sent a response.
Xavier- Cant wait💦😏
He places the phone down and cleans his makeup, wiping off the eyeliner and mascara. His phone chimes again and he chuckles.
Benny- There's a bug in the freaking bathroom! 😵
Xavier- open the window, I'll be there soon
Once he had cleaned up his face, he swaps his high end fashion clothes for his sweatpants, the black colour gave off a calm demeanour.
He grabs his bag and keys and heads out. Smiling at the staff as he made his way out. He crosses the street and gets into his car, his phone rings and he laughs softly once he saw Benedict's name flashing on the screen.
"Yes Bunny?"
"Can you grab some bug spray?"
"Of course. I'll see you soon"
He hangs up and drives off. He smiles once he realized that this will be his life now, a partner and a father....it was exciting!
Prince sighed as he took off his shoes, after a whole night of standing, his feet were killing him!
He lays on the bed and turns to his phone only to gasp when he saw the headlines.
"Queen Skye takes the bull by it's horns?" He whispers before he read the full article. Once he was done he felt proud of his fiancé. He immediately gave him a call.
"Hey you"
He smiles and turns to his right.
"Hey, I saw the news. Great job out there"
"Thanks....although some people feel I shouldn't have done that"
He rolls his eyes.
"You did a good thing Skye, don't let a few people dim that light"
"You're right....how are you though?"
"I'm okay. Tired but okay. How's Sammy? I miss him"
"He's asleep. His tutor took some time off so I'll be with him for a few days"
Prince sighed sadly. He missed his family.
"I miss you guys"
"We miss you too. Get some sleep babe, I'll call you in the morning"
"Okay. Love you Skye. Give Sam a kiss from me"
"Will do, love you too"
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