Chapter Forty-Four ➳ - Tag From Misty
Misty tagged me (Tardis did too) to do a thing with 100 facts/questions. *deep breath* Let's do this. (Sorry it took so long! I skipped five questions, had to renumberr, and everything so... here it is, at last!)
1. Real Name: The name's Terra Faire to you (Not my real name. :p)
2. Nickname: Char/Chari.
3. Favorite Color: A rich/royal purple or a nice red.
4. Male/Female: The one you see me as.
5. Elementary School: ALL THE THINGSSSSSS.
6. Middle School: ALL THE THINGSSSSSS.
8. College: ALL THE THI-- *gets shot*
9. Hair: Brown and somewhat curly/wavy.
10. Tall/Short: I guess tall. 5'7".
11. Sweats/Jeans: Jeans. Sweats aren't comfortable anymore.
12. Phone/Camera: Camera. I don't have a phone εx
13. Health Freak: Not exactly, but I kind of watch what I eat. (When there isn't milk chocolate easily in the candy bin that is.)
14. Orange/Apple: Apple. Not a huge fan of oranges.
15. Crush: Someone I know, who loves me back.
16. Guy/Girl Friends: Guy friends since they don't do gossip as 'hardcore' as girls. I have a few sensible girl friends though, and a lot of girl friends are here on Watty :)such as Tardis, Ev, Misty, Rose, Earthstar, Cloudy, Warrior (I hope), UnderMyMask, Brokenflight, LivinLouder and Ambay.
17. Piercings: Yep.
18. Pepsi/Coke: Either. I don't mind them, but I'd rather have a Mountain Dew...
19. Ever Been on an Airplane: Yes. Probably... four times.
20. Ever Been in a Relationship: ... That subject is a bit fuzzy at the moment...
21. Ever Been in a Car Accident: Yes. No one got hurt, I think, but definitely no one died. I know it happened but don't remember the actual crash or anything immediately after.
22. Ever Been in a Fist Fight: No, but there are a few choice people I wouldn't mind getting the chance to beat up...
23. Best Friend: This'll sound like a lie, but my brother.
24. First Award: Soccor medal.
25. First Crush: Someone I liked before my current one?
26. First Word: _____
27. Any Talents: Possibly singing, but playing the flute, and burning designs onto wood with a magnifying glass.
28. Last Person I Talked To: My brother.
29. Last Person I Texted: Haha I don't text... ... ... it was my crush ... ...
30. Last Person I Watched a Movie With: My whole family. We watched Ghostbusters I. If that sounds familiar, that'll tell you how much I watch movies...
31. Last Thing I Ate: Baked Cheetos.
32. Last Movie/Show I Watched: Adventure Time. Actually, does YouTube count?
33. Last Song I Listened To: "This Will Be The Day" acoustic version from RWBY. Someone know what that is? :)
34. Last Thing I Bought: Star Wars: Dark Force Rising. I'm so excited to read it!
35. Last Person I Hugged: My mom.
36. Food: I don't have one really.
37. Drink: Izzy 'pop'. It's fruit juice with sparkling water and some other stuff.
38. Bottoms: Jeans
39. Flower: Hibiscus or Rose of Sharon.
40. Animal: Cat or dog.
41. Color: Refer to Question #3
42. Movie: The Boy Who Cried Werewolf.
43. Subject: Band or BFS (Bigger, Faster, Stronger.)
Have You Ever, Take 1
44. Fallen In Love: Twice.
45. Celebrated Halloween: Always!
46. Had My Heart Broken: No.
47. Went Over Texts (Assuming this means rereading): Yes.
48. Had Someone Like Me: Yes. Let's see... Three, rumor has it four so...
49. Hated The Way Someone's Changed: Yes. But nothing ever stays the same.
50. Had an Abortion: No and I never will.
51. Got pg: What does that even mean? You know what, I don't want to know.
52. Did Something I Regret: Yes. I've regretted hurting my brother with my whole being a million times.
53. Broken a Promise: I don't break promises. Or at least, I haven't yet.
54. Hidden a Secret: I may be a Pisces, but I hold more dark secrets than you could ever know.
55. Pretended To Be Happy: No. I don't like pretending much. A lot of the time I am happy.
56. Met Someone Who's Changed Your Whole Life: Everyone, but especially my brother. If he never existed... well, let's just say I wouldn't be here. Or know anything about YouTube, Skyrim, Pokémon, shall I go on?
58. Pretended To Be Sick: Never.
59. Try Something I Normally Wouldn't Try and Like It: Not really. Well... when I was little... eggs.
60. Left The Country: Yep. I went to Canada on my way to Alaska. I'M COMING FOR YOU, MISTY! Lol jk it was in 2005.
61. Cried Over The Silliest Thing: Yes. Always... :/
62. Run a Mile: Thank God no.
63. Go To The Beach With a Friend: Yes.
64. Gotten Into an Arguement With My Friends: Yes. They are the only people to bother arguing with, after all! (That means you Wattpadians who are my friends too :3)
65. Dislike Someone: YES OHHHHHH YES. Am I allowed to hit them? Pretty please? χD
66. Stayed Single For Two Years Since Your Last Bf/Gf Or Been Single Forever: Nope.
67. Eating: Music? Does that work? *Mumbles* No? Okay. Nothing.
68. Drinking: Refer to Question #62. And yes, I meant to not leave a space here.
69. Listening To: "Still Alive" from Mirror's Edge's sound track.
70. Sitting/Laying: Sitting.
71. Plans: To be entertained by YouTube (music or videos), Minecraft, or Wattpad. I really need to be writing...
72. Want Kids: Someday.
73. Want To Get Married: Someday.
74. Want To Travel: Maybe Japan or Italy. NO WAIT. I HAVE THE BEST ANSWER. Pokémon or The Elder Scrolls is where I'd like to go :3 Or maybe also Mirror's Edge... (Help me).
What I Want In A Partner
75. Lips/Eyes: Um... personality?
76. Shorter/Taller: ... ... er ... personality ...
77. Romantic/Spontaneous: Like me so... I guess sponaneous.
78. Hook Up/Relationship: Relationship.
79. Younger/Older: Personali-- *Gets shot again* STOP DOING THAT CHAR.
80. Troublemaker/Hesitant: I wouldn't date someone who's a crazy troublemaker... I think.
81. Looks/Personality: FINALLY!!! Er, I mean, personality.
Have I Ever Take #2
82. Have I Ever Lost Glasses: No. Don't wear 'em
83. Snuck Out: No.
84. Held a Gun/Knife For Self-Defense: No.
85. Killed Somebody: No. Honestly, who would answer 'yes'?
86. Broken Someone's Heart: Maybe two times, definitely once, with two different people.
87. Been In Love: Yes. Twice.
88. Broken a Bone: No.
89. Cried When Someone Died: I used to... now I feel heartless when someone dies. Only one family member of mine has died, and that was in 2003 so... Haven't mourned by crying since then, save my first cat (March 17, 2011) and first dog (October ~13, 2007). This was touched on in a different tag. (Maybe ABC tag).
Believe In?
90. Yourself: Definitely.
91. Miracles: Always.
92. Love At First Sight: Not one bit.
93. Heaven: Yes!!!
94. Santa Claus: I don't know.
95. Aliens: Kind of.
96. Ghosts/Angels: Yes and yes.
97. Is There One Person I Really Want To Be With Right Now: Yes.
98. Do I Know Who My Real Friends Are: I do now. :(
99. Do I Believe In God: I very much believe in Him.
100. Post this as a hundred truths and tag twenty people! Done, annnd done. :).
TIME TO TAG TWENTY PEOPLE. If you have already been tagged, you don't have to do it again.
1. Cloudy_62
2. Ambay26
3. Warrior147
4. _Brokenflight_
5. EarthstarEarthClan
6. Er... LivinLouder
7. ClarinetWarrior
8. Shiningflowerspots
9. What_It_Takes
10. CitrusWasp
11. xXSplit_SkiesXx
12. TheAmericanWhovian
13. -CreativeSparks-
14. TrueNorthRider
15. THIS IS SO HARD TO DO Narwhals_Narwhals
16. DragonCatWings2003
17. YourPerfectTragedy
18. SallyStichWrites5154
19. StarCatcher321
20. Swiftforest DONE BYE *dies from the gunshots lol*
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