The Witch - Chapter 21
Juvia was starring right at us and the music stopped, everyone was looking right at her. But how did she get passed Agatha and Kiko? Where the hell are they? That's when I saw the girl known as Hester standing next to Juvia.
Agatha described her to me, and I knew that was her just by her evil sneer. But Hester was carrying two unconscious bodies over her shoulder, she let them fall and I saw their faces; Agatha and Kiko.
"They went outside because they sensed something. Wrong move. Oh- and their dates? They are sleeping. Permanently. And should be in Heaven.. right about now." Hester said smiling. Me and Gray separated and I snuck glances at him, he looked angry, very angry.
I'm not sure was it that Juvia interrupted our kiss, not to mention this wonderful evening, or that Kiko and Agatha were lying dead still on the floor. Bruises and scratches covered their bodies. She killed Sam and Dean..They were innocent men...THIS WAS MY FAULT! A chill spread through my body as I watched Agatha's eyes dim.
No...she couldn't have...
"AGATHA!!" I scream. And suddenly water formed into a fist and grabbed me by the waist and pulled me out the guild hall and threw me on the ground.
It was raining; my guess it's because of Juvia.
"(Y/N)!!!" I could hear Gray shout. Then anger shot through me. She wants to fight with water? So be it.
"Water control: hells rain!" I use my little energy to attack Juvia, and she screamed in agony.
"You little-!" She paused as she saw my body transforming.
"Ice Make: Lance!" Gray yelled as he hit Hester.
"You want to fight me!?" She howled. Her expression turned to hate as she aimed to attack Gray. Everyone was about to join in battle before I saw Hester cast a spell upon them.
"PETRIFICATION! A spell only the castor can reverse; until then your all sitting ducks." She burst in laughs.
"NO!" Gray shouted and punched her straight in the jaw.
"Water slicer!" Juvia yelled. A million water cuts burned into my skin.
"ARG!!" I was forced back and fell. I tried to stand but then Juvia attacked me again. I wish I wasn't so weak...what happened to the sweet girl I was shopping with that day? What happened to the way we were before Gray?
It's all my fault! Why did I let myself fall in love?! Before I knew it, tears streamed down my face as I was lying in the ground unable to move. This was Hester's intention: to keep Gray busy while Juvia finishes me off. That's when Juvia bended down on her knees and looked at my face.
"Please Juvia...d-don't hurt me. You're good!" She simply smiled,
"It's already to late. Water Lock!!" And I was risen into a ball of water unable to breathe. I could see Gray running to me, he was badly injured.
"Nah uh- Gray-Sama, come any closer and l'll let this witch run out of oxygen," then Juvia's face soften,
"I wish it didn't have to come to this, but you let me no choice. What was I to do, when my own Prince let me go for this bitch." Juvia glared at me. I running out of oxygen. I couldn't last thoughts would be of Gray,
"I love you..." I whispered. And everything went black.
-Grays POV-
It felt as if my heart was ripped out as I saw my Princess floating in the sphere of water.
"Let her go!" I cry.
"Sorry Gray-sama, but Juvia says no." Juvia said smirking.
"No point in continuing the spell." Hester laughed while walking next to Juvia and reversed the enchantment that was cast upon my comrades. As soon as it was lifted they came rushing to my side.
"Juvia! Let go of (Y/N)! You can not dirty the Fairy Tail name!" Natsu said. Wendy came over to heal me; I let her.
"Fairy Tail. A guild Juvia thought Loved ME! But no. You went to her!" Juvia pointed at (Y/N),
"You'll regret the day you ever left me!" Hester smirked and casted a spell,
"Lights Out Jinxx!" Everything went dark and no one could see anything, but after a minute the lights reappeared.
But they were gone.
-Juvia's POV-
We were at the secret hide out and Heater was making a poison.
"What's it for?" I asked.
"To kill her." Hester responded pointing at (Y/N) with her head. I honestly don't want to hurt her, but the evil just keeps growing stronger and stronger. Hate, bubbles inside me as I stare at her limp body on the table. She was tied up and then she started to move.
"Wh-where am I..?" She rasped.
"Let-let me go!" I marched up to her and placed my hands on her neck.
"The only way you'll live is if you stay down here forever. To be my slave, while Juvia begs for forgiveness to the guild. You will write a suicidal letter saying you killed yourself and you hated Gray the whole time." What am I saying? I can't believe this...Hester walks up to me holding the black bubbling potion she just made.
"Or we'll feed you this instead." Hester said dangling the potion over her face. After a minute she responded,
"Fi-fine..just don't hurt Gray." I smiled.
-Day 15-
-Your POV-
"Here. Start writing that letter." Juvia said throwing me a paper and pencil.
Apparently the plan is for me to stay down here while Juvia goes back to the guild claiming she was possessed by Hester. Then the letter would be sent 2 days later, claiming I died. Or 'killed myself'. Gray would move on and be with Juvia. Thing is, I don't know what will happen to me. Agatha might be dead..but the thing Is, does that mean the spell is broken? I found my true love within 30 days..but I didn't kiss him. No. That's not how Fairy Tales work. It always ends with a kiss. Which means, the spell isn't broken.
I still have 15 days.
"Start writing!" Juvia yelled and grabs me by the hair, pulled my neck back, then with extreme force slammed my head back on the wooden desk.
"Arg!!" My nose felt as if it broke, and I could feel my nose bleeding and twitching.
"Make it believable." And she left me in the cell. I looked around, my ankles were in chains and I was sitting on the chair. Nothing in here could help me escape.
"Believable huh.."
I look at the paper and started writing.
'Hey should I write this? Well, I'll start off by saying, these past 15 days, have been the best days of my whole life.
I love you all, you're all too kind and caring for me, you have no idea how grateful I am. It pains me to see you all hurt...especially you Gray... But ever since I came I've cause nothing but trouble.
So I think this is for the best. I'm killing hurts me so much...I'm crying right now. I hope you all know, the pain I went through, I shared it with you all. So thank you. For letting me live my life happily.
Honestly...I think it's a perfect ending. Gray, I love you. I always will...past death, I'll be watching over you, thinking about you, wishing I could feel you, be with you, kiss you. My life lit up When I saw you. I wished I could've kissed you at the ball. But everything happens for a reason right?
Good bye Fairy Tail. I'll be watching over you all.
My ending is complete.
-love (Y/N) Atlantic-
Tears fell on the page, for this really is a suicidal letter. I'll never be able to see them again... I slowly fall asleep on the desk..
"(Y/N) wake up!"
"W-wha..? Who's there.." I flutter my eyes open.
"Shh. This is one of my abilities. I can visit people's dreams. Now listen to me closely, I don't have time. You are far from happily ever after do you understand? Don't you dare give up, you are a Fairy Tail wizard, and I am your Godmother. Fight. Fight for your life! The power of Fairy Tail is in you!" She yelled and started to disappear.
"Agatha!!!!" I scream and reach towards her. I wake up to find myself sitting on the chair reaching for nothing. She's right. What am I doing?! I have magic! I stand up and use a spell inspired by my enemy.
"Water slicer!"
After about 30 mins the chains break. I run to the door of the cell and look around for Hester or Juvia. I guess she went to apologize. I can't stand the image of her lying to my comrades.. Anger boils in me.
Weather- heat!" I melt the cell with my heat. I can only use that spell when enough anger boils in me. That's when I started transforming again. I forgot, when I build enough emotion and use magic; I change. I look around and realize we are in a sewer.
Where there's an in, there's an out.
-Grays POV-
We stopped at nothing to find (Y/N). Search parties, hunts, hikes, everything. And I'm not stopping until I find her. I can't loose her right when I found my Princess! I was discussing a plan with Laxus when we heard the doors open. We quickly turned only to find her. Quickly, everyone was ready to attack, except me. I marched up to her using all my strength not to punch her ugly ass face.
"What are YOU doing HERE?!"
"Gray-Sama!!! I was possessed!! It was Hester!! Please believe me!! I love you all so much.. The tower of heaven, the infinity clock, the Grand Magic Games, everything, I've been through so much, do you actually believe I would throw it away for (Y/N)? Leave the only people who ever loved me?" She wrapped her arms around me and burst into tears. I looked around and everyone looked unsure as they got out their fighting stance.
"I believe her. I've known Juvia the longest, I don't think she'd do something this stupid." Gajeel said at her defense. I look down at the blue haired girl and she looked up. Her eyes were filled with pain and sadness...I can't forgive her. I won't forgive. She's- shes!
"Tch. To let your self be possessed. I thought you were a Fairy Tail Mage." I said and showed a smile. I didn't fully believe her, but what if she was right, what is she was possessed and couldn't help what she was doing? What if? Damn it..I shouldn't have said those words.
"Gray-Sama!!!" She leaned in and kissed me. I backed up quickly.
"W-w-what are you doing??" Did she just steal my first kiss? Without my wanting?
"Juvia is sorry...Juvia thought-" I kissed her back. But it didn't feel right. Whatever, my Juvia was back, our Juvia is back. I got so caught up in the moment I didn't realize what I was doing. I pulled away startled. She started crying again.
"Th-these are tears of Joy. Oh Gray!" Everyone bursts into cheers but..
"Wait-where's (Y/N)?" Agatha said coming out the emergency room. She glared at Juvia with so much hate, I thought she'd attack any moment. Then again, the Good can't attack. That would be only something Evil would do.
"I don't know...I don't remember anything.." Juvia said staring at Agatha.
"So you say Hester possessed you? Why would she do that exactly?" Agatha's said clutching her bruised rib cage. She was wearing a blue hospital gown and was walking toward us. But Agatha's right. Why would Hester do that?
"She said it was to get back at you for killing Anadil and Dot."
"One: That was Sophie. But she told Hester I did it. And two: That's funny, I thought you said you didn't remember anything." I could see Juvia sweating.
"She told me after she stopped possessing me."
"Why did she stop?"
"Because she realized the error of her ways and wanted me to be happy. That this wasn't going to fix anything." Juvia said defensively.
"Hahahah! Hester's a witch! And she always will be! She's evil, she would never say that. I would know, she was my friend."Agatha was marching up to Juvia's face,
"Tell one more lie and I'll kill you right here on the spot. I don't care if the good defend, I will attack. Now tell me. Where. The. Hell. Is. (Y/N)." Realization shook through me, Juvia was lying. And I was a fool to even believe her even a little.
"Juvia, where is she?" I said regretting I ever kissed her. Juvia shook like crazy.
"You think I'd lie to you?! That I would do this to you all after all we've been through? I love you!!!"
She screamed.
"That's funny considering I never possessed you." I turned and saw Hester standing I front of the doors smiling at Juvia. Juvia looked like a helpless chicken.
"I may be evil but I don't lie about petty things. Even Agatha knows this." Hester said.
"Told you Juvia. Never trust a witch. Even me. And Gray- that means you too. To think you'd trust a witch like Juvia. Only the best Evil can disguise as Good." She smiled evily.
"I can't believe you'd even trust her! Didn't I say she's wicked!? Listen when I say something!" Agatha shouted at me.
"(Y/N) is located at the sewage pipe of Magnolia. But don't worry, she'll be here soon. You think I'd be stupid enough to let her keep her magic? No. I let her on purpose. I work with no one. My job is done." She started walking away-
"Hester wait! Why would you help us?" Silence thickened between us. Still back turned she turned her head slightly, I could see the tears in her eyes,
"I found the truth Aggie. It was never your
fault for what a happened with Anadil and Dot. And I owed you."
"H-how did you find out?! Who told you?!" Agatha cried. She turned her head forward again and said 3 words,
"The Blonde Woman." With that she continued walking away from us, but not before she said her final words,
"And Agatha...Take care of (Y/N)." No one stopped her.
Juvia's back was turned towards us something was off. The air thickened, the sky went dark and Juvia turned. Her pupils were the size of a grain of sand, her blue hair turned white, falling off her scalp in clumps. Her skin sank in and turned pale, you could see her bones and veins. Everything about her turned hideous until I saw Agatha's scared face and knew what it meant.
Juvia turned into a witch.
Then I heard it- the sound of a scream. Like a scream aiming for its prey. (Y/N)'s scream.
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