Chapter 7 - Louise
I stood there looking at Jason and the expression that I hadn't seen on him before. Disbelief.
I was so annoyed that my dad interrupted whatever moment Jason and I were having. Jason couldn't leave quick enough afterwards and I was worried that I'd go ages without seeing him again. As it turned out, that wasn't the case. I saw him again the next day, asking my mom about a party he wanted to have. I found it so cute that he was asking us to tell him if he was being too noisy, and even cuter that he actually invited us. As usual, no one in my family was going to attend but I was still invited right? I thought of stopping by and asking him if I could still come but I never did. Instead, on the day of the party I was at school, having lunch with Lily and Mason once again.
"So last night I was reading different news stories from around the rest of the country and get this; over in Ohio there was this funeral and the gravediggers dug the wrong grave up! How crazy is that!?" Mason cackled.
"I woke up this morning with my covers sideways. How does that even happen?" Lily asked, continuing our trend of unanswered lunchtime topics.
"Mom was home before nine last night. I thought she'd been fired for a start. Turns out she was just bored" I finished off the rout before moving onto a topic that would actually interest my friends. "Jason would want me to go to his party tonight right? I mean technically he invited me and my parents didn't say that I couldn't go"
"Did they say you could?" Mason asked.
"Are you going to tell them if you do go?"
"No" I shook my head again.
"I think you should go" Lily said excitedly. "Even if he's not expecting you, imagine how good a surprise it would be for him!"
"I don't have any booze to take with me though. I mean, that's what people do, don't they? They bring their own stuff to parties. If I ask anyone in my family to buy me some then it'll seem pretty suss" I sighed.
"You could just steal from your parents? Your mom keeps loads of wine in the cupboard, right?" Lily asked as if my mom was an alcoholic.
"Umm . . . no" I laughed.
"Why not?" She asked.
"Because I'm not an evil witch"
"I don't think you should go" Mason announced. "Don't you think it's a little creepy if a twenty-five year old man wants to hang out with a sixteen year old girl anyway?"
"Come on" I laughed. "Jason is many things –"
Lily interrupted with a few examples. "Cute, friendly, good with his hands" She winked and nudged me after her last one.
"-But creepy isn't one of them" I finished.
"It'll be boring though. They're old! They'll probably just be talking about furniture and how their generation was better than ours" Mason sighed.
"He's hardly ninety years old, Mason" I said, rolling my eyes.
"Maybe Mason is just jealous that you've got the hots for someone else" Lily teased, causing both Mason and I to put our heads in our hands.
"Please not this again!" I yelled in frustration. Years ago, I was told that Mason had a crush on me, something which he later confirmed. I felt bad for not feeling the same way but I just saw him as too much of a good friend. Thankfully he took it well and it was quickly forgotten about when Sally, another girl at our school announced that she had feelings for him. That didn't go anywhere either. What luck we were all having.
"Sorry!" She spat out before any of us could have a further go at her.
Despite the sudden awkward conversation, I kept thinking to myself and finally convinced myself that going to the party was a good idea. I rushed out of school at the end of my last period and bought a new blouse. One of those checked blouses, a pink, black and white one. It was a pretty cute top and it was something that Jason definitely hadn't seen me in. I put on my best jeans and did my hair and face until I was as perfect as I felt I could be. So now here I was, waiting for him to let me in.
"What are you doing here?" He asked me.
"You said that we were welcome to come. So I thought I'd drop by and say hey!" I smiled nervously. I was starting to think that this was a bad decision. Maybe I should have stolen some of moms wine after all.
"You can't be here" He whispered.
"Sure I can, we practically live together" I joked as I attempted to walk past him and into his apartment. I took approximately three steps before I felt his hands around my waist. My heart skipped a beat at his touch but quickly returned to normal when I realised he'd picked me up and plopped me back down outside in the hall.
"Your parents will freak if they find out you're here" He hissed.
"Well I'm not going to tell them, are you?"
"I don't know!" He cried.
"What the hell's going on out there?" Echoed a voice from inside. I was quickly able to put a face to the voice when a dark skinned man approached Jason. "Who's this lovely lady?" He asked the host.
"This is Louise, she lives across the hall but she was just telling me that her parents were happy with the job I did in their kitchen, right Lou?" He spoke conspiratorially. I sighed, ready to go along with the charade and go home but that plan quickly changed.
"Aw come on Jase, she should join us!" The man smiled. "This is way too much of a sausage party! Come on in Louise"
I looked to Jason for reassurance. It took a while but eventually he sighed and stepped aside, giving me safe passage into his party.
"That's the spirit! If we're getting some younger people here then maybe Bradley will show up!" Laughed one of the other guests.
"Dont even joke about that!" Warned Jason. I had no idea who Bradley was but it sounded as though I didn't want to know anyway.
As I walked in, I felt like I was in Oz. His place was completely different from my first visit. There was loud dance music playing and he'd turned on two small lamps instead of the main light in the living room, dimming the room to a soft glow. There was nothing scattered about the place and he'd obviously been cleaning. The biggest difference was that there were actually people here this time. He introduced them all to me before giving me a rundown of his guests.
The dark skinned person that had enforced my entry was Ray. He worked in a bar and was apparently always the life of the party. He had trimmed black hair and honestly looked like a soldier. I could see his muscles through his shirt but he didn't seem like someone who got into fights often.
Next I met Andy, who was apparently the total opposite, quiet and shy. He worked for some research company and had the typical look of an office worker. Jason explained that Andy was always the nicest one out of their group of friends but I had a hard time believing that anyone was better than Jason.
The final two guests were Kevin, his best friend, who had a really disturbing comb over, and his girlfriend Jade. She was also dark skinned, perhaps a Filipino. She was gorgeous.
"Here have a drink!" Ray went to hand me a bottle of beer, but Jason snatched it before I could grab it.
"Have this instead" He handed me a bottle of lemonade as a replacement.
"And we even have a special seat for you too" Ray told me, ignoring Jason's theft and pointing to a seating position between Jason's furniture.
"A beanbag?" I laughed.
"It's all I could afford right now" Shrugged Jason. I laughed at his plight but took the seat nonetheless. It was actually quite comfy.
I listened as they all began their conversations again and I once again wondered if coming here was a mistake. They were all clearly on their way to getting pretty drunk and they were all making private jokes that I didn't understand. I was starting to think that maybe Jason really wasn't as nice as he'd first seemed. Perhaps he was just trying to keep the peace with his neighbours. He had acted like a bit of a jerk when he answered the door too. Maybe I was seeing the real Jason Harley now that he was with his friends. Why do people always show off when their friends are around? It didn't help that he was sitting away from me, at the opposite side of his seating area and none of his other friends were talking to me. I wished that Lily was there with me. She'd know what to do about Jason.
He was still super hot though. I couldn't deny that. There's something undeniably sexy about a man with shirtsleeves rolled up to just below their elbows. I dare science to explain that!
My thoughts were interrupted when I felt an arm around my shoulder. I looked up, hoping it was Jason but it was not to be.
"It sucks being the only girls huh?" Jade asked. I laughed dryly, making her think she was right. "What's Jase like to have as a neighbour?" She asked.
"He's a good neighbour" I shrugged. "He doesn't block the hallway; he doesn't make too much noise. Just keeps himself to himself. Is he always like that?" I figured that another female perspective on him wouldn't hurt.
"He is now" She laughed. I asked her what she meant by that and she elaborated. "He was a bit of a wild child apparently. But since I've known him he's been great. Keeps himself out of trouble and always tries to help you out when he can"
"He seems like a popular guy" I stated, remembering all his Facebook messages. At least none of the other girls were here.
"He is. He's that rare breed of good looking, cool guys. They do exist, I swear. I hate to break it to you kid, but not every man who's extremely hot is going to be an arrogant prick that will tell you what to do. Sometimes they are hot simply because they're just themselves" Jade replied.
"I thought you loved Kevin?" I laughed. "You really think Jason's hot?" It wouldn't be too much of a shock if she did.
"No I don't. But I can tell that you do" She smiled.
"Do not" I lied.
"Come on! Why else are you here? I don't blame you; I'd do the same in your position"
A few moments later I confessed. "Maybe a little" I sighed. "What should I do?"
"Just enjoy the view" She pointed back to my neighbour.
I heeded her advice and silently watched him as he conversed with his friends. I couldn't hear everything that was being said but I could tell that he was listening to everything that someone told him, and asked them loads of questions about whatever it was they were talking about. He was even bringing out the supposedly shy Andy out of his shell, although that could also have been the alcohol taking effect. When it was his turn to tell a story or start a conversation, he did these weird hand gestures as if he was giving a talk on a stage. I couldn't explain it but it sucked you right into his story, even if it was something that you normally wouldn't be that interested in. he was truly fascinating. I felt like I was watching a majestic creature in its natural habitat.
My viewing was temporarily changed when a loud knocking on the door attracted Jason's attention. He glided over to the door and welcomed in the man I'd seen on his Facebook, his brother. If I wasn't already obsessed with Jason, then I may have fallen for Scott right then. He was taller than Jason and had lighter hair and a more mature looking face. Apparently he worked for the police department which explained the shape that his body was in. similar to Ray, he looked as if his abdominal muscles were wrestling with his shirt, trying to escape and put themselves on display for everyone to see. I took another look at all the guests and decided then that this was collectively the hottest group of boys I'd ever been surrounded by. They could have been a boy band or the cast of a teenage drama. Either way, if they ever released a topless calendar, then I could guarantee that every girl I knew would buy one, including my mother.
"Where the hell have you been dude?" Ray called to the latest arrival.
"Sorry guys, I had a little something to take care of down at the station" Scott raised his arms in apology.
"Is it true that the murder weapon was a hammer?" Kevin asked with a mischievous smile.
"You know I can't discuss an ongoing investigation" Replied Scott.
"Is it true that the suspect you have in custody is a convicted rapist?" Andy asked.
"What did I just say?"
"Do you think he did it?" Jason joined in.
"Are you guys fucking with me?" Scott cried, leading to everyone but me to burst out laughing. I had no idea why this was so funny but I liked seeing Jason having fun so I just smiled at that and pretended to blend in.
Scott shook his head in annoyance at the rowdy group before grabbing a beer bottle and sitting on the arm of the sofa next to his brother. I saw him look directly at me and then whisper something inaudible to Jason. In response, Jase shook his head and shrugged as he whispered back. They continued talking in their hushed tones for a few minutes, slyly glancing at me every so often. I wasn't sure what they were discussing but it certainly made me feel uncomfortable. Eventually they seemed to reach some sort of agreement and Scott moved to the other side and started talking to Ray instead. Jason again shot me a look that I swear was a guilty one.
"Go over and talk to him" Prodded Jade who seemed to have watched the whole exchange as well.
"Why?" I asked.
"Do you really want to go to his party and not talk to him at all?" Her logical reasoning (and a light shove) was enough to propel me over to take Scott's place.
"Hey" I whispered as I sat down.
"Hey. Are you having fun?" He asked, a little distractedly.
"Yeah this is great" I said, knowing full well that I didn't sound serious at all. "I mean, it'd be better if you gave me a real drink" I made a show of my half empty lemonade bottle.
"Sorry but your parents would kill me. Just like they would if they knew you were here so this is our little secret ok?"
"Deal" I smiled. "That looked pretty serious with your brother?" I couldn't help but ask.
"He's a cop. And he's overprotective so he isn't too happy that you're here" Explained Jason.
"Do you want me to go home?"
"No I'm not saying that. I managed to calm him down, and besides we're leaving for the club in about an hour anyway so if you head home then, he'll be over the moon"
"Really?" I sceptically asked.
"He'll be satisfied" Jason corrected himself. Just when I thought we were going to get into a conversation, Ray interjected by grabbing Jason's shoulders and then handing him a shot of something that smelled horrible.
"You can't seriously want to drink that?" I gagged. "I can smell it from here!"
"Drinking 101" Ray grinned wickedly. "Shots aren't meant to taste nice"
"He's right" Jason nodded before devouring the contents of the small glass. "Belch!" He cried afterwards. Noticing that I was staring at his pained expression, he promptly gave me an over exaggerated thumbs up forcing me to laugh again. I can't believe I even considered the fact that Jason might be a jerk. He was anything but that.
They did a few more shots and seemed to be getting used to the taste of the clear liquid. I was about to ask them what it even was that they were drinking but I was drowned out by Kevin turning up the stereo.
"Fuck yes!" He cried as the guitar riff of "Walk This Way" reverberated around the apartment.
It was a song that I'd never really listened to before. I knew it and had heard it a few times but it wasn't something that I knew well, unlike my present company. They must have rehearsed this a million times because they each took turns in rapping along to the music and simultaneously screeching "Walk this way!" before pointing to Jade and I. I didn't know what they wanted us to do but Jade took the lead and yelled "Talk this way!" back at them. So a few seconds later when the same thing happened, I joined her. Happy that I only needed to know one line, I enjoyed the rest of our impromptu karaoke session.
Unfortunately, as we approached the end of the song, Andy called out, telling them that a taxi had arrived to pick them up. I was extremely disappointed but everyone else seemed to be really excited so I hid my true emotions as they began filing out of Jason's apartment whilst he turned off the music and quickly tidied up a bit.
I watched as Jason ushered them out, leaving just the two of us.
"I guess I better get home" I said, still masking my sadness.
"Unless you want to stay and clean up for me?" He laughed.
"I can if you want? I mean, it's the least I could do after you let me join you guys tonight"
"Don't be an idiot, of course not" He said. "Thanks for coming. Sorry I turned into a bit of a parent earlier on. But with a police detective in attendance I had to make sure everything was above board"
"It's fine, really"
"And with you only being sixteen, I couldn't have you drinking. I need to make sure you stay safe, you know?"
My ears pricked up at his last statement. He was trying to protect me? Well this changed everything.
"Thank you. Really I mean that" I smiled, as did he.
"Are you coming or not?" Ray cried, poking his head in the door just enough for us to see him.
"Sure, just coming" Jason called, swinging round to answer his friend. I made to leave for the door then. Jason followed, rushing in front of me so that he could hold the door open for me. I smiled at him again, feeling really bad for thinking ill of him earlier in the night.
"Have fun tonight, Jason" I told him as he locked his apartment and I unlocked my own.
"I'll try my best" He joked but didn't leave from where he was standing.
"Everything ok?" I asked.
"What? Oh! Yeah! I'm fine, I just want to make sure you get home ok" He grinned.
"I'm sure I can safely make the long, hard, five pace journey" I said sarcastically, although I was blushing again.
"Force of habit" He shrugged.
I made one whole step and was now in my home.
"Ta-da!" I giggled.
"That's better" He nodded before starting towards the stairs. "I'll maybe catch you tomorrow"
"Sure thing" I managed to keep my voice calm but my face lit up.
"Goodnight neighbour!" He called as he descended the staircase.
"Night!" I yelled back, still excited about the last few minutes. In fact, I was probably still smiling when I fell asleep.
I was even smiling when I woke up the next morning too. I'd stayed up for a bit after getting home and paid close attention to Jason's Facebook page to see if there was anything being posted from his night out but I didn't see anything for hours so decided to go to bed.
When I got up I discovered that my dad had arranged for a plasterer to come in and touch up our ceiling after Jason's previous day of work the week before. The kitchen was covered with dust sheets and there was mess everywhere. My dad was standing talking to him and informed me that the plasterer's son, Charlie Dean, was in some of my classes so I was constantly being questioned about him. Charlie was ok but I didn't really ever talk to him so I didn't have much to say.
Rather than carry on with the dull conversation, and the fact that there was no way I was going to get any breakfast from my kitchen, I decided that I was going to take a bit of a risk today. I showered and got myself ready, just like I had done for the party the night before.
I told my dad that I was going to meet Lily so he gave me a kiss and told me to have fun. I certainly hoped I would, because instead of meeting Lily, I was going to Jason's place.
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