We talked for hours and hours. I loved catching up with them. It's been so long. When I realized that Patricia was still waiting for me I had to get ready to go.
"Umm grannies I have to get ready to go." I said as I stood up.
"Where are you going?" My maternal grandmother asked.
"I have to go back to my car. My friend is waiting for me." I said.
"Alright I'll walk you out." My paternal grandmother said as she stood up.
"Oh wait, I just remembered. When I walked into the forest the bridge collapsed. How am I supposed to get back to my car now?" I asked.
"Should we tell her?" My maternal grandmother whispered.
"I think so." My paternal grandmother whispered.
"Tell me what." I said.
"Did your dad tell you about the myth of the mist?" My paternal grandmother asked.
"Yes he did. Wait, is the myth true?" I asked.
"Yes, it is." My paternal grandmother said.
"Wait, so am I dead?" I asked.
"No." My maternal grandmother said.
"Then how do I get back?" I asked.
"Well we have to go to the meeting first." My maternal grandmother said.
"Meeting? What meeting?" I asked.
"The meeting with the king and queen." My paternal grandmother said.
When we arrived at a village I saw guards on horses walking out of a big castle and then I saw a carriage with a guy and lady sitting in it. Then people started cheering. It must be the king and queen. Once the king and queen stepped out of the carriage my paternal grandmother told me to hide behind her.
"But I don't want to." I said.
"Just do it." My paternal grandmother ordered.
So then I hid behind her.
"Hello everyone it is I King Joseph and your Queen Mary. We just wanted to check in with you guys to see how everything is going." The king said.
"If you have any questions let us know. We would like to help you." The queen said.
Everyone gives an applause and cheers.
"If you guys don't have anything to say we will see you later on guardian day." The queen said.
"That's right guys don't forget that guardian day is around the corner. We hope to see you soon." The king said.
Some people walk to the king and queen and others walk away to do their own thing.
"Guardian day? What's guardian day?" I asked.
"Guardian day is when you go down to the earth to look at your loved ones for the day." My maternal grandmother said.
"Can that person see you?" I asked.
"No, they can't." My maternal grandmother said.
"Do you guys look down on me?" I asked.
"Yes, of course. We look down on your parents and little brother too." My maternal grandmother said.
"Alright, guys we can talk to the king now." My paternal grandmother said.
Me and my grandmothers walk to the king and queen.
"Excuse me, your majesties." My paternal grandmother said.
Hello, how may we help you?" The queen asked.
"This is our granddaughter Jamie. She discovered a bridge while she was taking a walk." My maternal grandmother said.
"Where did the bridge lead you to?" The queen asked.
"It led me to a forest that was all covered in fog." I said.
"Is the bridge still there?" The king asked.
"What's wrong?" My maternal grandmother asked.
"We can go to the castle and discuss this in private. Come on." The king said.
The king led us to his carriage and we all got in then we went to the castle.
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