Part TWO
I dedicate this chapter to Reggabear for commenting and correcting me. Well, back to the story.
***********************************************5 years later
Adonis's POV
Pain. That's all I feel as I'm laying on my blanket in the dark, dank basement. Kayne has beat me many times but last night was different. I thought he was actually going to kill me.
"Adonis! Get ass up here now!" Kayne yelled angrily from upstairs
I knew a beating was coming but I didn't know what for. Even though I didn't want to leave the safety of my small basement, I got up and walked up the stairs because the beating would be worse of didn't.
When I get to the top of the stairs I look around to see where Kayne is. I look to my left where the donut room and kitchen is and I see a light. I walk over that way and when I enter the dining room , something heads towards my face. Turns out, it was Kayne's fist because when he hit me I flew back into the wall hitting my head. He starts walking towards me and grabs my hair. He brings my face close to his and starts talking.
"Do you see that table, Adonis? What is it missing?" He says
'Great. Just great. He's drunk again.' I think to myself
"It is missing my food. So, why is there no food on the table?"
I shrug. He throws me on the floor and kicks me in my stomach till he hears a crack. Then he starts punching me. He punched my face and my stomach over and over again until he was satisfied.
"Next time, my food better be on the table by 6:30. Do you understand?"
All I could do was slowly nod at him telling him I understood. He then walked out of the dining room. I thought that tonights beating was over with so I started to crawl back to the basement. I soon realized that that was a mistake. He came back with a knife in his hands.
"Did I say you could go? No, I don't believe I did. I guess it's time for you to learn the rules form here on out." He said as he slowly walked toward me
"Rule number one: have my food on the table at the right times." He took my right arm and slid the knife from my shoulder to my wrist.
"Rule number two: you do not leave unless I say you can." He took my left arm and did the same.
"Rule number three: don't make any friends." He took my right leg and slid the knife all the the way down my leg, stopping at my foot.
"Rule number four: don't tell other people what happens in this house." He took my left leg and did the same.
"Rule number five: DO NOT DISOBEY ME." He turns me on my back and slashed a big X on it.
"As long as you remember these five rules, your life will be less painful. Do you understand?"
I was in pain and I was bleeding. I couldn't move not even an inch. He thought that I was ignoring him and left. A few minutes later, he comes back with a bucket filled with some kind of liquid. He pours it on me and all the places he cut me start to burn. I start crying and trying to cool off but its not working. I'm still burning.
"Answer me when I talk to you."
I nodded my head yes. He then had smile on his face. He picks me up by the neck and walks me to the entrance of the basement. He literally throws me down into the basement. When he sees my body hit the ground, he starts laughing and walks away. Then I just continue my crying on the cold hard floor of the basement with a pool of my own blood around me.
End of flashback
I start to tear up again at the thought of what happened last night. I look at my arms and see the scars left behind by Kayne. All of a sudden, I start to feel this indescribable pain. I can feel my bones breaking and rearranging themselves.
Once it's over I look at myself and see that I am a wolf(see pic). I start panicking.
'Why did I turn into a wolf? Why do I look different than most other wolves? How do I turn back?'
'Calm down. I'm here with you don't worry.'
'Who are you? Why are you in my head?'
'My name is Artemisia. I'm in your head because I'm your wolf. We look different because we are special. To go back to your human form all you have to think about is being human.'
I do what she said and thought about being human. The next thing I knew I was human again but I was naked so I put on some more clothes.
'Hey Artemis, I already know that the scar on my neck was done by Kayne when I was a baby and that because of it he thinks I can't talk even though I can but who are my real parents?'
'You'll find out later. Right now we need to rest our body. All you need to know for now is that whatever he says to you is not true. Even your name.'
'Okay. Goodnight, Artemis.'
'Goodnight, Adonis.'
With that, for the first time in a while, I went to sleep with no nightmares.
Adonis's Dream
All around me there is white fog. It's so thick that I can't see anything. However, I start to look around and see three figures in the fog. They are all male figures. The only thing I can see besides that are their eyes. The tallest one has a pair of brown eyes. The one next to him holding his hand has a pair of dark green eyes. For some reason, they feel familiar.
Then I look at the last figure and see that he has blue eyes. They're as blue as the sea. I don't know why but I feel some kind of pull towards him.
'Who are you people? Why do I feel like I know you?' I asked
'Zehira.' They all said
'Zehira? Who is Zehira? Who are you? Please tell me! Please!' I shouted
All of a sudden, everything starts to turn black. I look at the figures and it looks like they are walking away.
'Wait! Don't go! Don't leave me here alone! Please. Don't leave.' I say as they fade into the darkness and I start crying. I can't control the tears as they roll down my face. I realize that I don't know anything. That I can't do anything. That no one can help me and that you can't trust anybody. I'm alone.
'Who am I?' I whisper. Then everything goes black.
Hello! Just to clear something up Kayne did slash Adonis's throat. However, it wasn't deep enough to damage her voice. However, he doesn't know that and to keep it that way she doesn't talk.
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