🄲🄷🄰🄿🅃🄴🅁 4 | Unplanned Suprises |
Hey, you all! Enjoying the first three chapters? If so, that's amazing! In your opinion, who is your favorite character so far out of the three listed: Christian, Edwin, or Alfonso? We haven't had a full chapter where it was dedicated to Alfonso and his thoughts, but just based on his behavior on chapter 1 and 2, what do you think? Does he annoy you? Make you smile? Don't know? Keep thinking about it; for how though, I present to you Serena's chapter!
Two Days Later
Serena's black curls bounced about, covering a portion of her pale, freckled face as she ran to catch up with the the other students that were entering the huge gymnasium. She held her three inch binder that was under her arms in an awkward position in order to prevent her papers from blowing away. It was quite breezy today; everyone was shivering when they came outside this morning, and many papers, beanies, and candy wrappers were spotted flying about the commons (or recess) area. Yet, she kept on walking, trying her best not to bump into anyone. Once she entered the gymnasium, she was greeted by a heat that was ever so comforting and pleasant, pleasant enough to erase the chills that entered her body a moment ago.
She walked into the girl's locker room with her head down and her shirt over her nose. She wasn't in the mood to see anyone's skin or smell the sweat or perfume coming from the undressed girls gossiping near the lockers. She quickly took off her leggings and thew on some red and white shorts that hid inside her bookbag. She was quite sneaky; barely anyone ever had the chance to see her undressed.
She only wished that the drama queens wouldn't hog the stalls the whole ten minutes of free period.
Nonetheless, Serena skipped over the black bleachers and out into the court, where she was greeted by one of her good friends, Cindy, who wore a wide smirk on her face.
"Hello, shorty! Did you see 'cloudy' yet?" Cindy asked with a raised eyebrow. Serena groaned and immediately started walking off.
"I told you once and I'm not going to tell you again: Me and Christian don't have ANYTHING going on between us! Now, stop asking us, or you'll see a furious Serena walking into the gym from now on," she told Cindy a bit curtly once Cindy caught up with her.
"Then why does he like to poke your back? Why does he smile a lot around you and not around me? It can only mean one thing!" Cindy sang out loud, bouncing around like a five year old. To Serena, she was acting absolutely ridiculous, but could she do anything about it?
Sure, but it won't turn out pretty, so she decides to just shake her head and continue on with her business, which was walking around the court.
"Oh, Serena, dont you dare to try and deny your feelings for Christian! Besides, I know he likes you back!" Cindy persisted; a sly gleam in her eye flickers on and off, which kind of annoys Serena.
"Cindy, stop. I. Don't. Like. Chr-"
But Serena couldn't finish her curt response due to the banging that came from the other side of the court. Startled, she spun her head around as quick as lightning, which caused the dizziness and pain she felt on the back of her head that instant. She could still make out the image of three boys pushing each other around with a hearty laugh. Amongst them were Alfonso, who had just face planted on the ground after the skinny male, Edwin, shoved him.
"Alfonso, are you okay?" Fretted a recognizable voice. A voice she kind of wish didn't belong in this class.
"Pfft! As if that hurt! Watch this!" The small athlete responded as he ran into Edwin with all if his strength. The vigorous Hispanic stood still, however, and therefore caused Alfonso to bounce off of him with another thud. Christian shook his head and held out his hand to help him out. Serena snickered.
Those idiots. How was Edwin able to stand so still though?
Serena kept walking with Cindy in silence until she reached the fallen Alfonso. This time, it was pretty clear to see his pain, as he hissed through his gritted teeth and rubbed his left arm. Cindy ran foward to help him to his feet while Christian tried to ease his pain.
Alfonso refused, as always.
"I don't want help from you, you annoying brat! Oh, hi Serena," he said, just a little more empathetic.
Serena sighed sharply. "Alfonso, what's your problem with Cindy? Why do you despise her so much?"
Alfonso groaned and rolled his eyes. He glowered down at Serena and responded in a curt tone,- much similar to hers- "Why do you like her so much? She's so annoying, and pretty rude. It doesn't make sense."
Serena rolled her eyes back and glared at the Hispanic. "True, but she also has a kind, noble heart. Are you still holding that grudge against her?" She queried incredulously.
"Well, why shouldn't he? Gosh, you may as well be just as annoying as your pathetic bestie," rang a voice filled with hatred and disgust. Serena suppressed a hiss of annoyance and, possibly, a curse word from escaping. She slowly turned around, silent, yet disturbed. Behind her, Cindy huffed crossley and also turned around to glower at the girl who spoke.
"Who asked you, Gabriella?" Cindy snapped harshly. This infuriated Gabriella and her two friends instantly.
"I can speak when I want to, and I say whatever I want, Cindy. Now, why don't you and Serena get yall's bratty selves away from Alfonso, and let an actual friend like me help," she said haughtily; Gabriella brusquely pushed the two friends away, making them fall to the ground hard on their knees. The girls behind her snickered as the other two let out an angry huff.
Serena couldn't stand her difficult, preposterous desposition any longer. She wanted to scream something at Gabriella so badly, something that stung, something that would make Gabriella think twice before messing around with Cindy or herself.
But you know better, her conscience seemed to remind her, and she succumbed to her conscience with a small, reluctant whine.
That wasn't the case with Cindy, unfortunately.
"Listen, douchebag, you want mess with us? Well, you're definitely messing with the wrong pair of friends!" Cindy exclaimed with a malicious smirk. "Why, I bet she's just as good as fighting as she is at plain school work isn't that right, Serena?" Cindy asked, her smirk growing wider.
Serena became petrified. Fight? Where did Cindy get that idea from? She knows very well Serena doesn't have tolerance for any sort of fights, nor does she wish to be part of one or to start one.
Yet, here she is, stuck with a girl who caused her face to flush a bright red of humiliation and anger. She kept quiet, but she didn't miss the chance to shoot her a dark glare in return for her silly retort. Gabriella managed to take a glance at Serena before sighing and shaking her head.
"You're really stupid for thinking you and Serena combined can take me down," Gabriella retaliated, but what confused Serena was the sudden pause. She appeared to be heaving something heavy inside of her by the look of her tight, twisted face. Her teeth was bunched up together, and she made up a hissing sound. She then closed her eyes and took some deep breaths; it looked as if she was trying to relax.
She opened her eyes again after a while, and looked at Cindy. She didn't appear to be mad, but her unmoving eyes that locked with Cindy's bothered Serena.
"You should go now, Cindy. You too Serena, before things do get worse," she said in a low, dangerous voice. Yet stubborn little Cindy didn't even budge.
"Cindy, you heard her. Go!" One of her friends in the back exclaimed exasperated.
"Don't you dare start anything, Cindy! She's giving you a chance to save yourself from a red handprint on your cheek!" Christian called out, wearing a serious expression. A pained Alfonso was up on his feet, leaning on Edwin for support.
But Serena knew very well why Cindy was frozen like she was. She was thinking about whether she should go, or if she wanted to take this as an advantage to win a free fight.
Please, no more fights. Christian already threw himself into one only two days ago!
Of course, her helpless (and hopeless) thinking didn't help in any way, because right when she finished having that thought, Cindy spoke.
"Trying to make peace? After yelling and screaming at us like the little brat that you are? Ha, I don't think so," Cindy said coolly, but her face of sarcastic patience and compassion twisted into rage as she took a step foward. As she did that, she launched her whole land and aimed it at Gabriella. Serena felt that she lost all of her senses and coordination as she uselessly screamed at the top of her lungs, "No! Don't do it!"
That foolish girl! She's definitely going to get in trouble when they see that red mark on Gabriella's face!
She was taken by surprise when Gabriella dodged the blow in the speed of lightning. Barely anyone dodges a slap from Cindy! But not this time, it seems.
Gabriella took hold of her arm and twisted it it sharply while she ducked. In less than a second, she shot upwards and pushed Cindy so hard, Serena was sure Cindy was seeing stars after her head collided brusquely against the floor.
"You FOOL! I tried to tell you not to do it!" Serena snapped, but at the same time, a rush of guilt overwhelmed her. Why didn't she step in to help? Why didn't she stand by her side, ready to deliver a punch?
Gabriella released her usual annoying, bratty laugh. She turned to look at Serena with a smirk she wished she could rip off of Gabriella. She raised an eyebrow, which intimidated her.
"Such a shame she didn't listen to you, isn't it Serena?" She asked in a fake sweet voice; the kind of voice she uses to mock someone. "Do you want to be the next one, nerd girl? I hope not," She said with an evil like grin as she scraped her thumb softly with her index finger.
Serena couldn't keep her contempt inside of her anymore.
"Why do you have to be so difficult? Especially to me? What have I ever done to you?" She screamed at Gabriella in a sharp voice. She felt tears gathering near, ready to to fall out and run down her face. Gabriella widened her eyes, but nothing much changed.
"Well, why do you need to be friends with a brat, nerd girl?" She chuckled. "In fact, if you're so smart, you wouldn't be hanging around her, or in this mess right now. But here, you are, a witness of your friend's defeat. There's no way she'll be trying that again! And neither should you. But, then again, you're too much of a scaredy cat, huh? You're scared of me; you're scared of my face, you're scared of my voice, you're scared of everything about me, because you know I'll always win, and you'll always lose," she spat out in a haughty tone. She smirked, seeing the destroyed look on Serena's face.
"S-Stop it. That's not true!" She cried out, but it was no use. She made everyone around her laugh, even Alfonso and Edwin.
"Seems like it to me, nerd," she said, widening her smirk. "Aww, look. She's gonna cry- she's gonna cry like a little baby- she's gonna run away and tell her mommy or daddy, or possibly the coach on me, right? Well, good luck with trying to get them to listen. They can't do anything to me. Not you, not Cindy, no one! So scram, go on, cry! Yell, kick, scream, try to punch me- you'll end up looking like your pathetic friend sooner or later. You'll-" she taunted, until a horn buzzed in, startling the crowd of eight. A buff coach was running furiously behind them.
"Jog! Jog! What's the hold up, ladies and gents? Come on!" The coach barked ferociously. Serena wiped the tears that managed to escape and slowly started to trot. She thought about going back to help Cindy, who was still holding her head in pain, but she decided not to give Gabriella another reason to make fun of her.
Serena, you can't possibly let that fool bring you down!
It was too late.
She already has....
Her eyes suddenly lit up.
But it doesn't mean she can't do anything about it.
Serena jogged until she got to the a side of the bleachers, one that has been dented and utterly destroyed by something of a heavy weight. It was her turn to grin an evil grin.
She won't be underestimating my intelligence any moment longer!
She hid herself after the coach passed by, whom she knew was right behind her the whole time. She looked sideways to time her entrance. She got closer and closer to the edge until she spotted Gabriella. Once she was within her reach, she grabbed her in an instant and coiled her arm with her small, strong fingers. She squeezed it tight to make sure it added a lot of pressure. As Gabriella let out a yelp of surprise and pain, she dragged her to where the dent was. She let go of her arm for only a split second before instantly grabbing her shoulders; Gabriella never got the chance to lay a single finger on her. She shoved Gabriella violently against the dent, thus cracking it, and, with all of the strength she could muster, she kicked her straight in the stomach, thus letting her grip go from Gabriella. She tried her best not to laugh at her reaction as she stumbled back with a shriek; the acceleration and the force of the blow was enough to break the dent open. Gabriella painfully slid inside, not being able to look up at Serena. She giggled and crouched down to block the hole, in case if her adversary tried to escape.
"It looks like nerd girl has done it again, sweetie. Sorry I can't stick around, gotta run!" She said with a snicker. She heard Gabriella shouting- weakly- after her. She rapidly took her place amongst the other students and hid herself from the scene. She should feel guilty- in fact, she did, but only a little bit- nonetheless, she felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. She defeated her first opponent in this school!
After the horn went off to conclude the running period, everyone took notice of the fallen Gabriella. All of the coaches surrounded Gabriella and the witnesses to the scene. Serena gulped silently.
If she says I did it, they'll definitely get me in trouble! Which is something she DIDN'T want.
At that moment, she recalled something Cindy told her.
You're a good student with a good reputation; the smartest there is. Anything you say, compared to anyone else, they'll have to believe you, Cindy's confident voice rang throughout her mind. Serena nodded, as if responding to that voice.
She walked to the area where she pushed Gabriella inside what was the dent on the side of the bleachers.
"How in the world did she fall and break that dent?"
"Yeah! Someone must have shoved her really hard! She's bleeding hard!
"Idiot, it was already broken. Maybe she was just being dumb, and forgot where she was running-"
Serena cleared her throat, interrupting the squabbling of the PE students. "Excuse me! Allow me to say what happened, coach," She asked in a polite voice. The coach looked at her and nodded. She noticed Edwin and Alfonso widening their eyes; Christian just stood, looking completely petrified.
Before anyone had the chance to even open their mouth, she began to tell the story, her version.
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