Chapter 24 : Clustering. Spryzen.
Chris laughed, "You can't do anything to me, that's for sure. Two pathetic humans and a vampire. Neither of your bodies can withstand magic."
Shu broke out in a sweat, "Yes, we will fight until we find our friends." He said that but he was not at all about the outcome of this confrontation.
"No need to look for them." said Suoh, "I will send a message to Lui and he will find us himself."
"Really?" asked Valt, "Can you do that?" He was quite curious about this idea.
"Do you think I'm just an ordinary human? No, I've had an apprenticeship in spells and magic."
"Yeah, and how is that going to help?" asked Shu.
"I know how to create potions and I've used a little magic before."
"Then go ahead." said Shu, "Get in touch with him, it'll be easier then."
Suoh nodded. He took, from his bag that he had slung over his shoulder, various herbs and vials. He made a potion. Valt stayed close to him because he didn't want to get killed by Chris. Shu didn't know what to do except try to hold her back with a sword he found. Lui's friend finished and a smoke came out. "Now we just have to wait for them to come to us." he said as he watched the smoke go in one direction. Valt simply watched.
"Five...?" asked Free still, he looked at Lui. "But there are four of us."
Lui looked at him. "I don't want to kill my friend Suoh."
"Argh, his stuff was really foul." said Free with disgust.
"You're the one who's foul!" shouted Shasa at him. "You have no right to be with my future husband!"
Lui looked at her and then laughed, which she didn't take very well. "You're a very bad person to say that, princess. Just like my father. You're the one infecting my life with your poisons. But don't worry, you'll get your punishment, all of you!"
Shasa raised an eyebrow, "What?! What do you mean?!"
Lui shrugged, "You'll see, just wait."
Free said nothing and watched. Then he felt smoke coming from behind. He looked and felt the aura of someone. He put his hand on Lui's shoulder, who looked at him after this gesture. The white dragon raised an eyebrow. "What?"
"Someone is calling us," Free said. "It seems to be an ally or something."
"Pffff, I don't care." said Lui, rolling his eyes.
"Let's follow it." said Free looking at his boyfriend.
"I don't have time for your nonsense." said Lui with displeasure. "I'll have you know that there are three people here in front of us, who want us dead! "
Roy Guten watched the conversation for a bit from the sidelines. He observed the discussion and the relationship between Prince Shirosagi and the famous monster. Already at the beginning, it was a little complicated to believe that this boy with human physique, was defined as a "monster". But he understood when the blond boy took out the sword and his skin repaired itself. He wanted to kill him for the honor and pride he had, unfortunately, his mind did not want to kill him. He understood that the two dragons loved each other and that killing one, would make the other suffer. Killing the monster, would only bring down this kingdom. The Shirosagi Kingdom was a good ally and he was not going to interfere with this peace between the two kingdoms.
Lui still refused to leave and Free had to grab his arm. He pulled him with him towards the path that the smoke had taken. "Let go of me now!" Lui shouted at him, protesting that he did not want to run away from the enemies.
Free smiled, "I will when we get there."
Lui just made a, "Poof..."
Roy Shirosagi, Guten's and Shasa's, ran after them. "I'm not leaving you with that demon." said Shasa running and growling.
"They're coming." said Suoh as he watched the smoke return.
"I hope so." said Shu as she avoided an attack from Christina.
Moments later, footsteps could be heard. People were running towards them. Valt and Suoh looked over and Free and Lui appeared.
Valt smiled, "You're finally here!"
"Yes, but not with good news." said Free as he looked behind them. "Reinforcement is coming from both sides."
"Never mind." said Shu as she walked back next to them. "We're glad you're here, safe and sound."
Free nodded. Lui looked outside at the dragons approaching the palace, including Luinor who flew over the castle and was already beginning to destroy the towers.
The "royal" and "antagonistic" group arrived.
"Stop right there!" shouted Lui's father, "You have no more escape!"
Lui looked at him, "Yes, I think so. It's more like you." He turned to him. "Even if you kill us, I don't think my dear dragon will want to let you go like that." He smiled. "He'll just kill you if you do something stupid and to your chagrin, you've done plenty of stupid things already. They're going to cause your downfall. Do you understand that? You're already dead beforehand."
"No, I will kill you! For being a bad son and a bad prince!"
Shasa looked at him. "Excuse me, Roy Shirosagi, but are you sure about this?"
"Yes." said the father of Lui firmly. He stared dangerously at his son and Lui did the same.
The wall next to them was destroyed in one fell swoop, startling everyone. Luinor's roar was heard. Lui smiled, "My friend destroys everything and there will be no kingdom, I don't care if I'm a prince or not. I just want to finish you off." he said, aiming at the royalty.
Roy Shirosagi growled at his son, "I won't die and this kingdom will be rebuilt when you die."
"You would have no heir, it would be useless." Lui said. "Your two sons would both be dead, just like my mother. Everyone falls in this family, we are the last two. And soon there will be only one left."
"And that will be me." said Lui's father.
"You are mistaken, the fate is already decided for you. You will fall to your death, just like your friends. They all will."
Free watched his human speak. He was quite serious because Lui was thinking very bad things, but what could he do? Nothing at all...Resonate him...But how? And what good would that do? Fafnir and Luinor have already destroyed the capital, they will not stop.
Shu too, was watching everything. Valt and Suoh had the same reaction. The white-haired boy with red eyes felt something in his pocket warming him up. Shu took it and saw his bey glow.
"Let me help you," said Spriggan. "I'll take care of stopping those angry dragons."
"I don't know if you're any match for the two..."
"We'll see."
Shu closed his eyes and took a torch from beside him. He looked outside and threw it at a large haystack. The haystack burst into flames when it came into contact with the flame. Shu threw the ancient bey into it and a red light sparkled all over the capital. A monkey-like creature appeared with an axe. Fafnir looked at it and roared. He flew straight towards it to fight it. Spryzen and Fafnir were enemies, Shu and Free knew that. Luinor was still inside the castle where the roof was now open. He had burned everything and was destroying the walls with his tail. He roared loudly and released his power.
Spryzen swung his axe at Fafnir's head and scratched him. Fafnir grunted and regenerated himself from his wounds. This was one of the faculties that some celestial beings possessed. "You will not defeat me," said Fafnir. "This population is already lost. It is not worth it."
"You two, you and Luinor, see something wrong. The humans deserve life. They are the living and they did not deserve this. They didn't ask for anything."
"The humans want my master dead. I won't let them. And it's certainly not you who will stop me."
"I see you still hate me," Spryzen said, "But why?"
"Oh, it's not complicated. I already hate you just by looking at your face, plus your temper pisses me off to no end." Fafnir growled.
"Everyone is different and you have to accept that."
"Maybe, but let's get back to the point. I'm going to kill you and get rid of you for good."
"Your master would not agree."
"Never mind if he does. I will kill you simply for my own personal satisfaction."
Fafnir launched himself at Spryzen and their fight resumed.
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