The Rumors
They finally showed up and RM's outfit made my heart stop pounding for a bit.
what he wore:
We spent hours upon hours at the karaoke room. It was the best night we all had and me and Namjoon got to get to know each other better. We all then left and they offered to take us out to eat. At first we denied but we finally gave in. While at the restaurant we sat there and enjoyed each others company. After that they all headed home while me and Namjoon stayed back to enjoy the scenery of the park. We got to the bridge and looked out at the water the view was beautiful and I never thought I'd see this in a million years especially next to one of the most inspirational and handsome people in the world and in my life.
What it looked like:
We were silent at first but then Namjoon spoke up "This is really beautiful." I nodded. "I've never seen something so Beautiful" I say. He looks at me and says "I've seen only one thing more beautiful then this." I look over at him making eye contact. "And what was that?" He shrugs "That's for me to know and for you to try and find out." I chuckle and roll my eyes. "Wanna head downtown?" I looked back over to him and said "Sure I haven't really gotten to enjoy it I've been busy with school and work." He raises an eyebrow "You work hard don't you." I look down " I have to. If I don't I wont survive this world. No one will." He nodded "but you should enjoy yourself sometimes." I nodded knowing that I should "Yeah I want to trust me but going to the concert and going out with my friends today was really great I'm honestly fine with how my life is especially now since I have you guys." He smiled wide and showed his adorable dimples. We got downtown and went into shopping centers. "You know what you work so hard I'm going to buy you a lot of stuff today. First clothes." He says. I tried turning him down but he didn't allow me. He slipped on a white mask and said "pick some clothes." I nodded and started looking but before I did I said "Only if you pick at least one outfit for me." He smiled and said "Sure." Once I finished I headed to the changing room. I came out one by one with the outfits.
Here they are:
"Wow they all look great! You have great taste Destiny!" He said I smiled and thanked him. He got up and handed me a bag. I was confused when I looked up from the bag." We're gonna go to the club because why not and also its for maybe a special event or anything you want." He explained I walk into the dressing room and looked into the bag. My jaw dropped. It was a beautiful dress but I didn't think it would look good on me. I put it on and walked out with insecurity right on my tail.
The dress:
When Namjoon saw me he slowly got up with his mouth slightly open. I looked down and said "How do I look?" He didn't answer and looked up. I was shocked with how close he had gotten. "You look beautiful." He said and I smiled "really?" He nodded and I said "Then lets buy these and get going." I got back into my outfit and paid we then left and he said "What do you need?" I thought for a minute and said "Make-up." He said "Really? Aren't you beautiful already?" I blushed and said "I don't know." We got to the store and looked around. "I'm not good at this stuff I've never used make-up." I said and he looked up "Neither am I. Here I'll facetime my make-up artist." I nodded and we waited she answered and saw me. "Oh,annyeonghaseyo ." I waved and said "annyeonghaseyo." She then said "Whats your name hun." She was sweet and I liked it "안녕하세요 제 이름은 Destiny 입니다(Hello, my name is Destiny)" I said and she smiled. "Well it's nice meeting you Destiny." I smiled and bowed a little. She then said "What did you need RM." He scratched the back of his neck and said "Well we're looking at make-up and we're both not familiar with this because you always do it and she's never used it." She giggled and said "Ok, show me the make-up." We showed her and she told us all the great make-up.
The make-up:
We thanked her and hung up. We headed over to the desk and the girl said "Oh my god! Your Namjoon!" I looked over at Namjoon and said "yes." She scanned the make-up and handed the bag over. Before we left she said "Can I get a picture with you?" He nodded and they took a pic together. As we were leaving we didn't notice she took one extra picture of us.
We finished shopping and Namjoon said "go into the bathroom and get ready I'll meet you back here by the water fountains because I am too." I nodded and walked into the bathroom to get ready.
My look:
I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I hope this is good. I walked out and saw Namjoon. My jaw dropped he was hot before but now he's even hotter damn.
His look:
He looked up and saw me his jaw dropping. "You look amazing." I blushed and said "Thanks, you too." We headed to the most recommended Club in Daegu G2. When we got there music was blaring and people were dancing. We got a drink and talked for a bit after 3 drinks we went to the middle of the floor and danced. We were having the best nights of our life's. After being there for a long time Namjoon called Jin at 1 in the morning to pick us up. "You should stay the night at our place." He told me. "Oh no I wouldn't want to burden you guys." I responded and he looked at me frustrated. "Destiny you wouldn't be a burden because everyone really likes you." I looked down and contemplated it. I pulled my phone out and dialed Min-Jung's number. After the first ring he answered. "DESTINY RICHARD!!!" I pulled the phone away from my ear Shit I'm in trouble. I chuckled nervously. "Hey, Min-Jung" I say. "Don't you hey Min-Jung me it's fucking 1 in the morning!!!!" He yelled."I know I know, I forgot to tell you that I'm staying the night at their place. Better late then never." I said. I heard him sigh and then say "Stay safe I don't want to pay for Ransom." I rolled my eyes and laughed "Ok Min-Jung." With that we bid our goodbyes and hung up. Just as I looked up Jin pulled up with the rest of the boys. When we got in their jaws dropped. "Destiny you look Beautiful." I smiled and said "thank you I tried." We then drove off and arrived at their home. When we walked in it was beautiful. I headed straight for the couch and plopped down and started to slowly daze off. Before I could I felt a blanket being put on me and heard Namjoon say "Goodnight Beautiful." With that I was out cold.
The Next Morning:
I woke up with a massive headache. I groaned and said "So this is what it feels like to have a hangover?" I heard multiple people chuckle. I looked up and saw all 7 of them spread out watching TV. "Why are you laughing?" They all had their eyes on me. "You've never had a hangover?" I chuckled a little but soon after grabbed my head and groaned. "NO" I said in a low annoyed voice. They all soon laughed and Jin put a plate of breakfast in front of me. I shot up with another pain behind but I ignored it because I was hungry as fuck right now. "Oh my god food!!!Thank goodness I could eat a whole cow if I was allowed." They laughed again and went to watching TV again. I ate all my food while Jin went through the channels. Caught our eye when we saw a pic of Namjoon. Jin flipped back to it and we watched. It was talking about how there was a now fastly spreading rumor of him. "This rumor is from a fan who showed us two pictures. The fans post said this:
I was at work when Namjoon from BTS came up to the counter. I work at a beauty place where we sell make-up. I asked for a picture and he did so. After ringing up the make-up I realized there was a girl with him and that the make-up was for her. I decided to snap a picture. I looked more closely and I realized it was the girl at their fan meet who made headlines twice. One for her back story and one for helping a boy who was falling from the stage. My question Is did she catch Namjoons attention? Are they talking? Or are they dating?
ARMY's are going crazy looking through her Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat, and some even trying to get her personal info.Some found her snap and giving that info out. We will keep you updated when we get more about this rumor."
I sat there staring at my food. People are trying to get my personal info. This is crazy I can't just be his friend. We all sat there for awhile but then Namjoons phone rung. He answered and was going back and fourth. He hung up and then looked at me. "We're all going to go talk to PD." We nodded and got up to get ready. I grabbed one of my outfits from yesterday that I bought and headed to the extra bathroom to get ready.
I forgot to add this one up there sorry.
With some light natural make-up. I walked out to find the boys waiting for me. I took my black mask out. We walked outside and there were tons of paparazzi's. My anxiety was going of the chain and I pulled my hat down over my eyes. They kept getting closer and I started to breathe hard not only because of my anxiety but because of my claustrophobia. I hated small spaces. Namjoon noticed and started telling the security guards to help me out. They did and we finally got to the van. Once we got in the members looked to me worried. I calmed my breathing and said "That's why I chose this job instead of singing." They looked at me and J-hope spoke up "You like to sing?" I looked up and said "oh, I love it. It's just too claustrophobic for me and my anxiety goes off the chain. But, it looks like I'm going to need to get used to it now." Everyone looked down and stayed silent. When we arrived we headed straight inside the building.
Once inside the building they take me to an office. I look at the name on the door and it said Bang PD-Nim on it. Namjoon Knocked and we heard a male say "Come in." We walked in and sat down. Me and Namjoon directly in front of him and the rest of the amazing men spread out.
"So Miss Richard and Namjoon......"
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