Lurking - Chapter 10
-Day 4-
-Gray's POV-
The next day, I stormed into the guild and looked for a certain blue-haired girl. When I spotted her talking to Levy , I marched up to her, demanding some answers.
"Juvia! Why did you lie to me yesterday?!" I clutched my fists tighter, she stood up with a shocked expression.
"Gray-sama! Why would Juvia lie to you?! She's the one lying! (Y/N) lied about everything last night! Even about her past! She-She--"
"I never said (Y/N)'s Name. A-And how the hell do you know abou-" it hit me,
"YOU! You were spying on us! No wonder (Y/N) thought some one was following us! Honestly your crazy obsession with me is out of control!" I started walking away but Juvia grabbed my arm.
"You'd believe HER over me?! The girl who'd risk her own life to save you! The girl who'd do ANYTHING for you! The girl whose been with you since the beginning, risking my life because I love you! I love you and the guild! You keep me good! Phantom lord- you-you saved me! You made me see the sun- the light!...and you died because of me..." Juvia said now in tears. Her grip on my arm soften. I stared at her, my shell started to crack, but just like that it hardened.
"That's the past, Juvia. We live in the present, and right now, I'd gladly choose her over you." And I pulled away my arm from her, and left to the other side of the guild hall, ignoring the confused and shocked faces of my guild mates.
Now I waited for (Y/N).
-Juvia's POV-
Juvia didn't know how to react as he walked away from me, furious. Juvia's world shattered, like my heart and I just stood there, crying. But sadness quickly turned to anger, but I wasn't mad at my beloved. No, Juvia was mad at the girl who turned my love, against me. All this happened because of that annoying, idiot, little brat!!! I could feel my blood pumping, veins bulging, as if the witch in me was unleashing- but I took a deep breath, wiped my tears, and sat back down, ignoring Levy's shocked face.
-Agathas POV-
"Thank you, Makorav." I said. I was thanking him for letting me stay in the guild, to keep an eye on (Y/N) and Juvia. The master agreed to my plan.
"No problem Princess. Thank you for telling me about Juvia, but how long until she turns full witch?"
"Well-" I was cut off by shouting outside he masters office. We locked eyes and with a nod, dashed to the door. We peeked around the dark corner and saw Gray and Juvia arguing. We listened to their whole conversation. It took all my might, to not clobber Juvia when she bad-talked about (Y/N). But once Gray walked away, I could she the hate, anger, and pain, in Juvia's eyes. As if the witch inside was crawling out- just as I thought she would crack, I prepared to use my magic; but it was gone. The witch...simply disappeared. I've seen those eyes once upon a time. As to answer the masters question, well,
"We're running out of time..."
-Your POV-
I look in the mirror and nod in approval. I was wearing a green tank top with grey short-shorts, my hair was in a messy bun (bangs still on my face), and green combat boots with black laces. "Where are you going?" Lucy says coming out the shower with just a towel on. "Oh, um the guild. Gray told me to come and it's already 2:45." I say heading for the door, "Ah. Well okay, but be careful, lately people have been getting mugged at night." Lucy says with concern.
"I won't be out late...and pft...I'm with Gray." I say smirking and closed the door behind me.
When I got to the guild, everyone was being their crazy selves. I smile and look for Gray, he's talking to Erza at one of the tables. As I walk over there, Juvia appears in front of me. "A-Afternoon Juvia." I say awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. I look over her shoulder, Gray doesn't notice me.
"Afternoon, (Y/N)." She responds, her voice is kind and loving but her face shows it all.
"What are you doing here?" She continues, voice even more sweet now.
"Um, nothi-"
"Good. 'Cause this is a guild. And in case you haven't noticed, you aren't a wizard." Voice trembling, like on the bridge of good and evil. "I-I know- just uh..."
"Juvia are you harassing (Y/N)?" Gray says appearing behind her. My heart jumped when I heard his voice.
"No, no. Not at all. I was just telling my friend, that Juvia would love to hang out with her today. Ya know, some girl time." She said, facing Gray, and now turned to me again. "Juvia judged wrongly of you (Y/N). Its just, Juvia's jealousy got in the way. I don't know much about you, and I want to start over. Please forgive Juvia. Let me make it up to you." Juvia said as she grabbed my hand. Her cold touch send shivers down my spine, I was shocked but Gray looked more surprised than me!
"I would love to but I'm hanging out with Gray today." I say, for some reason, her hand went from cold to hot.
"No-no, I thought wrong of Juvia. We can do our plan some other time, I'll leave you two girls alone." Gray said and walked back to the table with Erza, and now Natsu.
"Great! It's a date. See you back here at 8!" Juvia said and skipped to Mira and the gang.
--Incase a few forgot, Juvia refers to herself in third person. But I didn't just want to say "Juvia this and Juvia that." So I added a couple of pronouns (I.e Me and I)--
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