First page
"I didn't want it to be this way" Amanda said. "This whole new school is messing up my life again."
-time skip to lunch-
"Hey Camryn and Abby and Sydney" Amanda greeted them.
"Hey Amanda come have a seat" Camryn said.
"How was gym class? Did you talk to him?"
"Yeah I did. And everyone keeps bringing up the fact I punched Happy and gave him a black eye. So then I apologized and he said he'll get his revenge. But I'm not scared of him"
"What did Alex say?"
"He said he was watching me fight Happy in the alley. I never knew he was even there"
-bell rings-
"That's the bell I'll see you guys later" Amanda then walks off.
-in social studies class-
"This is so boring" Amanda was whispering to herself. "Maybe I should do something to calm myself down"
*looks at diary in backpack*
"I never wrote in it. Maybe it could be my first page."
Dear diary,
This is my new book I'm writing in and my first page. I just went to my new school a few days ago and things turned out really bad. Right now I'm in social studies class and I can't seem to get my mind off anything. Really wish I could have someone to talk to be really I'm not all that confident with myself. I just want to cry or something. I only have 4 friends so far and met a pretty cute guy in this school. We have a school dance coming up in 3 weeks so I'm hoping he will ask me. I'll explain how things are going and what I've been doing in the next chapter right now I have to go.
"That will have to be for now" Amanda said.
-time skip to home-
"Hey mom" Amanda opens the door.
"Hey Amanda how was school?" Mom said as she was cooking dinner.
"Oh it was good. I met someone new. But he's a boy so I can't really say much"
"Oh well that's all good then. Dinner will be ready in 30 minutes and I need to talk to you about something. It's not really important but it's something for you to help me out with"
"Ok be down in 30 minutes then".
Amanda then ran up the stairs to her computer and FaceTime Sarah.
Amanda- hey Sarah
Sarah- hey Amanda
Amanda- did you guys have your school dance?
Sarah- yeah we did I went with Jake since I didn't have anyone to go with
b-but we only went as friends! So nothing to worry about
Amanda- well it's not like Jake is my boyfriend he was just a friend but I think he liked me a lot
Sarah- he did he told somethings.....
Amanda- what things?
Sarah- well he said he misses you and how he wanted to ask for you to be his girlfriend but it was too late cause you were moving... But don't tell him I said that!
Amanda- don't worry I won't I'm just really shocked at why he couldn't of said that earlier
Sarah- I guess he was just shy to ask and didn't know if you liked him back
Mom- Amanda dinner is ready!
Amanda I got to go Sarah I have dinner and my mom needs to tell me something to help her with something but I don't know
Sarah- ok see ya later Amanda
Amanda- bye
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