The Blonde Woman - Chapter 18
We arrived at the town shocked. Half of it was already destroyed! Gray and me didn't even discuss a plan; we just went for it. Gray went to evacuate the towns people, no doubt he wants me to handle the monster. But what was weird, is that the beast reminded me of Deliora; a demon from The Book Of Zeref. I read it back while under the sea. Quickly my mind went to my home. Why hasn't father tried visiting me? Did my country really just abandoned me? I abandoned them...I shook off the thoughts and focused on something different, next thing I knew my thoughts drifted to Kiko.
-flash back-
**Just want you to know, what happens in this fan fiction is not all true about the book(the school for good and evil). Some yes, like Agatha and Sophie were best friends, but some parts like where Agatha's Prince died, are not true. So you don't know what is true about the book and what isn't...**
"I can't believe that happened to Gray!" I say feeling sympathetic.
"Yes...poor thing. His own teacher sacrificed herself for his 'mistake'. Used to believe it was his fault... But we all loose the people we love..." Kiko said, eyes getting watery. It seemed as if she was talking from experience. What happened to Kiko?
"Kiko did you-"
"Forget it. Anyway.." She continued talking to me about Gray's Past. I just couldn't help but feel his pain. It's strange but the more I found about him, the closer I felt to him.
"Kiko, what were you talking about before? You know, about we all loose the ones we love?" I asked suddenly curious about Kiko's past. I realized I knew nothing about her.
"It's just...before we went to war...My Prince..." She paused,
"Died..." And she burst into tears, I've never seen her look so scared, lonely, and afraid. It's as if all her smiles were to hide the truth, the pain about her past. The secret of her loved one gone laid in her heart, and she didn't want anyone to experience her pain, so she always smiles, and looks at the positive. For she doesn't want anyone to suffer like she did. That changed everyone's lives. I wrapped my arms around her shivering body. "Kiko...I'm so, so sorry.." I whisper running my hand up and down her back.
"I don't want to be alone again (Y/N)...I don't want to be in that dark corner ever again..."
I don't either..
-end of flash back-
When I snapped out my trance, I used wind magic to allow me to fly. The creature was literally the size of Deliora, even looked like it, just it didn't cause as much destruction. I stared into its black, beady eyes.
"Weather: Rain!" Instantly the clouds turned grey and the sun disappeared, and fear lurked in the air.
"Electrify!" All all at once from different direction, lighting struck the beast with such force, that in half a second the monster laid eerily still on the ground. But then I saw it. Another monster; twice the size of the other one and it looked into my soul. The last spell wore me out, I didn't know what to do! I can't call Gray, I need to prove to him that his hard work paid off, plus he was still evacuating the townsfolk.
"Mommy!!" I heard a voice of a young girl cry out. I looked down to see a little girl in pink with black hair running from the beast. The creature tried to grab the child and suddenly unbelievable strength ran through me.
"Don't you harm her!!!" And just like Agatha said, my body glowed in a golden light, blurring my vision in white shimmering light. Slowly head to toe, my body changed into something I now call, 'Calming Death.' My magic felt full of life and immediately I cast a spell.
"Tornado! LEVEL 5!" It was quiet. Then a breeze, then more wind, until hot and cold air mixed, rain poured and five tornados came in enclosing the creature in black oblivion. When everything settled down, the monster simply...vanished.
"What on earth?! How could it just disappear?!" Ignoring the bad feeling in my stomach I landed on the ground and went to the building I saw the little girl hide in. I saw her trembling on the floor.
"I'm scared..." She whispered. I saw her eyes. They looked as if hope didn't even exist. So I did what I had to do.
"I am too." I respond sitting down to the weeping angel.
" defeated that monster.." "And? That didn't stop me from being scared. Even though I was scared, I over came it with bravery. Because I needed to protect you and your town. So when I need to help someone, no matter what, I'll overcome any obstacle." She just stared at me and smiled.
"You're Fairy Tail wizard's right? One day, I'll join too! Thank you...I think-no- I know that from now on, I'll protect my loved ones! I'll die for them!"
"Actually, you shouldn't do that. Don't die for your comrades, protect yourself, and live for others. That's what makes a Fairy Tail Wizard. loyalty, honesty and love. And right now, I see all of that in you." I poke her heart softly. She giggles and embraces me. I feel her body go limp and realize she's sleeping. I carry her in my arms and head to Gray.
"Idiot!" Hester yelled at me.
"Juvia is sorry!!..."I yelled back crouching behind a tree.
"Why didn't you kill the little girl?!" She roared.
"Juvia didn't want to hurt anyone!"
You stupid bit-" she stopped herself and took a deep breath.
"I made those monsters and trained them so they could follow your orders, and this is what you do? Let them take this as a job?! You could've stomped the guild to make 'em die!" She yelled loosing her cool again. This time, I know I saw her tattoo twitch.
"BUT JUVIA CANT KILL GRAY-SAMA!" I roared like a lion. I was on the verge of tears. Hester has been training me for the last couple of days, it's been a living hell.
"Tch. Let's go. You're still believing you're Good...just like Sophie." I barley heard the last part. Then as she was walking away from me she turned back and looked into my eyes. "You'll be a great witch Juvia. Greater than me. Maybe even greater than Sophie. But you have to let go. We have some work to do." And with that she continued walking forward, not even glancing back at me.
Then I turned to see (Y/N) carrying the little girl I was suppose to kill. All of a sudden all the reasons why I hated my Prince came rushing back to me. Kill (Y/N) and Gray would come back to me. Kill (Y/N) and Gray would forget all about her. Kill (Y/N) and every thing would go back to normal.
Kill (Y/N) and I could find peace.
Hester was right. I need to let go. I need to kill (Y/N). Because if I don't, I'll kill Gray instead. And that would make her suffer. Suddenly a smile formed on my face. I wiped my tears and skipped along to where me and Hester have been hiding. I soon found my self singing a song.
"One more step and it's done,
Kill the witch; it'll be fun
Let emotions flow
And just go.
Kill the witch, and happiness will show
Kill the witch and my life begins,
One more step and my love-
Can crawl back to me"
-Makoravs POV-
"Why do you fear to see her?" I ask the blonde woman.
"It's not that I fear...It's just... What if she hates me, Makorav? I haven't been there for her her whole life. It's not like she'll be welcoming me with open arms." She responds, brown eyes glistening with sadness.
"She won't hate you. You know she won't. She's here because of you. Never blame yourself. You learned that lesson long ago." I say.
"I hope you're right. But when should I see her?" The woman in blue asks, starring out my office window. She reminded me of Lucy. Kind, compassionate, responsible, beautiful, loving, funny, the list never ends. She even looks like her.
"See her when her Fairy Tale Ends my child." She smiled and turned to face me.
"You always were like a father to me. All right. I'll vist (Y/N) when it's time."
-Gray's POV-
When I see (Y/N) my heart flutters with joy. I was so worried, but deep down I knew she'd make it. She's (Y/N) after all.
I run over to her,
"You transformed.." I say looking up and down her body. She nods and looks at the little girl in her arms. I take the sleeping girl and when I turn around a woman with brown hair and green eyes appears before me.
"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! You saved our town and my child! I owe you my life! I'm forever greatful!" She weeps. I hand her the child.
"No no, we were glad enough to help you all. Your happiness is more enough than any reward." I say and (Y/N) walks up to me nodding in agreement.
"Mommy!" The little girl wakes up wrapping her arms around her mother. It was a beautiful sight. I smile wishing one day, I could raise a little one.
As soon as I thought that, I felt something warm press against my hand. I look down and see (Y/N)'s hand wrapped around mine. I blush at the sudden coinsidense. Why do I feel this way around her? Its strange... She takes us to the mayor where we get our reward. After our goodbyes to the town, me (Y/N) head home.
Still holding hands.
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