Chapter 7: Please, I can't lose you!
Third Person's POV:
When they got there, Kyoko and Hizashi had just walked out of the emergency room.
Hizashi had sticthes on his forehead and a noticable bruise on his jaw.
Kyoko, had herleg in a cast and you could see some swelling on the side of her forehead.
They ran up to them and tackled them in a hug, careful not to hurt him.
There was a sense of relief for a brief second before it got ripped away suddenly.
"Wait, where's Zuku?" Hitoshi asked, sounding confused as to why the younger of the two isn't here.
Just then, a doctor appeared.
"Ahem. Sorry to interruot but are you Izuku Aizawa's parents?" a young male doctor asked.
They nodded in unison, wanting to hear the words telling them that Izuku will be up on his feet in no time.
But, once again, that did not happen.
"I'm sorry to say, but it looks like he took most of the impact from the crash. " he said.
He asked if they would like to know the extent of all their injuries, as it might be helpful for in the future and they agreed.
"I"ll start with you Mr. Yamada. You only suffered from a light concussion. This may cause you to be either nausea or lighthead/dazed."
They nodded, showing that they understood.
"Ms. Aizawa here though, sufferd from a fracture in her rught leg and also a concussion. This can cause you dizziness or confusion in the feature.
I suggest both of you to take it easy, because even though it wasn't that bad, it was bad enough for you to loose consciousness."
Once again, they nodded before he continued.
"Umm, Mr. Izuku Aizawa is another story though. Like I said, he took most of the impact.
He sustained a severe concussion leading him to loose consciousness. This will also cause him to experience the same symptoms of you, but he might also have amnesia of the crash."
They wanted him to stop. For Izuku to jumo around a corner looking innocent saying that it was a joke and he told the doctor to tell them that.
But he didn't because this was reality. And it was the harsh truth.
"He also has some minor scrapes and cuts, but that is normal for a car accident. You will notice you have it too.
He suffered a fracture in his right femur along with internal bleeding. When he arrive here, he had flatlined atleast twice inthe ER and another two times in the surgery because of blood loss.
Right now, he is in in a coma. We don't know how long he will be in a coma or if he will survive it. Only time will tell."
Numb. That is what they felt. All of them.
"One last thing. You're gonna want to meet up with a therapist. You will likely suffer from PTSD. All of those involved in the accident. Now, please follow me."
And that is what they did. And what they saw broke thier hart.
They each took a place bybhis side, all think one thing.
'Please, don't leave me. Don't leave us!"
Hey readers!
So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Please dont get angry if I got the medical stuff wrong. I had to go do research so I am going with whatbgoogle and all those medical websites said.
You are welcome to comment!
Hope you are safe and healthy!
Have an amazing day/night!
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