My sister (Part 3)
Amanda-why are you back?! I dont want you here!
Sister- I came here for moms birthday!
Amanda- No you came here for my diary
Sister- Fine yes I did your a meif'wa so I want to know what you write
Amanda- well if you want to know I write about my life as a meif'wa like any other person
Sister- are you sacred of me?
Amanda- why would I be sacred of a sprit?
Sister- and like I'm sacred of a kitty
Amanda- hey your the one who gave me this!
*outside of room*
Sarah- why is she talking to herslef?
Jake- I don't know why don't you go ask her?
Sarah- wait she said "your the one who gave me this" what does she mean?
Jake- Maybe shes talking to the dead?
Sarah- I would'nt have a friend who would do that
Jake- Lets just go ask her mom
Sarah- No I'm going to stay here and keep listening
Jake- your only gonna hear her though
Sarah- do you know something?
Jake- I dont know if she told you
Sarah- told me what?
Jake- I can't tell you if she hasnt told you
Sarah- Just tell me she'll never know
*In bedroom*
Sister- cause everyone in this famiy went through this now you have to
Amanda- so my mom had cat ears?
Sister- yeah she had these like purule ones and you have pink ones so the ears and tail really juat go with what your favorite color is
Amanda- my only question is why did you do this?
Sister- cause of what the family did to me! There the ones who killed me! Ive been wanting to get my revgene!
Amanda- and how are you going to do that?
Sister- well I was going to kill you
Amanda- you want to kill me?! I did nothing to you!
Sarah- Ok I can't do this! Amanda who are you talking to?!
Amanda- Sarah? Jake? Were you guys listening to my conversation?
Sister- Oh its Jake again
Amanda- they can't see or hear you just so you know
Sarah- (I think shes talking to the dead now)
Jake- (Shes not)
Sister- Whos the other girl?
Amanda- Thats my friend Sarah
Sister- How many friends do you have?
Amanda- I'm only the new girl so I dont have many friends and you don't have any friends too
Sister- yeah cause everyone hates me
Amanda- Everyone does not hate you
Sarah- Amanda!
Amanda- what?
Sarah- who are you talking to!
Amanda- oh I'm talking to my sister
Sarah- How? And you have a sister?
Amanda- yeah but shes just a sprit
Jake- thats who shes talking to
Sarah- ohhh I thought you were a crazy person
Amanda- look I have to get back to the party you don't cause any problems ok?
Sister- Fine! I guess we go without having fun for one night
Amanda- I can always put you in the jar
Sister- NO! I will not go back there!
Amanda- then don't start anything
Sister- ok ok can I go see mom now?
Amanda- yeah I guess will she be excited to see you?
Sister- I dont know will just find out
Amanda- ok I guess I'll give my mom her gift tommorow if I can find it
Jake- you didnt find it?
Amanda- No I looked all over my room and no dice
Jake- well I hope you can find it
Amanda- see now I know thats the real Jake
Jake- huh?
Amanda- nothing lets go now
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