I woke up the next day to Namjoon not there. I just shrug and get up. I head to the bathroom and take a 20 minute shower. After I get out and dry myself and hair I head to our closet I open it and search for the outfit I want. I finally found one. I grab it and get dressed and do my hair.
My look:
I step out of our room and see Namjoon. I dont know why but Im still very tired and want his warmth back. So I walk over to him and sit on his lap. I then wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head down. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me. I close my eyes and Im almost asleep until Jin walks over and says "breakfast time." I open my eyes and find my favorite. Pancakes!!!! I start to eat and finish quickly. I then hold my plate up cutely and say "more please!!" While smiling and batting my lashes. He laughs and gives me two more. I eat those and then take my phone out to look at while Namjoon eats. Im drinking my milk and as I take a sip I see something causing me to choke on my milk. Namjoon jumps in shock at my sudden action but recovers quickly and pats my back. Everyone's looking at me and I show them my phone. Their eyes widen and they nod their heads. Its a youtube compilation of me and Namjoon together. I read the comments and I see their great and sweet. But then I keep scrolling and regret it.
Some of the comments:
She's so fat I mean look at her in that dress.
Shes only a college student. She doesnt deserve him.
Shes only using him for the money.
She's a nobody.
She's so flat.
Why did he choose her she's nothing.
She's so fucking ugly he could do better.
I dont ship them.
They should just break up already she's a dumbass foreigner.
He really shouldn't be with a gold digger.
I put my phone down and get up. I walk to our room locking it. I sit there so sad. How could people just judge me. I know it shouldnt effect me much because I've dealt with critics and things like this before. I hear a knock at the door and say "Go away." They knock again and I huff. I stomp to the door and open it. "Yes." I whisper. "Why did you leave the table?" Jungkook asks with Namjoon and Jin next to him. I walk out and pick up my phone. I opened it back up to the same comments. I give Jungkook my phone and he frowns.
He lets Namjoon see and he gets mad. "Destiny we're going out tonight. I'll cheer you up." I look to him and nod. He goes into the room and changes into an outfit that matches mine. He's in a plain black hoodie with black ripped jeans and black timberland's. I smile and hold his hand. I love it when couples match and Im pretty sure thats why he did it. Once we're in the car and we have 3 guards with us we head off. I dont know where we're going so I sit with anticipation. We park and I look out to see an amusement park with tons of roller coasters. I love roller coasters. I have a little fear of height but I can do a roller coaster I just can't do anything else.
I clap my hands and they all laugh at my child like reaction. The guards get out and then we do. People start staring and girls start fangirling. I hear a girl whisper to another girl "She's so ugly he can do better." I look down sad and Namjoon looks to them. "Your not a true ARMY if you dont except who I love. She's beautiful and your just jealous you cant be as beautiful as her." My eyes widen and they gasp. "Don't ever talk about my girlfriend badly ever again." With that he grabs my hand and we go. I smile knowing that I have him here right next to me. We get into the park and head straight to the nearest roller coaster.
After a fun day at the theme park we head out for dinner. We sit down and the waitress comes. She sees Namjoon and starts fangirling. Shes very young and pretty. She asks for a picture and he says yes. After the picture she looks to me with a smile. "Your very pretty and thank you for letting me take a picture with Namjoon." She says and bows. I smile "Of course! I would never not let anyone take a picture with Namjoon. Especially a fan who accepts me." She smiles at me and I smile back. "Your super nice you dont deserve the hate your getting from the toxic fans. Please dont let them get to you." "Of course I wont." I say and she nods before taking our order. A couple minutes after she brings our orders out and we dig in.
We head back to the dorm and Im exhausted. I walk to our room and Namjoon follows. We get into our room and change our clothes. After that we lay down he looks at me. "Did I cheer you up today?" He asks and I smile. "Yes, you did Joon bug. Thank you." He smiles and cuddles into me more. "Good. But, dont thank me. As your boyfriend its my job." I laugh and we lay there cuddling. Soon we both drift off to sleep.
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