Picnic panic
The infernite leader flain is making the snacks for the picnic with the other mixels. After a few minutes he and his infernites and their cousins are heading to outside to have a picnic.
Vulk:I love picnics. Having a picnic at the mixel park is very nice.
Meltus:Me too. Ah-choo!! Excuse me.
Flamzer:(Sighs) There is nothing like a good picnic on a sunny day today.
Zorch:You said it. Hey what's that? In the distance was a army if nixels. The ones that want to ruin their fun.
Flain:It's the nixels! Quick let's make a run for it!!!! The mixels are running for their lives from the little naughty nixels. They are hiding in the cave and pulled out the cubit and burnard have a cubit too. They all touched the cubit and then they all maxed.
Infernite max:We mixed it!
Infernite cousin max:Now let's fix it! They both attack the nixels and one nixel is getting away but the pogo stick with scorpi's tail caught the little naughty nixel and the pogo stick is bouncing and throw the nixel to the danger cliff. The pogo stick unmixed into scorpi and glurt.
Both:(Laughing) After they defeated the little naughty nixels the maxes unmaxed and the picnic with the infernites is saved.
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