The Playdate
A few months later...
The sun had risen over Musutafu one quiet morning. Toshi began crying, and Izuku left his bedroom with no shirt on and grabbed a shirt from the laundry before going to his son's room. He went inside the room, lifted Toshi out of his crib and patted his back to calm him down.
"It's ok, Toshi. Daddy's here" said Izuku as Toshi calmed down.
He then brought Toshi into the kitchen and put him in his high chair before turning the stove on to make breakfast. Eri then entered the kitchen, rubbing her eye.
"Morning, Dad" Eri said.
"Hey, Kiddo. How'd you sleep?" asked Izuku.
"Good. What's for breafast?" asked Eri.
"Bacon and eggs" answered Izuku.
Eri sat down next to Toshi and ruffled her brother's curly brown hair, causing the infant to giggle. Izuku smiled seeing his kids get along.
"Oh, Eri, could you go wake up your mother? Breakfast is almost ready" said Izuku.
"No need, Honey, I'm already up" said Ochako as she entered the kitchen.
"Morning, Hon" said Izuku as Ochako walked over to him before giving him a kiss on the lips.
The family then sat down to eat breakfast. Izuku, Ochako and Eri were eating the food Izuku had made, while Toshi was eating baby food.
"So, what are we gonna do today?" asked Eri.
"Well, Toshi has a playdate with all his friends today. Don't you, Toshi?" Ochako cooed as she tickled Toshi's chin, making the brown-haired and green-eyed baby giggle in joy.
"I'm glad it's our day off, even as the number one hero, I still get to spend time with my family" said Izuku.
A few hours later...
It was raining outside as the family was all dressed and in the living room of their apartment. Toshi was wearing a little Deku onesie.
There was a knock at the door. Ochako opened it to see Shoto and Momo there, who were holding Ryo and Rei.
"Hey, guys!" said Ochako.
"Sorry we're late, Ochako. Shoto was trying to get the kids ready" said Momo as they entered the apartment.
"Toshi, look who it is! It's Ryo and Rei!" Ochako said to her son as the two twins were placed in front of him. The three babies giggled and cooed upon seeing each other.
There was another knock at the door. This time it was Eijiro, Mina, and Akio.
"Sorry we're late, Ochako. We had trouble finding Akio's rain coat" said Mina as they entered the apartment.
Akio's parents removed his rain coat and set him down in front of the Toshi, Rei, and Ryo, who were excited to see him.
There was her another knock on the door. This time it was Denki, Kyoka, and their infant daughter, Kimimo Kaminari. Kimiko looked just like her mother, except she had blonde hair with a purple lightning bolt running through it. She also had rubber plugs on the ends of the cables that were on her ears as well.
"Hey, guys" said Denki as they stepped inside the apartment.
"Sorry it took so long for us to get here. We had trouble looking for Kimiko's rubber thingies to cover up her charging cables" said Kyoka as she pointed to the rubber plugs.
Kimiko was one of the few next gen children to get her quirk as soon as she was born. She had earphone jacks on her ears, but instead of producing sound, they produced electricity. Mei had given her parents special plugs made of rubber to keep their daughter from hurting anyone with her quirk, since she was too young to understand how dangerous her power could be.
Kimiko was placed in front of Toshi and the other babies, who happily welcomed her into their little circle.
There was once again a knock at the door, this time it was Toru, Mashirao, and their baby girl, Keiko Ojiro. Keiko looked like what Toru would look like if she weren't invisible, but she had blonde hair like her father.
"Hey, guys" said Toru as they entered.
Something invisible then whacked Mashirao in the face.
"Keiko, no! Watch the invisible tail!" said Toru as she took her daughter out of her husband's arms.
Keiko was also one of the children to be born with a quirk. Her power was, you guessed it, an invisible tail. She wore special clothing made by Mei that hid the hole her tail came out of, so no one could see her rear.
After Keiko was set down with the other babies, there was once again a knock at the door. This time it was Tsu, Fumikage, and their baby daughter, Tsubame Tokoyami, who looked just like her mother, but with black hair.
"Sorry it took so long for us to get here, everyone" said Tsu as she placed her daughter with the other infants.
"Hey, guys, look who it is! It's Tsubame!" said Izuku while the babies cooed and giggled from seeing their friend.
There was yet ANOTHER knock at the door. This time was Tenya, Mei, and their infant son, Tensei Iida. Who was the spitting image of his father and had engines in his legs, but he had cross sights for eyes like his mother.
"Hello, everyone" said Tenya.
They placed baby Tensei down with the others.
"Here's Tensei, everybody!" said Mei.
There was a knock from the door again, this time it was Hitoshi, Reiko, and Shota.
"Hey, guys, sorry we're late" said Hitoshi as they entered.
Shota was placed down on the carpet with his friends.
"Have fun, Shota" said his father.
After that, the rest of their old classmates and their families arrived. Sero arrived with his wife and son, who was named Sutikku Sero. Shoji arrived with his wife and son, who was named Chihiro Shoji. Aoyama had arrived with his husband and their infant son whom they adopted not too long ago and named Kagayaku Aoyama. Koji, Ibarra, and their infant daughter, Azami Koda, arrived. Sato and his wife and son, named Sāwa Sato arrived. And Minoru arrived with his newborn son, Yōta Mineta, and no one else.
Minoru eventually learned to respect women and he stopped being a pervert. And eventually, he fell in love with a woman and they got married, and she became pregnant with Yōta shortly afterwards. Sadly, his wife had died from complications due to childbirth, and Minoru was left to raise their son all on his own.
As to what the other children looked like. Sutikku, Chihiro, Sāwa, and Yōta all looked mostly like their fathers, with a few small differences here and there. Azami looked mostly liked her mother, except she had normal hair that was a natural green. Kagayaku had blue eyes, pale skin, and snow-white hair, possibly due to his quirk, which was that he could control lights. Luckily, his quirk wasn't that powerful yet, so the parents didn't have to worry about Kagayaku accidentally harming the other children.
There was one final knock on the door. Izuku opened it to see Katsuki, Camie, and Katsumi there.
"Hey, Deku" said Katsuki as he and his wife and daughter stepped foot inside the apartment.
"Be nice to the other babies, Katsumi" Camie said to her daughter as she placed her with Toshi and the other infants.
After she met Toshi, Katsumi was introduced to the other children of Class A, but she was angry and mean to them, and it was no different now when she was in the Midoriya home.
However, when Toshi crawled over to her, her expression immediately changed. She became happy and the two of them giggled, squealed, and cooed at each other.
As their children played on the floor, the parents all sat down around the apartment.
"So, Kacchan, how's hero work going?" Izuku asked.
"Eh, it's alright. But being the number two pro hero is still a tough job. Well... besides from being a father" said Katsuki.
Eri sat down the babies to play with them, but they soon started crawling all over her. But she didn't mind.
"You ok, Snowball?" Izuku asked his daughter.
"I'm fine. I like being buried in babies" said Eri.
At the end of the day, it was time for their friends to go. Katsuki picked up Katsumi, who had fallen asleep and was resting her head on Toshi's shoulder. Toshi waved goodbye to Katsumi.
Their friends left, and it was just Izuku, Ochako, Eri, and Toshi, who was getting sleepy.
"That was fun, wasn't it, Toshi?" said Ochako as she tickled her son's freckled cheek.
They then all went to bed. Eri put on her pajamas and went to sleep in her room. Toshi, who was now fully asleep, was put in pajamas and placed in his crib. Izuku and Ochako got in their pajamas and got in their bed.
"Today was nice" said Ochako.
"It sure was, Ochako. It sure was" said Izuku.
Izuku turned off the lights and gave his wife a peck on the lips and they both went to sleep, but before Izuku did, he had a thought.
'I love my family more than anything else in the world and would do anything to protect them, even if it means having to give up being a hero. Because what's the point of being a hero if I don't have my inspiration for being one?' Izuku said in his head before drifting off to sleep.
Sound familiar? Also I read the new manga chapter and saw that (SPOILERS) supposedly dies, but I don't buy it. I think Horikoshi's gonna fool us. Thx for reading.
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