Intro: Not all of us are familiar of how herbs can be a medical use. Read on to find out how these herbs could help save a life. (A-Z Order)
Alder Bark-This herb is used for tooth aches.
Blackberry Leaves-When you chew these into a pulp, it eases the swelling of bee stings.
Borage Leaves-This herb is usually chewed by nursing queens, because it produces more milk. It also eases fevers.
Burdock Root-When it is chewed into a pulp, it eases the pain of rat bites.
Burnet-This is a travelling herb. It keeps a cat's strength up.
Catmint-This herb is eaten to cure greencough or whitecough, two common sicknesses.
Calendine-Its juices are squeezed into the eye to soothe the effects of a damaged eyes.
Chamomile-This is eaten to strengthen the heart or soothe the mind, you can also put in travelling herbs to give a cat strength.
Chervil-Its juices are chewed out of the root or leaves. It is used for bellyache or infected wounds, but it can also be used in kitting.
Chickweed-This herb also treats greencough.
Cob Nuts-It is made into an ointment, although the reason being is still unknown.
Coltsfoot-Its leaves are chewed into a poultice and are used to ease breathing, and can also be used to treat cracked pads.
Comfrey Root-The roots are chewed into a poultice and can be used for a variety of things, including- repairing broken bones, soothing wounds, wrenched claws. Also used for itching, and for inflammation and stiff joints.
Daisy Leaf-It is chewed into a paste and used for aching joints. It is also used as a travelling herb.
Dandelion-The leaves are chewed to use as a painkiller, and the white paste in the stem soothes bee stings.
Dock-It soothes scratches and sore pads, though it can sting when applied.
Fennel-Its stalks are broken and the juice is squeezed into the mouth. Eases hip pain.
Feverfew-This is eaten to chill fever and to ease aches, mostly headaches.
Goldenrod-It is chewed into a poultice, good for healing wounds.
Heather Flower-It is mixed into herbal mixtures. Makes swallowing easier and sweetens herbal mixtures.
Horsetail-It is chewed into a poultice and applied to wounds. Used to stop infection.
Juniper Berries-The berries are chewed and eaten. Used to help bellyache, give strength, soothe troubles breathing, and helps calm cats down.
Lamb's Ear-This herb will give a cat strength.
Lavender-This herb can hide the scent of death. Used in vigils for leaders. Cures fever or chills.
Mallow Leaves-Mallow is eaten to soothe bellyache.
Marigold-The petals and leaves are chewed into a poultice, although the juice can be used as well. It stops infection and bleeding. Used for inflammation and stiff joints.
Mint-This is rubbed on a dead body to hide the scent of death.
Oak Leaf-When dried, it stops infection from setting in.
Parsley-This is eaten to stop a queen from producing milk. Also cures bellyache.
Poppy Seed-It is chewed on to put a cat to sleep, and ease shock or distress. It also eases pain and is not recommended for nursing queens.
Ragwort Leaf-They are crushed and chewed on. Can be mixed with juniper berries. Will keep a cat's strength up and help aching joints.
Ragweed-This herb gives cats extra strength and energy.
Raspberry Leaf-It is a painkiller. Stops bleeding and could possibly stop bleeding during a kitting.
Rosemary-This herb also hides the scent of death.
Rush-This is used for broken bones, because it will keeps a broken limb in place.
Snakeroot-It is applied to wounds and heals poison.
Sorrel-It is eaten as a travelling herb, meaning it most likely keeps a cat's strength up, or keeps them from getting hungry.
Stinging Nettle-They are either swallowed for a cat who has eaten poison, for it induces vomiting and swelling. It is chewed into a poultice to put on wounds, and if mixed with comfrey, it can help heal broken bones.
Tansy-It is eaten but only in small doses. Cures coughs and helps prevent greencough, soothes sore throats, and is used to cure wounds and poison.
Tormentil-It is chewed and then put on the wound. Its roots are good for all wounds and extracting poison.
Thyme-Its leaves are chewed on to called anxiety, nervousness, and cats who are in shock.
Watermint-Chewed into a pulp and then eaten. It eases suffering from a bellyache. Can also hide the scent of death.
Wild Garlic-You must roll in it. This herb prevents infection, especially from a rat bite.
Willow Bark-This helps ease pain.
Wintergreen-This treats wounds and some poisons.
Yarrow-Its leaves are chewed into a poultice and either eaten or spread on a wound. Yarrow extracts poison from wounds and will make a cat vomit up toxins, and ointment will help soften and heal cracked pads.
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