Daily School Life
Over the first couple of weeks at Hogwarts, Georgie and Reem had gotten very close. Both of them being first years and Hufflepuff's, the girls got lucky and were able to take the beds directly next to each other and often found themselves talking to each other late into the night. Draco and Harry quickly became their topic of choice on the days the two ran into the bickering boys. Reem quickly became obsessed with the two, shipping them like there was no tomorrow, and Georgie wouldn't have had it any other way as she saw the connection as well.
Though while the potential couple became the main focus of Reem's heart, Georgie had developed a small crush on the slightly younger Weasley twin, George. Reem found this adorable and the two quickly thought the idea of George and Georgie dating would be super cute because of their near-identical names and the fact they both had freckles, though that second one was Reem's idea entirely.
On one particularly stress-filled day for Georgie, mainly because she had around four assignments due the next day that she'd been putting off, she decided to head straight back to the dorms, using the password (tapping in sequence to the name Helga Hufflepuff) and leaning down to enter the common room. The low, overhanging plants brushed lightly against my hair, a few of them singing melodies and others giving a happy dance. She smiled at the happy greenery and continued walking towards her designated living area. There, she placed down her books and flopped down on the soft bed and hugged a pillow.
"Mm no! Not my Cauldron Cakes!!" Reem's voice suddenly yelled out from beside me. Turns out the girl had been sleeping on pillows and blankets on the floor and she suddenly shot up from between her bed and the next one over. "Eh? Georgie, when did you get here?" Georgie couldn't help but giggle, the blue, pink and orange hair shooting up everywhere on Reem's head. Reem noticed this immediately and began smoothing it out.
"Hello, Reem. Nice nap?" As if on cue, Reem yawned and lightly slapped her cheeks.
"Wake. Up. Me." She mumbled between hits, finishing with a shake of her head to wake herself up. "Yup! I had a horrible dream that Justin Finch-Fletchley ate all my cakes again though. But oh well, how was your day?"
"Good for the most part, though I have four assignments due tomorrow."
"Ughh. Gross, homework. Which classes?"
"Um, one for Potions and History of Magic and two for Herbology."
"How do you have two for Herbology, that's pretty much your favourite subject!?"
"I couldn't find any Puffapods for the experiment and I'm having trouble growing my herb garden."
"Did you remember to give it heaps of light and water?"
"... you had to give it light?" Georgie expression was that of a confused child and she dashed out, wand in hand to the greenhouse where her garden was. She returned around 20 minutes later, a huge grin on her face looking around the room for Reem.
"Ba-chow! You're under arrest!" Reem popped up from nowhere giving Georgie a startle.
"Wha? W-what did I do?"
"For being too cute!"
"Oh." Georgie smiled even wider. "You're a dork."
"I know. It's one of many reasons we're friends."
"True, true."
"Anyway, I got you these!" Reem put her hands out, a bag of Puffapods inside, the smooth pink and orange pods filling the bag. Georgie teared up and hugged her friend.
"You're amazing! Thank you!!" She then quickly grabbed them and began her task. Not half an hour later, Georgie had finished and begun working on her History of Magic task. After a two parchment history of Uric the Oddball and his jellyfish hat, I began to pack away my things and prepare for dinner, because food held priority over all else. Reem, who had spent the time I was doing Homework in sewing new outfits for her puppets, eating all the snacks we had stashed away for such occasions (which we shared) and occasionally giving me help with the work.
Dinner time came and we both grabbed our robes and practically ran to the Great Hall, still eager for food. We sat at our places at the table and waited eagerly for the food to magically appear. When it did, Reem and I wasted no time, scooping our favourite dishes onto our plates and digging in. We did the same with dessert until we were completely satisfied. Looking around and talking covered the remainder of the time in the Great Hall, Reem shipping the Gryffindor and Slytherin boys and Georgie silently watching George, blushing every time he smiled, then the two would exchange comments about each others topics of interest. Sometimes the other Hufflepuff's would ask what the two were laughing about, before promptly moving a little further away or turning back to their friends. This just made the pair laugh more.
After the dinner, Georgie and Reem began to head back to the dorm, tired and ready for dreaming, when none other than the Weasley twins came running up to them.
"Hello, girls-" Fred started.
"We just wanted to say-" George continued.
"THANKS-" Same time.
"For sticking up for our little Ron the other day." Fred finished. Reem smiled that surprisingly innocent smile she got whenever she had an evil idea.
"Oh, don't thank me! It was entirely Georgie here! Have the three of you met properly yet?" Reem said, her voice like candy.
"Reem what are you-"
"No actually, nice to meet you, Georgie, is it?" George was the first to answer Reem. A light blush crossed Georgie's face when she released he'd been holding his hand out. She gave it a quick shake, too embarrassed to touch it any longer.
"Y-yeah. George-Anna Everhart. Nice to properly meet you. I mean, other than the train station haha." Georgie gave a slightly nervous laugh. Fred spoke up next.
"Everhart? As in Everhart's Greens? The world famous Herbology and Potions company?"
"I-I didn't think we were that famous but yeah, my parents own the business. I-is that bad?"
"Bad!? It's bloody brilliant, that is! The Everharts are probably one of the only wizarding families that could stand up to the Malfoys and get away with it unscathed. They own 97% of the wizarding world's Herbology and Potions recipes, discoveries and produce! There isn't a witch or wizard alive that hasn't brought something from the Everhart company!" Fred, George and Reem all crowded around Georgie, faces beaming with excitement, all except Georgie herself, who was becoming very self-conscious and blushed staring at the ground.
"Hey look, it's the female twat, her Mudblood friend and the penny-worth twins." Malfoys voice brought everyone out of their happy trance and glare at him. Of corse, Georgie was immediately transformed from a blushing mess to a pissed of 11 year old with a thousand come back.
"Hmm, nice try Malfoy, but I'd rather be 'female twat' then 'daddys boy with no real power over anything except his cronies', but you know, that's just me." Georgie earned looks of hatred from the Malfoy and his 'friends' along with snickers and looks of amusement from the rest of the halls passer-bys.
"Nice try, but I'm not just going to let you off with a glare this time. When my father finds out-"
"Draco, you don't even know my name. How do you expect to tattle on 'the girl with brown hair'?"
"I'll find it out eventually, just you wait."
"Why wait? George-Anna Hope Everhart of Everhart Green's. Nice to meet you." Draco's already pale skin went deathly white. It was a dirty move, Georgie thought to herself, to use status like he did but maybe he'll leave me alone after this.
"E-Everhart G-g-greens? You are joking right?"
"O-oh. Well then. You and your social reject friends can be left for today I guess. But don't you dare cross my path again." It was an empty threat and he knew it, but I guess I've hurt his pride enough for one day. Georgie thought as she took a step towards him. Well, maybe one more thing.
"Thanks, Draco, see you in Potions tomorrow!" And with that sentence, Georgie ruffled his slicked back hair and walked away with her 'social reject friends', and trust you me, she wouldn't have changed where she was for anything in the world.
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