25 Facts Reaction
So I wrote these 25 facts close to four years ago, and I decided they needed to be updated a little bit. I put the original post in italics, and my new thoughts in normal text.
1. I'm Hannah (in case you somehow missed that)
Yes, true.
2. As of now, I'm approximately 14.68 years old. (Just guessing)
Right now I'm more like 18.23.
3. I have really soft blond hair and everyone's obsessed with touching it. I'm always asked what shampoo I use. (It's Tresseme, by the way.) But, my dad has very soft hair! It's genetic, I suppose. On the downside, my hair can't hold a curl for more than about twenty minutes. It doesn't ever look very nice because it's straight in the back but wavy in the front and I can't do anything about it. :P I also don't brush it in the mornings because it makes it all poofy and annoying.
My hair isn't as puffy as it used to be? Also, I've had a person tell me that my hair is frizzy because I use Tresseme. Um, you don't know my life. Don't be rude.
4. My eyeballs are kinda gray and blue. They seem to switch between those two colors very slightly every now and then.
I don't pay too much attention but my eyes are pretty alright.
5. I'm blind as a bat. Maybe even worse. I got glasses when I was eight, and over the summer I switched to contacts. Today, this girl started freaking out because she saw them in my eyes and she had no idea I wore them and she can't remember me ever wearing glasses. I had glasses since before I knew her, for crying out loud! Guess not many people are as detail oriented as I am.
Currently living month by month by walking into eye clinics and asking if they can sell me trial contact lenses.
6. I don't like watching TV very much. It seems like a waste of time....
Hannah? Hello?? Several television shows later, I realized I was missing out!
7. I love to play the piano. There's a weird kid in my piano class who just joined this semester, and when he saw me at track, he pointed at me and said, "Piano master." It's like they worship me in there, or something. Granted, I have been playing for a year longer than anyone else in there.
I still have a deep love for piano, but I can't find the motivation to play it these days.
8. I absolutely hate the color pink. I cannot concentrate when wearing it and it makes me very uncomfortable.
I don't really hate pink. I don't really like dark pink or hot pink very much, but I'm not triggered by pink anymore.
9. I like to draw. I can't do much.... I can draw eyes and lips (I draw lips very well :D) and occasionally a nose, but never can I make it all look good together. The struggle is real.
On a scale of 1 to 10, my drawing is probably a 7.5. I still have soooo much to improve on, but compared to the average person, I'm actually very good. Sorry.
10. I used to write songs with my "BFF" when I was ten until about age twelve. We made up the tune, and they weren't bad, actually. But there was so much drama with her. I eventually threw away most of the songs, but I wish I kept some of them because they would have made great poems.
11. People continuously try to tell me I look like Taylor Swift.
Interestingly, this hasn't happened since I was 14 years old. What's funny is I had a friend who actually does resemble Taylor Swift, and I actually got real jealous because that used to be my thing.
12. I have had braces for almost three years and I'm hoping to be rid of them soon.
I got my braces off when I was 15. I'm 18 now; braces are back. (Yes I wore my retainers. I am a responsible individual. I simply have a jacked up jaw and it was out of my control.)
13. I used to be weird. Like too weird. I can't even go into detail because it's so bad.
Rereading The Me Book made me have these same thoughts.
14. I like to run. Although, while I'm running, I always think, Why am I doing this to myself?!
I haven't run in a while, because it's hot and I tend to be very sleepy. I also don't know any good running spots in my current town.
15. Sometimes when I'm eating chocolate, I wonder why people think it tastes so good, because if you really think about it, chocolate tastes weird.
I will continue to stand by this statement.
16. Grammar is my weakness. I literally feel like punching walls when I see comma splices. My brother has been writing an essay for his college application, but he won't let me proofread it. Yesterday my dad was reading it and I heard him say, "You have too many run on sentences," and my brothers like, "No I don't," and Dad says, "Yeah, you've got lots of comma splices," and I yelled at him from my room.
I'm less bothered by these things, but sometimes it's painful.
17. I love pasta and rice. I don't care if it has sauce or not. It tastes AMAZING either way. I actually really like noodles plain. I once poured boiling water on my hand in an attempt to eat some, but that's another story.
Pasta and rice are WHERE IT'S AT.
18. I live in the land without rain or snow. It's called California and it SUCKS. It rains maybe 3-7 times per year. And during the summer I'll be outside with the tennis team playing tennis even though it's 110 degrees. (No joke, Bob.)
I played tennis for only one year because I was not being treated fairly. Plus, I just wanted to run. I also don't live in California anymore. Thank goodness, considering the hot topic as of lately is the dangers of straws.
19. I would be crushing on boys, but my selection here is awful. Like boys in my town are so disgusting and whenever I go to the next town over (we need to do lots of shopping down there because my town doesn't have too many places to go) I see boys who are so good looking and I'm like -.- Why aren't there any of you over here?!
As I get older, people who were never attractive to me have become attractive.
20. I began writing when I was four or five. I wrote stupid stuff about princesses. I started writing my first official book when I was 12, and now I find it creepy that over two years have passed.
What about now?? Six years have passed and you haven't finished that book, Hannah.
21. I have an odd taste in music. I listen to selective songs from many genres, but there's not one particular type of music I like.
Yeah, nothing's changed.
22. I like cashews. They're pretty good :D And very addicting. (That was random; I haven't eaten cashews in months.)
I'm not sure if I've even eaten a cashew since I made that post.
23. Listen, you don't put nuts or coconut in brownies or cookies. See, I love macadamia nut cookies...without the macadamia nuts. It isn't becoming to have a creepy crunch in your desert food.
I still agree. I prefer no surprises in my desserts.
24. Water is the best thing ever, and peaches are kind of disgusting.
Peaches are good??
25. I like talking to people during class, but a lot of times I like to be alone.
Still relate.
Anyway, that was fun. I haven't been writing much because I've been going through a tough time...for a couple of years. I'm still working on trying to be productive everyday, but I have every intention to finish my stories one day. ♡
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