Chapter 11: What Happened
Hey readers!
So, this chapter was requested by katherine7987 so I hope you enjoy!
In this chapter, we will be seeing what happened that led up to the car crash! So..yeah enjoy!
Third Person's POV:
"Izu, how do you feel?" Hizashi asked in a concerned voice.
They were currently on their way home. Izuku wasn't feeling well. He had a high fever and was nauseous and lightheaded.
During their exercise while All Might were explaining, he collapsed and blacked out for a few seconds.
Izuku was lying down in the back seat while Kyōka was in the passenger seat.
"I'm fine papa. I'm just.." Izuku trailed of from his sentence. It sounded like he was having trouble breathing.
Kyōka turned around when he didn't finish his sentence.
"Izuku you need to breath." She said in a hurried voice.
Hizashi turned around for a second to see his son working himself into a panic attack.
(A/n idk if this can actually happen. I never had any panic attacks myself. So, i just thought he was frustrated and with everything going on lately, he would go into a panic attack. Please don't hate me. I really don't know much about this)
Hizashi turned his attention back to the road before talking again, "Izuku, it's not your fault okay? But I need you to breathe for me l Zuku. Just breathe"
Hizashi turned around again, this time taking one of Izuku's hands in his and giving him a smile.
They had stopped at a red light at a crossover (crossroads?) so he had time to do that. When the light turned green, Hizashi turned around again and started driving.
Hizashi was busy talking Izuku through his panic attack when suddenly Kyōka was screaming.
And then a car hit them from the side.
The car went rolling before landing on its roof. Hizashi was just about to ask if they were okay when they were hit again but from the back.
The car went sliding and hit one of the street lights.
Hizashi blacked out for a second but came to. When he looked around, he saw himself and Kyōka both hanging upside down, their seatbelts holding them.
But Izuku had somehow landed between them. He looked.. horrible. Hizashi cursed himself when he remembered his son was lying down and didn't have his seatbelt on.
Kyōka was the next one to wake up. She started panicking when she realised what happened.
"Hey hey, Kyōka. I need you to calm down okay. It's gonna be fine. We'll be okay. Don't worry." Hizashi reassured her.
They had been lying like this for a few minutes and already he was starting to feel dizzy.
The next moment there was a guy next to him crouching at his window.
He was about to ask something when the guy spike up.
"Present Mic?! Oh god! Okay. Okay, um, helo is on the way. You just need to keep awake for me okay? We'll get you out of here."
When the guy finished, he was about to stand up and walk away when Mic stopped him.
"Wait!" He yelled, although alot softer than his usual normal voice.
The guy stopped and looked at him, waiting patiently for him. "M-my kids. P-please help t-them. P-please." Hizashi pleaded.
The guys eyes widened for a second, as he looked into the car to see the two UA students. He stood up abruptly and started yelling. Hizashi couldn't make out what he said but had an idea that it was about help.
Hizashi turned around and looked at his daughter, to see her crying and trying to regulate her breathing. She was trying to stop an upcoming panic attack.
"Kyōka baby, I need you to breathe for me, please. Everything is going to be fine. We're fine. Help is coming okay?" Hizashi whispered softly to his daughter.
A strangled sob escaped her mouth before she spoke, "I-izuku, h-he he, omg" her breathing became faster and more rapid as she tried to take in the air.
Hizashi knew what she meant. He saw the state his youngest were in and it broke his heart. He didn't know what to do. It hurts knowing that you can't do anything to help your children. But right now he needs Kyōka to calm down. So thinking back to what helps them in their panic attacks, he started singing softly.
"I'm bleeding out,
If it's the last thing that I do,
Is bring you down,
I'll bleed out for you,
So I bare my skin
And I count my sins
And I close my eyes
And I take it in,
I'm bleeding out,
I'll bleed out for you,
For you..."
Hizashi noticed her calming down so he stopped. He smiled at her and reached to grab her hand, giving her a reassuring squeeze.
"Don't worry okay. We're gonna get out of this car, get checked at the hospital and the we're gonna go home and binge watch Disnep movies with hot chocolate and popcorn and coffee for your brothers and father and forget about this, okay?"
She smiled at Hizashi and nodded.
Not long after did they hear the sirens. Fire rescue (pfft, can't remember the name) cut them out of the car and they were rushed to the hospital.
Now, a few weeks later, when Izuku woke up, Hizashi can truly say that yes, they'll be okay.
Hellooooo readers!
Long time no see huh?
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this long overdue chapter!
Things like the car crash is just me thinking up shit so if it's unrealistic, meh? Who cares?
Anyways! Enjoy your day/night!
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