Chapter 4- Weirdly connected
Kyrie looked around, there was a pink teapot and few cups with the same color of the teapot, the kitchen sink had pink pansys stuffed in the drain. There was a fridge filled with pink and cute themed dishes. "There must be a way to exit this place." Kyrie scavenged the area for things she could use to escape. "My magic doesn't work here, and my phone is out off battery, if I can just find a knife." Kyrie thought. They tried to use their dark magic, they tried to call for help, they tried to break the wall with brute force, but nothimg seemed to work.
"There could be a secret exit somewhere in this place..." Kyrie thought to themselves. Kyrie rummaged through the room, trying to find an escape, then an idea struck them, "The chest!" Kyrie realized. The purple axolotl bolted up the attic stairs and approached the chest.
"There must be something here."
Meanwhile in another place....
"Foxyee, Wolfyee, Kyrie. Are you here?", Rae's voice echoed through the hallways of darkness, there seemed to be no end to the pitch black. Rae started to get immensely worried for his companions. Where they the ok? Are they ok? Are they being attacked? Are they trapped somewhere? Are they being kidnapped?!
Many worrysome thoughts entered Rae's brain, "No, they are fine, they have faced many threats and survived death, no need to worry..." Rae calmed himself down, he returned to his search for an exit, he kept walking around until he found...a hole leading to a hillside...yes the hole was in the middle of the darkness, weird.
"This must be a way out." Rae thought, he went through the hole and found himself on the grassy terains of the hillside, "Foxye? Kyrie? Wolfyee?" Rae called out one more time, he was met with no answer.
"I might start searching for an exit while I'm at it."
Meanwhile in another place....
"Oh come on Foxyee, didn't you say you brought your sword with you before? Where did you last put it?" Wolfyee sighed, "I dunno, maybe..oh it's here." Foxyee takes out a small yelliw crystal out of her tail, the yellow gem suddenly turned into a gigantic sword.
"Let's goooo!" Foxyee said in an upbeat tone as she sliced down the castle door, "I love doing that!" Foxyee chuckled as she walked in the castle. The inside of the castle was really....intersting, there was a gigantic indoor garden at the left, a pool with fake flamingos and flowers surrounding the pool at the right ,and a hallway with many rooms at the sideways of the hall.
"Where do we even go?" Foxyee questioned,
"Let's just go forward, besides we don't really know what to do now, aside from finding Rae and Kyrie." Wolfyee replied, "You know, maybe we should find our 'orgins' while we're at it." "That's great!"
The two furries walked through the hallway of rooms, to be stopped by a big door, "HYAAA!" Foxyee yelled as she sliced the big door, "...moving on..." Wolfyee goes through the door.
They keep on walking, and walking, until....
*thud* "OOF!" Foxyee wailed as she tripped over..a key? "What the hell-" Foxyee murmured, she then picks up the key, "What is this key for? " I don't know, maybe you shouldn't question me?" "Well I thought you knew what to do with this, you're more mature then me-" "I said moving on." Wolfyee said, untouched about what just happened, like seriously, she could've gotten hurt bro, at least show some concern, oh well, it wasn't that bad.
Inside the hallway was a temple adorned with withered flowers, and in the middle of the temple was a gigantic statue looked like a levitating snake with antler horns, there was an ancient text under the statue, Foxyee and Wolfyee obviously didn't know what it means.
"That's an interesting statue....but what does this text even mean?" Wolfyee questioned, "I have no idea and I am in pain." Foxyee answered with a weak smile.
"I wonder what things await us?"
Meanwhile in the Misfits house.....
"Aspen, what are you doing?" Lemone asked the green axolotl
"I'm trying to call Kyrie, but they're not answering back." Aspen grumbled.
"Welllll, sorry to tell you, but Kyrie is in a... *ahem* different universe right nowww..." Lemone scratched her head while keeping an awkward smile.
"What?!" Aspen put her phone down and continued, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I just found out, so yeahhh...sorry?" Lemone fidgeted her fingers.
"It's alright...." Aspen groaned, they decide to call Kyrie one more time, "Maybe I will have to wait for now, if they are still not home, I'm definitely going to go through her book of portal magi-" Aspen paused and continued, "Wait...if Kyrie can summon portals..."
"Why are they still not here?"
Meanwhile in another place.....
Rae scanned his surroundings, he scavenged the hills and grass terrains for potential clues to help him find the others. He looked through the fields until he spots a key. A golden key hidden in the grass.
He was inspected the key with suspicion, he needs to make sure if the key wasn't potentially poisonous, belonged to an evil entity, a trap or secretly connected to H.A.T.E, an instinct he will always keep, to constantly be suspicious of everything, making sure if things where a bad thing or a safe thing.
Before he could do anything, a portal opened up and sucked him in with no hesitation. Once he woke up, he finds himself in a weird and peculiar land, with gigantic mushrooms and pink skies. It was like a fever dream, a world where a child could happily roam, but there's no time to judge Rae's surroundings, so he continues walking a straight path
If only life was a straight path
Meanwhile in another place.....
"FOXYEE YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!" Wolfyee screamed, "It was an accident bro, I'm sorry man!" Foxyee freaked out, a broken statue of a gigantic sword-like deity lays upon their feet, or paws, I don't know. "You know we are in an entirely different universe, and we have no knowledge of what is right or wrong in the perspective of this world!" Wolfyee explained angrily, "Ok, Ok, I'm sorry-" Foxyee realized something as she apologized, it was a rusty golden chest, with three key holes.
Hye guys? I am so sorry for not posting for a long time, i was really busy on other stuff, so yeah. But I promise that I will post a chapter each 1-3 days, and each chapter will be 500-5500 words. I hope you enjoy this story, please check my other stories too. Have a good day or night or whatever.
Also here is an illustration of Billy:
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