The Date?- Chapter 11
Warning! Lime content!
And just like Juvia told me, I met up with her at the guild. Everyone was mostly gone or just about to leave when I got there. I wonder why Juvia picked such a late time? I ignored the unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach and walked up to her.
"Hello Juvia."
"(Y/N) I was beginning to think you weren't gonna show!" She said flashing me a smile. "Ahh-hahaha...ha...yeah." I said giving her a crooked smile.
"Come, I've got it all planned, roller skating, arcade, and to top it off, a dinner at 'The Pew-Pie'!"
"Sounds fun." I said. I didn't want to tell her I felt awkward, she looked so happy. So I swallowed the truth. Maybe she has changed? "I know right! Let's go!" She said grabbing my hand. I'll give her a chance...
When we arrived at the roller skating building, we got our skates and hoped for a fun night. "Wo-woah!!" I said barley able to stand.
"I can barley walk, and you want me to skate!" I say balancing my arms by my side.
"Haha! Relax! It's easy, here." Juvia said skating with ease as she hold my hand. I blushed at our hands interlocking.
"Trust me." She said as she took the lead. I followed gracefully behind her, careful to avoid the other people around us.
"JUVIA!!" I shouted as I fell down, I grabbed the hem of her shirt and she fell back with me. "EYIII!" She screeched.
"Owowowowo!" I said rubbing my butt. We both looked at each other and burst out laughing on the floor. People stared at us with a smile,
"Here." Juvia said holding her hand out. She pulled me up and together we skated for a whole hour, laughing and singing.
"I am titanium!!!" We howled together in sync. Suddenly the dj called all kids off the rink. For it was grown-ups older (18+). So me and Juvia kept skating, and a slow song came on. I looked over at Juvia, and she looked at me. We both looked away quickly, but my heart was thumping in my chest. Then Juvia grabbed my hand, and blushed. I did too.
"Juvia.." I whispered. But the slow song ended, and we left the rink, not saying a word.
"(Y/N), why don't we do something else. Follow me!" She said running.
When we arrive I gasp. In front of me was a gorgeous meadow with a pond. Willow trees filled with white flowers bathed us, while fireflies flowed above the blue-green water. With the light and reflection, the water seemed like an enchanted portal. 2 white swans floated peacefully on the clam water, necks formed into a heart. The green grass, glowed in the darkness, doves chirping and flying in the night sky, and to top it off, the pregnant moon shined down on the water above us.
"It's beautiful..." I say in awe. I run down the hill feeling the warm breeze on my face. I turn around and see Juvia blushing. I gesture her to come down with me, and she runs next to me. While trying to get to me she trips making me fall backwards and we rolled down the green grass, and once we stopped, Juvia was on top of me, face red. I smiled at the beautiful angel on me. I blushed red, as Juvia's eyes closed and her lips grew nearer.
I felt her soft lips touch mine as her hand ran up my leg. Slowly and carefully she took off my shirt, until we both laid bare on the ground. Juvia kissed my body and I let out a small moan. But right as she was about to go past my stomach I stopped her. She stared confused, "Juvia-I- I can't...this isn't right- I'm- im not..." "Not a lesbian?" She said. I blushed nodding.
"I understand. Sorry, I got caught up in the moment. I'm not either- it's just- uh..." She stood up. "Let's get changed." She concluded.
(This one doesn't cx)
We were walking home in utter silence, when I heard something behind us. I looked back, "What is it (Y/N)?" Juvia said.
"It's nothing I gue-- MPHMMM MMM!!" My voice was muffled by a hand. I knock my elbow on the persons stomach and they stumbled back. There were at least 5. And 2 of them had Juvia. Just as I was reaching for Juvia one punched my face making me fall back.
"(Y/N)!!" Juvia said and managed to get away from the men, she ran next to me.
" me..." I croak. But her worried face changed to disgust.
"Sorry (Y/N). But you're on your own." She said and stood up in front of the two men. I grabbed her hand, not wanting to let go. I wanted this dream to end.
"J-Juvia.." I Whispered.
"Boys take good care of her." She said and let go of my hand, one of them replied
"Yes, Mistress." Juvia started to run away, my arm still reaching for her. I stared at my once friend, feeling betrayed, heart broken, alone... My last sights were of the once angel, smiling like the devil, running away.
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