Xavier opens the door to his condo and he's welcomed by the smell of freshly cooked food and baked goods. He smiles when he saw Benedict place the serving dishes on the table.
"Hey hey"
Benedict smiled at him and before they could hug, the smell of Xavier's cologne made him gag and run off to the bathroom. Xavier frowned and followed behind.
"Benny? Are you alright?" He asks, he could hear Benedict's groans and dry heaving.
The door opens and Xavier puts his hand on his boyfriend's forehead.
"You have a fever. We should take you to the hospital"
"But dinnner"
"It can wait. Let's go"
Skye picks Sam up and they head downstairs where Prince was waiting with a diaper bag along with a potty seat. They were both wearing casual clothes and Sam was in his spiderman onesie.
"We're all set"
Prince nods and they head out, four guards coming along with them. Skye opened the back seat and buckled Sam up in the car seat before getting in the passenger side. Prince starts the range rover sport up and they head out, one car infront and one behind theirs.
"I'm so excited for Benedict. He's been looking forward to this" Skye says.
"I know right. He and Xavier will make great dads. Speaking of Dads.....do you think we should have another child?"
The question took Skye by surprise. He looks over at Prince.
"Are you sure?"
"I mean why not. We can take care of the kids, Sam will have a sibling and the family will grow even more"
They were fair points. But Skye is still recovering from Sam's birth, especially the breastfeeding part. Plus Skye was told he'll only have one child.
"How about this. When Sam is five, we can try for another baby. If we get pregnant now or tomorrow that's also fine so we won't need to be in birth control"
"Okay, we can do that"
Skye looks back at the sleeping toddler in the backseat and he smiles. Maybe another baby wouldn't be that bad.
"He's fine. Just a little fever that's all"
"And the throwing up?"
"Well....he's pregnant so it's bound to happen. Especially if there are certain triggers"
Xavier nods and Benedict gives him a smile.
"See, we're fine. Can we go now?"
They go out of the room and Xavier holds Benedict's hand.
"You don't have to worry about me Xavier. We will be just fine"
Xavier nods. Maybe he was a little overdramatic. From now on he'll make sure to enjoy every moment until their baby arrives.
"We should hurry up, the family is probably arriving"
Prince carries a sleeping Sam over his shoulder, covering him with a fleece blanket. Skye was walking behind carrying the baby bag. The few people in the lobby bowed their heads to them and then went ahead and took pictures.
They get in the elevator, gaurds standing in the corners. Skye sighed and Prince looked over at him.
"What's wrong?"
"I need to pump"
Prince laughs softly. The elevator stops at their floor and they head to the door only to find it locked.
"What the...where are they?" Prince asks.
"I don't know" Skye says as he takes out his phone, calling Benedict.
"We're on our way"
"Alright. We're already here"
He hangs up and sighs, Prince hands him the pump.
"You're leaking"
"Make sure no one is watching" Skye says as he quickly places the pump on his chest. Prince watches in awe and Skye blushed.
"Stop staring like that"
"I can't help it"
The elevator dings and Prince stood in front of Skye's chest. Sarah steps out and smiles when she saw them.
"Hey you two! Should I bow?" She teases.
"Mom, please. Welcome back to Lololand. How was Mauritius with your girlfriend?" Skye says, head popping up from behind Prince's back.
"Oh stop it. Mauritius was fun. I had lots of sea food"
"I bet you did" Prince whispers making Skye laugh.
Sam woke up and Sarah gasped.
"Ohhh little Sam! Come give granny a hug!" She said as she carried him.
Skye hands the two bottles to Prince and he buttons up. Putting the pump in the bag.
Few minutes pass and Benedict along with Xavier arrived. Jonathan and Susanna were the last to arrive.
Benedict watched everyone eat. He couldn't wait to see his mother's reaction to his news.
"Before dessert, I just want to make an announcement"
Skye, Jonathan and Prince share a knowing look, small smiles on their faces.
Sarah gasped.
"Are you two getting married?"
Xavier blushes and shook his head.
"No not yet. Babe? Go ahead" he said.Benedict nods.
"Well, we're pregnant"
Silence reigned at the table before Sarah gasped and cheered. Susanna was a little shocked as she didn't even know Benedict could get pregnant.
"How far along are you?" Susanna asks
"Two weeks" Benedict says and Sarah cooed before standing up and hugging her son.
"I'm so happy for you!"
Xavier smiled when he recieved a hug as well. Benedict smiled happily. This was a happy life. Now he has to talk to Xavier about getting a house.
Skye is pulled into a room by his brothers. He looks at them in confusion.
"What's the matter?"
"When is the wedding?" Jonathan asks.
Skye blinked in confusion.
"What wedding?"
Benedict groaned.
"He's in too deep. Skye you have been engaged for two years. When is the wedding"
Skye's eyes widened. They were right!
"Shit...I didn't even notice"
"You should fix that. People are starting to talk"
"What are they saying?"
"That you are stalling on your marriage" Benedict teases. Jonathan scoffs.
"No one is talking about this but you two should get married. We want to be in a royal wedding"
Skye rolled his eyes.
"We'll see but you two are not going to be groomsmen, there are traditions I have to follow"
The two brothers frown.
"How lame"
In the living room, Xavier and Prince were having drinks while Sarah and Susanna were playing with Sam.
"So how's parenthood?" Xavier asks. Prince chuckles.
"It's fun. But it's not all that perfect. There's going to be a time where Benedict is going to be in postpartum. You have to realize that there are things going inside his body that you can't imagine, so you have to be there for him. when he cries, wipe his tears, when the baby is crying and he can't keep them calm, take the baby, help him out. He'll appreciate it later on"
Xavier nods as he took the advice.
"Has Skye recovered?"
"Yeah. Especially after we celebrated Sam's first birthday. That was the time I got him back."
Xavier pats him on the shoulder.
"Thanks man"
"Hey, what are brothers for"
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