30. And then...
"Mage Athol! What is the meaning of this? What has happened to the Guild Master? And who is this?" The guard pointed at Ben, his moustache bristling.
Rather reluctantly, Lucian released Ben and turned to face the guard.
"Ah, Tsenor," he nodded. "Let me introduce you to Mage Lucas. He has just arrived from the mirror worlds."
The guard stared at Ben, wide-eyed with curiosity and more than a trace of respect.
"As for the Guild Master, I'm afraid Mage Eldor attacked him with hemal. I don't think he received enough to cause harm, but perhaps it would be best if we carried him to the infirmary."
"Hemal?" Tsenor hurried to Midor's side and knelt beside him to check his breathing and pulse. "Mage Eldor did this?" He didn't sound as surprised as Ben had expected.
"I'm afraid so. Not quite in the spirit of the solstice I would have thought," added Lucian in dry tones. "I don't know what Eldor's intentions were, but fortunately I arrived in time to interrupt. Ben here, helped me restrain him so I was able to give him some of his own hemal."
Tsenor grunted. He beckoned to the apprentice who was hovering in the doorway.
"Here, boy, run down to the infirmary. Tell the healer we need her up here to see to the Guild Master."
"Yes, sir." The apprentice vanished.
The guard stood and dusted off his knees.
"What is that?" he asked, pointing to Ben's bag, the wolf logo in full sight.
"Just a bag with my clothes," answered Ben. "I thought I might need them."
Lucian stared at him in wonder. "Thou brought that all the way from England? Through the world between the mirrors?"
"Well, yes," Ben wondered if he had done something wrong. "They're mine. I thought they'd come in handy."
"But no-one carries anything between the worlds, only thyself and the clothes thou are wearing."
Everyone looked at the bag. It didn't look like anything found on Rhillion.
"Here, let me show you," said Ben, unzipping the bag to draw out a hooded rain jacket.
"Oh, I believe thee," Lucian hastened to assure him. "It's just that I've never seen it done before. That's enough for thee to challenge the Guild Master... and no need to use hemal!"
Ben looked startled. "Not on your life! I'm sure being Guild Master requires a lot more skills than carrying luggage!"
Lucian chewed his lip for a moment before smiling. "Thou have the right of it! Thou are a wise man, Ben Lucas."
Ben's cheeks went pink. "What shall we do with Eldor?" he asked gruffly, changing the subject. "Can we lock him up somewhere?"
"The Guild Master will decide his fate when he rouses. We should take him to his room until then, and Tsenor can keep watch outside."
Everyone looked down at Eldor. He was still lying unconscious on the floor.
"I suppose it would be wrong to tip him through the scrying glass?" asked Ben, wistfully.
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