The following day, Xavier took the day off to take care of Benedict.
"Babe I'm fine" Benedict says as Xavier massaged his shoulders.
"I know but I want you to be comfortable"
He sighed and leaned back on the couch, closing his eyes.
"Mmh, that feels so good" he breathes out and Xavier leans in to whispers to him.
"I can make you feel better" Xavier whispers.
Benedict sat up and turns to Xavier.
"Oh yeah?"
Benedict held Xavier by the chin before he kissed him. Xavier moans into the kiss, leaning forward making Benedict lean back until Xavier was on top of him.
Xavier's hand goes up Benedict's pyjama top, feeling the man's tight abs going up to his chest, his fingertips graze Benedict's hardened nipples making him moan and pull away from the kiss.
"Say you want me" Xavier whispered. Benedict held him tight, moaning as Xavier began to run his front against his. He answers Xavier with a nibble on the earlobe and he whispers,
"I want you daddy"
It all happened so fast, Benedict's pyjama pants where thrown across the room along with Xavier's boxers. Xavier gave Benedict a kiss, tasting his mouth once again as he slowy pushed his way inside him.
Benedict's nails scratched his back as he moaned into the kiss, the slow thrust made the man's toes curl into themselves.
"Mmh...faster daddy"
Xavier holds him down by the neck forcing Benedict to wrap his legs around Xavier's waist as the thrusts turn faster, rougher.
Xavier marveled at the sight before him, the look on Benedict's face was that of pure joy and full of love and his moans....his delicious moans were just the cherry on top.
Benedict cries out as the thrusts get faster, followed by Xavier's free hand on his pre cum seeping cock, giving him a few strokes.
He arches his back and calls out Xavier's name as he came, Xavier kisses him again before his thrusts get slow until they eventually stop.
Benedict pulled away from the kiss and laughed. Xavier smiled and pulled out.
"I'm glad you feel that way"
Benedict blushed and held Xavier by the cheek.
"I love you"
Xavier leaned in on his touch and kisses Benedict's hand.
"I love you too"
"I'm here honey. Need anything?"
Skye gave it a thought for a moment.
"How about we go see what daddy is up to"
The two of them go up the stairs, Skye of course carrying Sam up and setting the toddler down once they reached the last step.
They walk down the hallway, passing a wall full of royal portraits of the former King and Queen.
Skye knocks on the door and he hears a muffled "come in" from the other side.
He opens the door and Sam ran inside, making a beeline to his father. Skye smiled at Luke, the King father had come to visit them this morning.
Luke stood up and bowed to Skye making him blush in slight embarrassment.
"It's great to see you Skye, we haven't seen each other since Sam's birthday"
Skye nods.
"You should visit more often, the doors are always open for you"
Luke smiled.
"Your hospitality humbles me however Star and I are now used to being alone. It's a weird concept for us. Well I should get going. See you for brunch"
Once Luke left the office, Skye turned to Prince.
"So, what's the decree?"
Prince chuckles and hands him an envelope. Skye opens it and reads the single paper, the words written in cursive.
"The first official decree by His Royal Highness the King of Lololand, King Prince Quimby the first.
-The King and Queens' birthdays will be public holdiays.
-The King's potrait will be painted and replicas are to be printed and hanged in all public facilities.
-no tax increase until the year 2025
-The Royal family shall not involve themselves in the matter regarding politics.
-the office of the Prime minister shall report to the Palace for official proceedings and final decisions on matters regarding the people of Lololand"
Skye was quite happy with this, especially the politics part.
"Seems like you're having fun doing this"
Prince sat down and handed Sam a pen and paper before turning to Skye.
"I mean it was all I was trained for since I was thirteen. Anyway, what brings you here?"
"Sam and I are bored"
"How about we go play in the backyard. The leaves have fallen"
Skye smiled.
"I like the sound of that"
Prince takes off his jacket and they head downstairs, followed by a few gaurds from behind. Skye opens the door and takes a deep breath. The fall season was already here.
Prince sets Sam down and they walk towards the neatled raked heap of leaves. The king dives in shocking a few people nearby. Skye laughed when Prince emerged at the top of the leaves.
"Let's play!"
For about 45 minutes, the palace guards and maids watched as the royal family played with leaves, the cheer filled giggles of the little prince made the whole scene even more cute.
Skye laid on his back as he looked at the sky. Prince laid next to him and nudged Skye on the shoulder.
"What's on your mind?"
Skye looks over at him.
"Do you think....we should get married?"
A wide smile formed on Prince's face.
"I thought you'd never ask"
"Thank you for coming to lolocafe! Hope we see you again!"
He sighs once the door is closed. Just as he was about to put the 'on break' sign, Jonathan hears the bell chime as the door opened. He looked up and he's met with a short haired guy, his skin was pale and his black eyes roamed around the cafe. The guy was short, probably the same height as his youngest brother, Skye.
"How may I help you?" He asks. The young man smiled at him.
"Hi, I'm Corey, I'm here for the job"
"I was beginning to think no one saw that ad" Jonathan muttered. He smiles at Corey and nods.
"Of course. Let's have an interview first though"
Corey shrugged.
Jonathan flips the sign on the door to closed and he sits across from Corey.
"Do you have experience in operating an espresso machine?"
"I was a barista at the previous cafe I worked at" Corey says as he pulled out his resume from his file.
Jonathan looked through it. The man was cleary qualified for the job but he couldn't help but ask,
"You seem like you have a good record, what happened with your old job?"
Corey sighed.
"The owner was homophobic. When I first started working for her I just wanted the money but seeing how she's treating some of the customers just because they're who they are made me sick to my stomach so I left"
"You risked your career for better judgement. You have my respect"
Corey smiled.
"So do I have the job?"
Jonathan stands up and hands Corey a wash cloth.
"Welcome to the team"
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