Chapter 11 : Distance Or Closeness?
Free and Chris were still walking in the forest, under a warm sun. Their friend, the deer, was following them. They relaxed for quite some time. Christina could see that the blond needed to relax. They sat on a log and said nothing. At least, until Free started talking.
"Hey, Chris." The girl looked at him. "How do you think this is going to end?"
"About what? You mean the fate of the child?"
"No, well yes. But if I'm connected to him, I'm connected to his destiny. So I'm talking about our future."
"Hm, I don't know, Free. You know I'm not psychic."
"Fafnir predicted something for me." The girl opened her eyes and looked at Free. "He told me something bad but... I want to do everything to avoid it."
"Oh Free, I... I'm sorry. But if our friend predicts something, there's a good chance it will happen."
"I'll change his prediction."
He got up after her words and went back to the butsonette to see the state of Lui. Chris followed him sadly. Heavenly dragons were always to be trusted. Not believing them was a mistake but she hoped, from the bottom of her heart, that Free knew what he was doing. For to attack a royalty of a kingdom is a crime. But she prayed that Lui would be faithful to him and protect him as well. Maybe not with his strength but with his position in society.
Free entered and found Lui on the floor. Lui growled, "I thought your famous walk wasn't a suicide thing!"
Free went over to him and lifted him up to sit on the table, "I guess it was just an unexpected thing."
Lui made a bad face, "You should have known that all his paths were unreliable. A place full of snakes, Free! Do you think it's safe and secure?!"
"they never attacked me so it didn't make me tilc they attacked you."
"Now I'm in this state because of you!"
"I didn't mean it, understand me." Free did not understand so much bad temper of Lui, while at first he was calm.
"Maybe you want me to die! Huh?! Is that what you want?!"
"Stop it, Lui!" This time, it was Free who raised the sound of his voice, which surprised the human. "I didn't want this so will you listen to me, dammit!" Lui remained silent and gave a downcast look. Chris came over, due to the commotion and put his hand on the monster's shoulder.
"Free, you should really calm down. This isn't good for you and you know it. And look at the kid, do you want to scare him with such aggression?"
"He needs to understand who is ruling here." Said Free, "He's not the one occupying the territory." Free knew he was being very harsh but it was still the truth. He must be obeyed by Lui. He must be sure of what he will do.
"I understand but don't blame him. He has his reasons for doing this. You still took him to a dangerous place and you knew the dangers that lay in the swamps."
"I didn't want that, Chris."
"Then go to him and apologize."
Free turned his head to where Lui was and saw nothing more. "Where is he?!"
"Free, stop, calm down. He must be right outside. "She got a push from Free and the blond man left the house." Free! Come back here! "
She hoped nothing happened to the human because he didn't know what was around. And it was dangerous to go alone, especially when you are a human.
Free ran around to find Lui, but there was no sign." Don't tell me I lost him...Come on, Free. Look again." He walked around looking everywhere and found his friend the deer. "Have you seen him?" The deer tilted its head. "Take me to him."
The deer started walking and then stopped. The blond looked at a sign on the side that was old and dusty. He brushed off some of the dirt with his hand and found something that scared him. But it wasn't for him, but for his human. It had a forbidden area with a red skull on it.
"Did he really go that way?" asked Free, hoping for a negative answer. The deer nodded. "Oh no!"
He ran and found Lui at the edge of a cliff. He approached Lui gently because he could fall if he took only one step.
Lui looked at the deep void, with the idea of plunging into it. There was fog covering the ground below. He could not see anything. He knew that Free was getting closer and closer. He could smell. "Don't come any closer or I'll jump."
Free stopped, he was very serious, considering the one he loved could die right now. "You wouldn't want to do that. What would your father, Valt, Shu say and what do you think will happen to me?"
"You don't care about me, that's the only thing I know."
"You're wrong, where did you get that?"
"I just know it."
"You don't know anything about me. Don't you understand me?"
"It wouldn't do me any good. I just want to die and stop suffering like this."
"You won't die while I'm around."
"You can't prevent that from happening. Even one day I will have to die, I am not immortal like you."
"I know that, but I'm asking you not to do anything foolish. You have people who are there for you. It would be a real shame to waste such a good life as you have, just because you feel bad."
"You don't know how I feel. I know that nobody loves me. I'm not important to anyone. Even my father..." He lowered his head to shed a few tears, "He doesn't really like me. He always liked my older brother better than me."
"And where is your brother now?"
"Dead. My father told me that it was the monster that killed him, and therefore you."
"I'm sorry, though I don't remember everyone I killed," Free said without emotion. "I guess they deserved it."
"I guess you did right too." Said Lui remembering his past, "But you also did wrong at the same time."
"Explain to me."
"After my brother died..." began Lui mumbling, "My father had no more inheritance. You might think it's fine since I was born, but it wasn't all good. My father forced my mother to get pregnant, in fact. From what I could understand, it was very painful. My mother couldn't stand it, so when she gave birth to me, she killed herself very soon after. My father didn't understand anything. He didn't know why his wife killed herself. At first I thought I would be free and safe, that's how it was at first. But the more the years passed, the more he hated me. I didn't know why, I didn't do anything to him. Then he told me, he told me that I shouldn't have been born and that my brother was better than me. He tortured me so many times, I don't count anymore. He wants me to be loyal to him and he uses fear and submission to control me. But I'm trying not to let it happen anymore... But it's still complicated. I still feel today, all that torture on me..." Lui shuddered at the thought. "I don't want to go through all that again, I don't want to hurt anymore. "
Free decided to move closer to the boy." I too have had a hard time, but I didn't let it get to me. One hard time was when I was turned into a monster." Free still looked at Lui." I remember, that wizard, casting a dark spell on me. He said that no one will really love me. I got proof of that with Silas, my ex. He could betray me and was evil. The rest I had no one. But today... After so many centuries... You appeared in my life, like a gift from heaven. I had never felt such a thing. Shu too, his behavior was not the same between you and Silas. I want you to know that I care about you more than anyone else. You are the only one who is truly unique to me. "
Lui felt the monster's hands squeeze him from behind. He felt its breath on his ears. He gently closed his pupils and let it happen." I am falling in love with you, my dear prince. And I will make sure our love is reciprocated."
"Free... Are you really sincere?" asked Lui, with his eyes closed.
"I always am. I don't lie, I will never lie with you."
"What are you thinking?"
"How about I get it over with."
"I won't let you do such a thing and you know it."
"Hm, probably you're right."
Free nodded and stepped back, taking with Lui to put them further away from the precipice. "We should get back, Shu and Valt must be thinking I left you to die." laughed Free.
Lui smiled slightly, "That must be all they have on their minds, especially Valt."
"Oh yeah, Valt worries about you way too much."
"But you do too, admit it."
"I'm not saying I don't."
"Pfff, say it openly."
Free took Lui in his arms and looked him in the eye with a smile. "Of course I care about you, I care about you, and I'm in love with you ~" He kissed him on the lips with intensity and love, with such sincerity that Lui agreed. Then he went down to the white neck and continued the kisses. But then, the attractive smell of the boy made Him want to bite him. The blood flowed again and Lui winced.
"Argh, Free...stop." complained Lui.
Free didn't listen to him and continued to drink the blood. So delicious, he thought. He hadn't drunk any in a while. He was so focused on protecting the little one that he had forgotten what it tasted like.
Lui hoped he would finish quickly because he didn't want to fall unconscious because of a lack of blood.
Free stopped after a few minutes, licking his lips, so good it was. Lui fell to the ground and closed his eyes, catching his breath. He could feel a tingle in his neck now.
"Why did you do that again?" the purple-eyed boy asked.
"You are too irresistible with your taste and smell. That's why the animals are after you." said Free, smiling wryly. Lui crossed his arms and turned his head. "What's the matter, little one? Are we sulking?"
"Then what is?"
"You're a moron. You say absurd things."
"They aren't. Do you trust me?"
Lui grunted and started to leave. "No, I still don't."
Free watched him leave and clench his hands into fists. Why couldn't he still have her trust, after everything they just went through just now? He still couldn't reach him. It was frustrating for him, but he knew he was going to break him soon.
If he really had to, he would make it his own. But he knows that this method is not the right and best way. It's not how Lui's feelings will change for him. But it will be by being himself and not lying to him.
End of the chapter~
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