Over the next few months, a lot had happened. Eijiro and Mina got married, Katsuki was the best man at their wedding, and Toru was bridesmaid. Then Toru and Mashirao got married, Mina was bridesmaid at the wedding, and a friend of Mashirao's from middle school was the best man. Then Tsu and Fumikage got married, Shoji was the best man at the wedding, and Ochako was bridesmaid. Then Tenya and Mei got married, Izuku was the best man at the wedding, and a friend of Mei's from middle school was bridesmaid. Then Hitoshi and Reiko got married, Kaminari was the best man at the wedding, and Kinoko Komori was bridesmaid. Then Koji and Ibara got married, Sato was the best man at the wedding, and Itsuka Kendo was bridesmaid.
And not long after that, their female classmates and male classmates' wives also became pregnant.
Shoto and Momo revealed that Momo was pregnant with twins. Denki and Kyoka revealed that Kyoka was pregnant. Mina and Eijiro revealed that Mina was pregnant. Toru and Mashirao revealed that Toru was pregnant. Tsu and Fumikage revealed that Tsu was pregnant. Tenya and Mei revealed that Mei was pregnant. Hitoshi and Reiko revealed that Reiko was pregnant. Koji and Ibara revealed that Ibara was pregnant. And the rest of their classmates soon revealed that their girlfriends were pregnant.
But there was also one other pregnancy that was also revealed...
One day, when Ochako was about three months into her pregnancy, Izuku, Ochako, and Eri were in their apartment. They were sitting on the couch, and Eri was resting her head on Ochako's pregnant belly.
"I'm gonna be the best big sister ever" said Eri.
"You sure are, sweetie" said Izuku.
A knock was then heard at the door.
"I'll get it" said Izuku as he got up.
He opened it and saw Katsuki standing there.
"Oh hey, Kacchan. What brings you here?" asked Izuku.
"To give you and your family this" said Katsuki as he handed Izuku an envelope.
"What's this?" Izuku asked.
"A wedding invitation. Me and Camie are getting married" said Katsuki.
"Congratulations, Kacchan!" said Izuku.
"So now you finally decided to propose to her?" asked Ochako as she got up from the couch and walked over to them.
"I did it for a reason. You see, she's... well, she's pregnant" said Katsuki.
"Congratulations! How far along is she?" asked Izuku.
"About a month. We just found out a few days ago. Anyways, the wedding is next month. Can I count on you to be my best man, Deku?" asked Katsuki.
"I'd be honored, Kacchan" said Izuku.
A few months later...
Ochako went to go meet up with the girls of her old class, plus Mei and Camie, at a coffee shop.
When she got there, she saw the girls sitting outside at a table. They were all pregnant, just like her.
Ochako sat with them. "Hey, girls" she said.
"Glad you could make it, Ochako" said Camie Bakugo.
"Glad I could be here, Mrs. Bakugo" said Ochako.
"So how has everything been going with you girls and your pregnancies?" asked Toru Ojiro.
"Oh, It's been tough. I've been having cravings for mochi all the time. And I've been throwing up a lot. But at least I have Izuku and Eri there to help me. And my parents and Inko are also there to help a lot" said Ochako.
"Shoto's been super helpful for me. He's been doing most of the chores and helping me with my cravings and stomach issues" said Momo.
"I've been having issues with my pregnancy. I feel a lot of the babies kicks, but also feel weirder ones sometimes. Mashirao's mom says it's probably the tail" said Toru.
"Eiji's there for me almost every minute. He's been taking a lot of time off of hero work just to look after me and our baby" said Mina Kirishima.
"Same thing with Fumikage. He and Dark Shadow are there for me and our baby almost 24/7" said Tsuyu Tokoyami.
"Tenya's there for me and our baby all the time. He said I shouldn't be inventing until I give birth, because he's worried I might hurt myself or the baby" said Mei Iida.
"Denki almost never takes his eyes off me and our kid. I think he's gonna be a really good, but probably overprotective dad" said Kyoka.
"Katsuki's super caring. He's been looking after me and our baby all the time" said Camie.
"Same thing with Deku. He's been missing out on a lot of hero work just to look after me, Eri, and the baby. And yet he's still the highest ranking hero in the world. In fact, people are already calling our baby 'The Next Symbol of Hope'. Can you believe that?" said Ochako.
"Well maybe he or she will be the number one hero just like there father. Who knows?" said Kyoka.
And in a few months, the next generation of heroes would be born.
Thx for reading.
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