Makorav - Chapter 16
-Agatha's POV-
I felt her presence. Juvia was here. I decided to leave, while the guild was still celebrating and looked around for clues.
"Any sign of her?" I heard a voice call. I turned around and saw the Master.
"No. Not yet at least." I reply continuing to look for clues. The old mans face, wrinkled with worry and frustration.
"My own child. I loved her like my own; every one of those kids. To think Juvia would do this..."
"Listen Makorav. Only the best Evil can disguise as Good. I learned that lesson the hard way, and I do not intend to learn it a 3rd time." I reply thinking of Sophie.
"I understand Agatha. Thank you for watching over (Y/N). Even after all you've been through, to think you'd go to such lengths..."
"I already told you, my past is not something, someone like you will speak about. It's none of your concern, understand? Do not treat me like a child. I will risk my life for (Y/N) if I have to."
"Yes, just like Sophie risked hers. And she paid a price didn't she. And Tedros suffered worse of all."
I stared at the old man. My anger boiled.
"That's quite the magic you got." He continued.
I ignored the comment of Tedros and stared into the sunset.
"Being able to make wishes come true; no wonder you're one of the 10 wizards saints. And the 6th one too, no doubt you'll pass Jura. You already passed me." He says changing the subject.
"And potions , weather manipulation, transformation, the list goes on and on. You really are a talented young wizard Agatha. Or Princess as I call it."
"Hm." I nod. I wasn't paying much attention. I just couldn't stop thinking about Juvia. How much time was left until she turned? Or was she already a witch?
"Agatha." Makorav snapped me out my trance.
"Yes?" I ask turning to face him. I don't know how long I was starring off in space because now the sun had set, and the night had begun.
"Let's walk." He said walking ahead. I followed.
"Why did you give (Y/N) 30 days to fall in love? Couldn't you just let her walk with out a barren?" he asked not facing me.
"I don't make the rules- I just follow-"
"That's not what you did at The School For Good And Evil now was it? You and Sophie broke out war. Twice." He said. My body stiffened.
"You Know Nothing About Me." I say stopping in my tracks.
So did he, but he was in front of me, back towards me.
"True. But I know you're a hurt woman. Haunted by her past. You see (Y/N) as yourself, and you don't want what happened to you, to happen to her. But Agatha, you know more than anyone, what happens to people who interfere with Fairy Tales. Don't you my dear?"
"No comment."
"Let me ask you one more time. Why did you give her 30 days to find love?"
" can't survive anywhere unless you love someone. How could a person live unless they have someone to live for? (Y/N) had no one. No one to love...and no one to love her back...she's just like me...well. I was just like her...that's why." I respond.
"I see...well then. She'll need help from her Fairy Godmother. Won't she?" He said now turning to face me. He flashed a smile, and I did too. With that, we continued to walk under the moon light.
"I'm waiting...waiting...waiting for you. How could, how could, you leave me too? How long, how long, can my soul...Yern. For. You." Juvia sang as she dangled her feet over the calm, lake. Her eyes were pink and puffy from crying. She looked down next to her was a daisy with five petals. She picked it up,
"He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me no-" she dropped the bald daisy as it fell on her lap. She looked at the water of her reflection and gasped. What she saw made her skin go pale. In the reflection she saw her skin sulked in until you could see her veins. Her body showed her bony self. Her hair fell in clumps and turned grey. Her face wrinkled, warts popped on her face burning her skin, and her teeth fell out until her gums went black. She choked for breath, she couldn't breathe.
"My dear." Said a voice. Juvia closed her eyes and her beautiful self stared back at her in the water. But who's voice was that? She turned to see a woman with pale skin, short black hair streaked with red, her lips black and a ring on her nose. And her neck...held a red demon which she could've sworn moved. Her black eyes stared into her scared blue ones.
"I can grant you your wish. I'll help you kill your nemesis."
"Who are you..?" Juvia said.
"I'm a woman who knows Agatha, and my name is Hester. Let's just say, after she left us at war to leave with her Prince...I wanted a death price on her head. To think she was my friend. But then, a Princess can't be friends with a witch can she? Just like you, can't fall in love with a Prince."
"Gray? But he's mine! I'm his Princess!-"
"Shut Up. You're a witch! You'll never find love!...Agatha.." She whispers almost to herself.
"You killed my best friends...Dot...Anadil.." She said. Then her deadly black eyes filled with pain, and her shell went hard.
Then she turned to the blue headed girl.
"I think you should have your happy ending just as much as (Y/N), dont you?"
And Juvia's eyes sparkled with hope.
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