Seth opened his eyes instantly, He looked at the ceiling and placed his hand on his forehead while grunting. He rolled to the side and crawled to his feet slowly. Once he stood on his feet, he removed his hand from his forehead and grimaced. He was then plagued by a recent, daunting memory.
Sam clapped his hands, and with a huge smirk carved on his face, he said, "So sorry to disappoint you, brother! Your offer was tempting but me and my siblings realized what we were getting ourselves into by joining you."
Before Sam could finish his sentence, he turned to both sides to face his siblings, "Right guys?" They nodded in agreement.
Sam directed his gaze back to Seth, "Like I said before I'm not joining your charade, so you can take your offer and shove it!"
Seth chuckled, admiring the latter's silver -tongue; for he effortlessly inveigled the others to abandon his cause and join his bandwagon. He sauntered at them, "I see what you did brother!" He pointed at him.
"You persuaded them to desert me with your rich, eloquent words..."
Harrison interrupted him while he spoke, "No Seth, he didn't brainwash us if that's what you think. No hard feelings bro, but we aren't killers. Even if we went with you to Codex we wouldn't kill our kind, let alone hurt them. Just let it go, man, it's in the past."
He returned to the real world and furrowed his eyebrows. He clenched his fists which were filled with a clump of veins. As he continued to reflect on recent events, his wrath intensified greatly. The cold thick, dark, floor would be set to a blaze had he been cursed with Hell's merciless reckoning. Perhaps his vexation would've not only burned the surface he stood on but unleashed its unfavorable terror on objects at a far greater distance.
The four stared intensely at him. Their stern gaze told the entire story, as a result, he furrowed his brows, gnashed his teeth, and flared his nostrils "I said no one says no to me! Heed my advice! The only way to ascend the ladder of success in this cursed life is to put a knife at reality's throat and abandon your moral compass, or be swept away by the tides of corruption!"
Gordon stood up from behind. He tapped on Seth's right shoulder, and when he turned around, he received a mighty strike to the left side of his countenance. Once his left facial features met with Gordon's punch, he was sent flying and collided with a wall.
Once again, he returned to reality and continued grunting. "So, my flesh and blood betrayed me!"
From the floor's surface, a cluster of amethyst crystals rose. Their sharp, protruding edges gleamed as they expanded quickly, gradually surrounding him and towering above his knees. More amethyst crystals sprouted from the ceilings, sluggishly descending to the floor, where more of these crystals started to sprout even from the walls. He continued to look down in resentment
"I will not allow anyone that has turned their back against me to live to see another day!"
He then glanced through the opening of the wall he had collided with and advanced to the control room through it. Upon arriving there, there was chaos. His subordinates were panicking. One of his workers approached him, "What shall we do sir? They are taking out more and more of our soldiers, they are too powerful!"
Seth placed his hand on his forehead and exhaled heavily, "What are you talking about?"
"The intruders, they are now making their way to the port! Moreover, they are taking down more soldiers along the way!"
"Those fools! They do not know what I am capable of! Very well, block every exit from each passage. Notify more of my soldiers to guard the ships at the port!"
The worker nodded as Seth returned to his chair and observed his subordinates. He took a seat on his chair and watched them drum their fingers against the keyboard, controlling every system of the ship.
The five traveled through the Mothership, rushing through the passages, and looking for the ports. Red lights were flashing repeatedly as the ship's sirens echoed throughout the structure. It was impossible to characterize panic anywhere aboard the ship.
A squad of thirty soldiers then stood in their way and pointed their laser weapons at them. Harrison sighed with draught, "Ah, these guys just keep on coming, don't they?"
Diana moved forward and extended her hand toward them. She launched a wave of projectile attacks. All of them were thwarted by the barrage of projectile attacks. The wave of projectile assaults destroyed their space armor and sent them crashing into the nearest wall. The five advanced further and found a space where a sizable capsule tube was lying. There could be at least seven people that could fit inside the tube given the right estimations.
"What is that?" Inquired Harrison.
"That is a televator. It will transport us down to theemployingans of teleportation," answered Gordon.
"Oh, it works like an elevator. The only difference is that it teleports us to our intended location," replied Sam as he placed his forefinger under his chin.
"How interesting," he continued while Gordon reached his hand toward the bar that occupied the control buttons.
The bar was situated at the side of the glass wall. He pressed a button, and a red X appeared on the screen of the computer, "Access denied!"
His eyes bulged out with shock, "Access denied?! How can that be?!" Gordon questioned.
Sam crossed his arms and inquired, "What's wrong?"
"I'm trying to press this button! However, nothing is happening!"
Gordon then straightened his hand and meshed on all the buttons at the same time. Sam then stepped forward and suggested, "You might wanna move. I have an ace up my sleeve."
Gordon then stepped aside while they watched. Sam raised his hand and exerted an ultraviolet beam which vapourised the entire glass shaft, "There, fixed it."
Gordon placed his hands on his waist with bafflement, wondering how destroying the shaft would fix the situation.
"How is that fixing things?" Gordon inquired.
Dan then stepped forward, "That means we get to fly down to the port!" Harrison's eyes bulged out with bafflement. He then responded by saying, "Wait what? Some of us can't even fly?"
Dan shrugged, "Well, I guess the last one in is a pair of balls!"
Daina rolled her eyes and placed both of her hands on her waist, "Really? Really? Urg, boys are so immature."
The five arrived at the port, however, all the scout ships were guarded by hundreds of soldiers, "Ah snap? We've got company," said Harrison.
The troopers were in position, pointing their canons at them. A familiar voice uttered from a nearby speaker which was situated on a wall above them.
"You fools think that I will let you walk out of my ship just like that?! You are mistaken. You may have found your way here to my port, however, your path ends here!" Seth yelled from the speaker.
Dan scoffed, "We're getting outta here whether you like it, not a jackass! Besides, your stupid little soldiers aren't strong enough to take us out!"
Seth burst into laughter, "Who said anything about taking you out?"
"Huh?" They muttered with disbelief, glancing at one another.
"I am well aware that you can plow through my troopers effortlessly. Therefore, I have a better idea in mind."
Like a troop of will-less machines, they turned their backs against the five. As they turned, their loud footsteps drummed harshly against the ground. The sound of their thundering footsteps was mighty, the likes of which they'd not heard. They centered their weapons on the scout ships.
"My fellow subjects, eviscerate every scout ship in the port now!"
The five glanced at each other with astonishment, "What?!!"
The troopers shifted their attention away from them and pointed their plasma rifles at the scout ships. They each had a finger or two near the trigger. Eventually, they pulled the trigger. As they did this, a flare of laser beams shot across the port and hit the scout crafts.
Seth continued, "It doesn't matter what you do, but you will not escape from my Mothership! Unless, of course, you want to die!"
With each blast, the parked ships were gradually engulfed by a sea of terrifying flames. The blaze spread further, eating away at the ship's exterior metal components.
"What do we do? We are trapped! There is nowhere for us to go?" Harrison exclaimed with his hands raking through his hair. Their eyes bulged out with astonishment as Harrison fell to his knees.
Sam turned his back toward them and raised his voice, "What the hell are you guys doing? There is still time for us to get out of here. We cannot succumb to our fears, especially not now!"
"Sam, don't be a fool! What can we do? Just look!" Diana stated as she centered her hand toward the class of scout ships that were adorned by rising flames.
"Look people, you can't go anywhere in life without taking chances! "
They all looked at him as he continued preaching, "I get it, Seth has us cornered, but if we don't do something, he'll win. Somehow, there has to be a miracle. If there isn't any, we'll just pull one outta our asses! Come on, we need to work together as a team! We are the Mighty Force!!!" He exclaimed as he struck his left palm with the underside of his right fist.
They looked at each other and nodded. He reached his hand toward Harrison, who in turn grabbed his hand. Sam pulled him up and continued speaking as he placed his hands on his shoulders, "We can do this!" He assured him.
He turned to face the others and said, "All of us, even if our chances are slim, then we gotta take 'em!"
The four looked at each other with uncertainty, while Sam stood in front of them and turned to face the famished flames that burned through the ship's exterior matter. He marched forth to confront the terrifying blaze. Dan, Diana, and Harrison looked at each with dubiety, still not sure whether to follow his tenacious spirit.
Gordon stepped forward, smitten by his overwhelming spirit. Diana then followed, leaving Dan with Harrison. Eventually, the two followed, marching toward the burning scout ships, "This is suicide! You of all people should know this, Sam!" Dan stated.
"If it means death...Then so be it. I'd rather die than find myself in Seth's clutches!"
Sam looked forth and uttered a command, "Diana! Fire more projectile attacks!"
"Got it!" She responded.
They halted in front of the troopers who were still shooting at the ships. Sam took a step to the side while she stretched both of her hands forward. In doing so, she fired a purple wave of air projectile attacks. The projectile attacks propelled the group of troopers across the side of the port.
Still limping, Gordon stepped forward, "Leave this to me, sunshine," he replied, winking at her.
She squinted with disgust while he swayed the sword from sideways. The sword repelled a colorless wave of air-pressure projectile slashes. Once the waves met with the blaze that burned through the melting ships, the flames were blown out, killing the fire in turn.
"Yeah!" Harrison cheered as he raised his fists above his head. The five then bolted toward the nearest scout ship that they found.
As soon as the five got into the scout ship, Gordon activated the ship and initiated a launch sequence. The aircraft levitated, propelled by two thrusters from underneath. He then pressed the lever forward, prompting the aircraft to streak out of the port with incredible speed.
Meanwhile, Seth clenched his fist and slammed the side of his chair. He furrowed his eyebrows and continued watching from the control room through the use of a giant holographic screen.
One of Seth's subordinates turned his head toward the back of his chair and inquired from his superior, "My master! It would seem that they had escaped from our clutches. The only thing that we can do now is to launch a missile toward their acquired destination. Do you wish to proceed with this action?"
Seth tapped his forefinger on the handle of the chair and sighed. He looked down and took time to respond to his inquiry. He then looked up, having concluded, "Do it!"
Before obliging to his command, the subordinate inquired once more. "Is this what you truly want? Once we do this, there is no turning back. And you'd have to give Akatsuki a reason why you murdered your siblings."
He stretched his hand toward the subordinate, he fired a quart crystal from his knuckles. The crystal soared past him, missing him with just a millisecond. "Do it! Or I won't miss the next time!"
He returned to his computer and pressed a virtual key from the cyber desk. The ship released a massive cannon from the roof of the mother ship. From there, a massive laser beam soared through the air with speed greater than the five's scout ship. It eventually caught up to the scout ship and was able to strike it just as the ship entered the Earth's atmosphere. The ship exploded.
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